Millions of books sold? I suppose millions of people like to feel shivers in 
order to further develop a zombie-like consciousness?

 I saw this recently on a forum and thought it shows well what the mind can 
come up with to make millions think ‘prophecy’ or 'spiritual science'. It seems 
that people will believe anything if it sounds cleverly super-normal.

 "And just to show how it is easy to make conjectures and "coincidences" about 
famous people, I have randomly selected Jack Nicklaus the golfer to (hopefully 
humorously) demonstrate why he could easily be made out to be an "end times 
 1 - Jack is derived from 'Jacob', meaning supplanter. Jack Nicklaus is going 
to supplant the truth with his diabolical web of deception, and supplant the 
kings of the earth with his throne.
 2 - Nicklaus sounds similar to 'Nicolaitan'. This proves Jack Nicklaus holds 
to that doctrine.
 3 - Jack Nicklaus is from Columbus, Ohio, which is named after the explorer 
who established a new world. This is a metaphor for the one world government 
Jack Nicklaus will establish.
 4 - There are 12 letters in 'Jack Nicklaus' which shows he will exert power 
over the twelve tribes of Israel.
 5 - Jack Nicklaus won 18 majors, which is 6 + 6 + 6. I just got chills.
 6 - To 'nick' in English slang, is to steal, and also to arrest someone, 
showing the crafty and criminal nature of Jack Nicklaus.
 7 - Jack Nicklaus always wore yellow on a championship Sunday. This was a 
reference to the gold head of the statue in Nebuchadnezzar's vision.
 8 - He was born in Upper Arlington, Ohio, which shares the name with a famous 
cemetery, showing he is the bringer of death.
 9 - His famous book was called 'Golf My Way' showing he walked in his own way, 
and not a spiritual path.
 10 - He was famous for playing Golf, which shares a name with a car made by 
Volkswagen, who came to the fore in Nazi Germany.
 Does anyone still doubt Jack Nicklaus is not all he seems?" 


 Rabbi Jonathan Cahn -" Apocalypse & the End Times 2016"
 Rabbi Jonathan Cahn -" Apocalypse & the End Tim... God Bless You!

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