Empty writes: ..since no "awakening" can be transmitted except ignorance. So no darshan, in Empty's book at least.
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <awoelfleba...@yahoo.com> wrote : ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <emptybill@...> wrote : Listened to part of a talk by Aziz but I could only take a few minutes before realizing it was a waste. It all sounded very much like chop suey buddhism mixed with neo-yogic advaita. This is what we should expect from someone studying with the standard neo-gurus - Papaji, Ramesh Balsekar, U.G. Krishnamurti and Ranjit Maharaj. I was initially clued in by his use of the term "evolution" that he was a neo. Later, "transmission of awakening" sealed the view since no "awakening" can be transmitted except ignorance. When then mixing it all up with buddhist "litemint" obsession, what shines forth is confusion. I found numerous inaccurate observations and completely wrong assessments of Dzogchen - both the basic Dzogchen understanding and the various elements of practice. This is one reason why the teachings of and quest for "Litemint" is such a scam here in the West. Mr. "no beginning" (an-aDi) should have stayed in Poland, his real "beginning." OK, phew. I was afraid I was missing something by not "following" anybody over in this Hemisphere. I can now, happily, return to just looking after my animals and vacuuming the house without fear that enlightenment is waiting for me/calling my name down at my local ashram with Guru Bore Dum Sidhi.