Ohhhh, I thought he was a TM'er who expanded into other "lineages," or 
something like that.  I will try to pay more attention (smile). 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <awoelflebater@...> wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <emily.mae50@...> wrote :

 Ann, ignore him, he's just a "meany."  I think he took serious offense at the 
nickname Emptypants—who knows why?  I could take a guess; his ego (I mean 
manhood) has been challenged and he just can't past it.  What I find very, very 
amusing is how angry and fearful, Empty, as a meditator is.  It seems certainly 
true that one cannot lump "meditators" into a single category or assume that a 
TM practice assures one any short cuts in evolution as a soul or a human being. 

 Oh my dear Emily, I don't think The Pants would care to associate himself with 
TM. He was made for bigger meditations. You see, he knows it all. And I mean 
every last bit of it. For a bubble headed bleached blond I can at least 
recognize this. But yes, he seems to have failed somewhere along the way. 
Perhaps the hair shirts weren't hairy enough or the whips quite lashy enough, 
the bed of nails too dull. Maybe next time around he'll get it right. I'm not 
sure how much time he has left in this body of his but he better hurry up or 
he's going to miss the boat completely this time around. I do believe he has a 
dislike of the fairer sex (if I am allowed to mention 'sex' and 'Pants' in the 
same sentence, which I think is unlikely). 

 I do appreciate your concern. We smart women need to stick together. I know 
you have my back and I thank you for it. You're a great ally.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <emptybill@...> wrote :

 Now that's my idea of personal hell. LOL, you'd have to tie me down and 
tranquilize me.

 You are personally unqualified even to contemplate this kind of practice. In 
fact, you are unqualified to enter into any form of contemplative or meditative 
practice. No wonder you ended up following a complete fraud for a teacher.

 Go ride your horse. Go act important. You have no clue.



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