Dear Friends, to help facilitate scholarly research I have recently sent the 
accompanying memo around to groups of scholars and journalists who study 
communal groups like our meditating community in Fairfield, Iowa.
 This is meant to be of help for folks looking in on our meditating community 
in Fairfield, Iowa from the outside. As a two-for tool this also can be helpful 
towards bringing our own local community up on more current processes that are 
evolving in the Fairfield, Iowa meditating community. 
 January 1, 2016
 To facilitate scholarly research I have collated some material that communal 
studies historians and social scientists might
 enjoy looking through. There is an old Yahoo-groups forum [ FairfieldLife ] 
 to the meditating community in Fairfield, Iowa.
 The forum is fifteen years old
 and is an amazing archive of notes on communal meditating Fairfield, Iowa.
 There is treasure of material, some from eye-witnesses who 'were there' spread
 throughout the archive. Over the years I have kept an index that I 
periodically update.
 On January 1, this year (2016) I updated some of the indexing and brought up 
to date with some
 more current threads about the meditating community in Fairfield.
 Collating this material to January 1st as a date makes it much easier to find 
and research with only a few clicks.
 To navigate on the FairfieldLife main page scroll down towards its bottom to a 
calendar matrix where you can easily click on to 2016 and the month of January. 
That takes you directly to Jan 1 of 2016. You can then scroll down and find the 
indexing that is posted there and other relevant communal studies threads 
within the January 1st posts. 
 It Seems easier to operate on a laptop vs smart phone screen. Some browsers 
and their settings may choke at the yahoo interface. Switching browsers may 
help. You will get the hang of it once you get going. The FairfieldLife at 
yahoo-groups main page is home at:
 Social scientists might like the more current summary posts on communal mental 
health in the Fairfield meditating community and the posts on recent 
demographic trends.  Some of these subjects are currently touchy hot for 
various reasons.   I put some of these subjects together in this post:
 423699Year-end, 2015 Post-Founder TM, an Index
 A much longer FFL subject index is posted 
 to be found there on Jan 1 at:
 423593Re: An Old Index to FFL
 Once there, at the bottom of that page click on 'previous posts' in the thread 
to expand the index.
 Within these January 1 posts rolling further in to the month of January are 
some posts are some that historians of Quakers and others as spiritual 
community might like, for instance.
 423590Re: Spirituality
 423568Re: Morphology of Spiritual Communities, Morbidity and the Baby-Boom
 Happy hunting!
 These are just the tip of an iceberg in communal studies.
 Warm Regards from Fairfield, Iowa,
 -Doug Hamilton

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