My take from Cheney was that they would be larger scale events.  At any rate, 
at least a couple of the incidents you cite below were from US citizens, 
sympathetic to the ISIS cause.  I'm not sure that really counts, and that 
certainly wasn't the type of event to which he was referring. 

 I am sure you are right that when the US withdrew troops, the country became 
unstable.  What was the alternative?  Probably keeping troops stationed there 
for decades with continuing casualties, and trillions of dollars.

 But yes, we probably could have kept the peace there under those circumstances.

 And again, as I've mentioned before, it was George Bush I, and Norman 
Schwarzkopf who would not enter and occupy Baghdad because they knew it would 
cause chaos beyond anyones control, which is exactly what happened when George 
Bush II with the prodding of Dick Cheney decided to take that same ill advised 

---In, <mdixon.6569@...> wrote :

 Steve, I'm not sure which news you've been watching but there have been 
numerous attacks on the homeland since Obama has been elected. Not 9/11 caliber 
but several smaller, lone wolf attacks. Fort Hood, two or three army recruiting 
centers, Boston marathon, the recent one in California, the one in Dallas a few 
months ago, cops shot in their patrol cars by jihadis, not to mention the 
attack on American diplomatic missions in Libya. The FBI claims there have been 
numerous plots busted up.
 Of course the very largest terrorist attacks have been foreign, mainly in Iraq 
by the JV team, ISIS. ISIS was the natural outcome of leaving Iraq too soon and 
losing the good will of Iraqi Sunnis to work with the Iraqi Shia and the rest 
is history.

 From: "steve.sundur@... [FairfieldLife]" <>
 Sent: Saturday, February 6, 2016 1:25 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Did Hillary Clinton Make a Strategic Mistake?
   I mean, just to follow up a bit.  I remember when Obama was elected and Dick 
Cheney was predicting all sorts of terrorist events occurring in the US.  It 
didn't happen, but he was, as if, wishing for it.

---In, <steve.sundur@...> wrote :

 Mike, thanks for your reply.  Really, it's hard to disagree with many of your 

 Let me throw this out.  Reagan, for example, was extremely duplicitous with 
the Iran Contra scandal. He survived, we survived.  No real damage to our 
national security, aside from some embarrassment. It seems there is some level 
of scandal associated with every administration.

 So, yes, she is being duplicitous with this e-mail deal.  But do ya think 
there is an attempt to make it into a bigger deal than it deserves?  Do ya 
think?  Was our national security actually compromised? The Benghazi deal.  Is 
there not some lapse in judgement from every politician we have ever had?  Of 
course there has been, and will be.  

 It weakens the democracy to exploit these events beyond the attention they 
deserve.  Of course there will always be disagreement as to what that right 
degree of attention is.  I get that, and anticipate your response in this 

 For me, the bottom line is to find the best candidate from the lot.  I am 
disturbed by the harsh rhetoric coming from the Republican side.  Perhaps the 
appeal will broaden beyond the base, once the selection emerges.  I think 
that's how it works.
---In, <mdixon.6569@...> wrote :

 Steve, career  politicians are the reason the country is in a mess right now. 
They right the tax codes and all of the laws. They put in all the loop holes 
and know where they are and how to take advantage of them. They tell their 
constituents one thing and their donors  another. There is a public persona and 
then the wheeler dealer persona.  But then I'm sure you already know this.
 With Hillary, there is always no there there. *It's all a conspiracy against 
me*, with she and Bill being the most conspired against couple in history. 
Watch what happens with the FBI investigation. She keeps saying that nothing 
she did was illegal and stuff was reclassified *after* she got it.  Yet  she 
informed people to cut and paste stuff so that it could be sent to her 
server.The FBI agents can't even read some of the stuff on her server, it's so 
sensitive. The evidence can't even be made public , it' so secret. The Pentagon 
gets hacked hundreds of thousand times a day. You don't think she, as Secretary 
of State, wouldn't be targeted?

 She is a liar, out to feather her own nest and as the *champion* of the people 
while being paid off by her donors.

 From: "steve.sundur@... [FairfieldLife]" <>
 Sent: Friday, February 5, 2016 7:10 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Did Hillary Clinton Make a Strategic Mistake?

   I haven't been following the Dems campaign too closely, the other one being 
so entertaining, but I like what I see in Hillary.  When Anderson Cooper 
pressed her on the $675,000 the other night, I thought she handled it pretty 
well, essentially saying, "hey, that's what they were willing to pay me, so I 
accepted it"

 Yes, it may give the appearance of greed, but her out is, "it will not 
influence my actions, or how I will legislate".

 You can accept that, or not, but that is her "out".

 I see no other candidate who has any sort of nuanced approach to the issues, 
and she comes across as a dynamic speaker in the venues where I listened to her 
speak.  Not to mention she seems to have a decent sense of humor.  Perhaps a 
most important quality, in my book.

 On the other hand, I haven't been following BS too much.  I do not agree with 
many of his positions.

---In, <jr_esq@...> wrote :

 By accepting $675,000 for two speeches?  What do you think?

 Hillary Clinton, blind to her own greed, makes another blunder
 Hillary Clinton, blind to her own greed, makes another b...
 Hillary's sense of entitlement blinds her

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