On 03/06/2016 02:21 PM, emptyb...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Tell me Pants, have you ever seen "The Handmaid's Tale" or read the book?

Started watching it but then turned it off when I realized it was
based upon populist hollywood characterizations rather than real people, people who might be complex - even messy. Those are people I already knew - some of whom I really didn't like and a few I actually dispised.

Poor pants never must enjoy any fiction. Prolly only watches documentaries. Might have learned something if he watched it.

So that means I have seen it and I have also seen "bhu-mandala".

And you've been to which lokas? Or are you just a fraud spouting Vedic astronomy to try to impress everyone?

BTW, you won't admit that you ain't got bhu. That makes you just another stinkun, lying commie.

Don't care.
Line on air.
Must be line on cement for you,
Fascist pig. :-D

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