
 Antalya, Turkey, overlooking the Mediterranean Sea, looks like an ideal place 
for a meditation assembly.  After the assembly, one can visit historical 
places, like Greece and other parts of Europe.  The lodging price is excellent 
when compared to the tourist prices around the world.


---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 Room and Board?  20 USDollars a day?  Some of the spiritual old TM pensioners 
on this list could afford that.  Particularly the experienced ones who could be 
there with the group instead of just being holed up by themselves in far away 
places like Texas or California, lend their company to the energetic synergy of 
the group.    

 Join the Antalya Assembly this spring for 19 EUR per day 


---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 The Word Peace Assembly is strategically located in Turkey, which is located 
between Syria, Iraq, Iran, Bulgaria, Greece, Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan, 
and has historically served as a bridge between Europe and Asia. It is key to 
creating peace in the Middle East.


 Look at the map location:
 Peace creating project in the Middle East 
 Peace creating project in the Middle East The aim of the Middle East Peace 
Initiative is to establish a large group practicing Maharishis' Peace creating 
technologies in Turkey, to support pea...
 View on www.middleeastpeace... 
 Preview by Yahoo 


---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :


 This is a whole another level of activism (order of magnitude) from some 
anti-war protesting like shouting “Hell no We won’t Go! and burning draft cards 
that we may have done back in the 60’s.  This is modern social direct action, 
going up towards the front lines and meditating.  Look at the map on the site.  
Bravo, these European meditationists!

 In the grace of large nature, spirituality by experience and science are with 
them.  This is high-minded.   


---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 I have to regard these peace activists, look around this site of theirs and 
explore the links. They are part of a long and very old high tradition of 
antinomianism, very much our kind of people as transcendental meditationists 
here in Fairfield. 

  I am going to push the donate button and send them some money.  

 Peace creating project in the Middle East 
 Peace creating project in the Middle East The aim of the Middle East Peace 
Initiative is to establish a large group practicing Maharishis' Peace creating 
technologies in Turkey, to support pea...
 View on www.middleeastpeace... 
 Preview by Yahoo 

---In, <mikemail4you@...> wrote :

 Special opportunity: Join the Antalya Assembly this spring for 19 EUR per day 
Creating Peace in the Middle East: Global Assembly in Antalya, Turkey, 

               from January 30 - April 30, 2016.




                   Jai Guru Dev
 Yahoo Mail Stationery 

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