This article says that mindfulness is "squarely based on Buddhism".  Nonsense!  
It has Buddhist roots but in no way is it religious, and for that reason is 
acceptable to researchers enclaves of academic liberalism such as the East and 
West Coast (Boston, Bay Area, etc).
 TM otoh, (if one includes the Puja), might easily disqualify it as a serious 
stress-busting technique, since the bleeding-heart liberals of the Stanford 
area could easily point to the words, "Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva....".
 In the academic arenas, in the contest between mindfulness and TM, I predict 
that mindfulness will be the clear winner.  No Ivory-Tower scholar in Boston or 
at Stanford would risk his career on being aligned in any way with a technique 
that requires mention of "Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva...."
 And for the record, I'm a TM practitioner.


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