My advice Feste, stay right where you are in corn-fed, whitebread conservative 
America, that way you won't have to share your space or stand in line with and 
behind those stinkin' immigrants. Racism is alive and well in the heartland!

When you hear them start screaming "racist" you know they are intellectually 
bankrupt and that you have rendered them apoplectic. Such is the sign of a 
slack-jawed incompetent - in this case one who shills for marxist goons.

The only real question is ... "When is she letting them squat on her land?".

 Europe: Don’t let your feminists grow up to be politicians
 By Judi McLeod -- Bio and Archives  January 10, 
The feminist activist cry of ‘Take Back the Night’, raised in protests in North 
American cities has been walked all the way backwards to ‘Do Not Go Out Alone 
at NIght’ as migrant rape fears fan out across Europe. “Migrant rape fears 
spread across Europe: Women told not to go out at night alone after assaults 
carried out in Sweden, Finland, Germany, and Switzerland amid warnings gangs 
are co- Austria ordinating attacks.” (DailyMail,
 Jan., 2016)

  “Following criticism of the police’s handling of the violent clashes in 
Cologne, the police chief of Cologne has been relieved of his duties today.
 “Police chief Wolfgang Albers, 60, was informed by the state interior minister 
Ralf Jaeger that he would be given early retirement, a source told Reuters.”
 It’s not likely that Albers had anything to do with the epic influx of 
migrants into Germany where Chancellor Angela Merkel welcomes them with open 
arms, and has launched a passionate defence of her dangerous migrant open door 

 Facing plunging poll numbers and rising violence that police identify as 
“co-ordinated” and mostly coming from “organised Arab or North African gangs”, 
the German Chancellor now promises to reduce the numbers of migrants coming 
into Germany, and has the gall to lecture the masses that if migrants were not 
cut back in numbers the country would eventually be ‘overwhelmed’. Talk about 
politicians stating the obvious!

 From the ‘True Life is Stranger than Fiction Department:

 Mayor Henriette Reker, known for 
her pro-immigration stance for being the victim of an assault in 2015—elected 
one day after the attack—as the first female mayor in Cologne’s history after 
gaining 52.66% of the votes,  offered this advice to German women under danger 
of being raped and sexually harassed:

 ...So, when a reporter recently asked the mayor how women could protect 
themselves in the future, Henriette Reker proposed a kind of code of conduct 
for women “so that such things do not happen to them.” (The Atlantic,
 Jan7, 2016)

 “There’s always the possibility of keeping a certain distance of more than an 
arm’s length—that is to say to make sure yourself you don’t look to be too 
close to people who are not known to you, and to whom you don’t have a trusting 
relationship,” she said Tuesday.

 “Reker’s suggestion that women could avoid being sexually harassed (or raped, 
as two women reported they were on New Year’s Eve) by keeping potential 
assailants at “arm’s length” drew immediate backlash. On Twitter, the 
outrage—much of it alternating between shock and sarcasm—amassed under 
#einarmlaenge, or “an arm’s length” in German.”

 This code of conduct should be immediately forced on politicians like Merkel 
and Reker: Quit with the phony rhetoric and put real action into the protection 
of the citizens you were elected to protect.

 Nor are Germany’s weak and wobbly women leaders the only examples of zero 
leadership in migrant beleaguered Europe, where it is now the fault of the 
citizens that they are being attacked.

 “Norway is offering asylum seekers courses in how to interpret morals in a 
country that may seem astonishingly liberal to them. 

 Jan. 8, 2016)

 “It is hoped the course will help prevent violence against women. 
 “Questions are also being raised about how to integrate men from patriarchal 
societies into Europe, where women dress skimpily, drink alcohol and party.”
 How about not integrating men from “patriarchal societies” into Europe, where 
women dress skimpily, drink alcohol and party in the first place?

 These weak and ultra politically correct leaders seem to rate women dressing 
skimpily, drinking alcohol and partying in the same category as sexual 
harassment and rape by those men from “patriarchal societies”.
 ‘Our aim is to help asylum seekers avoid mistakes as they discover Norwegian 
culture,’ explained Linda Hagen of Hero, a private company that runs 40 percent 
of Norway’s reception centres for asylum seekers. (DailyMail)
 ‘There’s no single cultural code to say what is good or bad behaviour because 
we want a free society,’ she said.

 ‘There has to be tolerance for attitudes that may be seen as immoral by some 
traditional or religious norms.’ 


 ‘The proper reaction is for us all to work together to fight problems like 
this,’ Ms Frauenberger said.

 “The country’s Interior Ministry Johanna Mikl-Leitner also waded into the 
debate saying: ‘The police will make sure that they tackle every sex assault 
case with zero tolerance. We women will not allow ourselves to see our freedom 
to go where we want when we want reduced by even a millimeter’.”
 Your freedom, or what was left of it has already flown out the window, Ms. 
Mikl-Leitner,  and talking about not wanting it reduced “by even a millimeter’ 
won’t bring it back.

 Meanwhile, the barriers of human decency seem to have been knocked down in 
EU-controlled Europe, where leaders have allowed politically correct mores to 
let a genie out of the bottle that can never be forced back without the sudden 
return of moral courage.
 Copyright © Canada Free Press

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