---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <no_re...@yahoogroups.com> wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <olliesedwuz@...> wrote :

 What you mention about someone with anger issues mucking up the whole 
meditating community, is an odd effect from a technique that has so much to 
offer. We all know the background of Maharishi not seeing a need for an 
integration of the study of psychology with the benefits of TM, but this 
appears to now have resulted in a serious problem wrt the movement's ongoing 

 I guess the real question is: Why doesn't TM - if it has so much to offer - 
not clear up people's anger problems?

 I guess I'm the naive one or maybe it was so long ago that I was involved in 
TM and being around a bunch of meditators that I don't remember feeling this; 
but I don't think I ever believed it could solve all the personality quirks and 
hangups of people. Certainly in my experience people were just people at MIU 
and I didn't look at any of them with stars in my eyes or did I think they 
should be exhibiting perfect behavior. I think I probably thought some of the 
higher level teachers might show me something other than the usual human 
foibles in case they were close to enlightenment or something but there wasn't 
a soul at MIU, either faculty, student or administrator who I expected to be 
operating under some laws of perfection. I guess I missed the boat on that one 
or had too much common sense flowing through my veins. See, this is why I never 
was drawn to MMY per se or felt the need to remain in the Movement or become a 
teacher. I just figured if the technique could help me physiologically and 
possibly open up new worlds of consciousness to me then great. Otherwise, it 
was all just so much crystal, rudraksha beads and cashmere from The Crest Jewel.

 It's hardly a rare thing, my overriding memories of working in the TMO was of 
highly stressed, angry and generally dysfunctional people. Not all of them by 
any means, but enough to make a casual observer wonder what was going on. And 
what seemed to be going on was that these people thought they were doing fine 
because they were On The Program and thus their thoughts were in perfect accord 
with Natural Law. Therefore any problems are with other people.

 Did most people you worked with really think they were in accord with natural 
law?! So, they thought they were enlightened or something? Or did they just 
think because they meditated they were suddenly part of some elite club of do 

 The sooner you all get out of the idea that meditation - of any sort - makes 
your thoughts special in some way the sooner it will start working like a 
proper organisation with people holding themselves responsible for their 
actions rather than everyone trying to rationalise why the leaders are hopeless 
when Marshy - in his infinite wisdom - chose them for us.

 To somehow believe that in the absence of any instruction except, "take it 
easy, take it as it comes", and the diligent practice of TM, that everything 
will magically sort itself out mentally, emotionally, physically, socially, and 
financially, is pretty naive. Add to that the inevitable "cart before the 
horse" attitude wrt behavior in spiritual environments (faux emulation of 
"enlightened" living), and you end up with a bunch of emotional powder kegs in 
the community. Light is essential for seeing the world, but it is the shadows 
that give everything its reality. Has anyone spoken to this angry person in a 
clear and direct fashion, about this problem, or is that not possible? 






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