I would think you would be a Bernie supporter than an establishment machine politics candidate in the pocked of Wall Street.

On 02/06/2016 01:22 PM, raunchy...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] wrote:

"From being called a "worthless bitch" who "needs a shock collar" and "seems castrating," it's hard to overstate how much sexist bullshit Hillary Clinton <https://www.facebook.com/hillaryclinton/> has had to put up with in the media." Will it ever end? Now the right wants her to disclose the content of all her speeches. Stay tuned for another 11 hour Congressional "Speechgate" hearing, while media smear professionals paw through another 50K pages of speeches, stick her head on a pike, and dance to, "Ding dong the Witch is Dead" ...Yep, that ought to do it...once and for all we'll know the truth about the most qualified human being to ever run for the presidency.


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