
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <dhamiltony...@yahoo.com> wrote :

 # TSR Survey 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <dhamiltony...@yahoo.com> wrote :

 Yes, this larger survey is interesting base-line data on the larger meditating 
community in Fairfield from back when the meditating community and the Dome 
numbers were more around their peak as the long decline (attrition) was then 
ensuing. You can see the seeds and the consequent beginning of the cultivated 
socioeconomic exclusivity sprouting then and the administrative separation of 
meditators from membership in the group meditation over visiting saints and 
spiritual people that had started in the late 1980's and through the 1990's to 
 Since the larger sample community survey of the early 1990's there have only 
been small sample surveys of sub-groups. In a way the recent book on Fairfield 
[How a New Age Movement Remade a Small Town in Iowa] by the journalist, Joseph 
Weber is a survey by extensive interviewing of the Fairfield meditating 
community that is current. A few years ago when there was such strife in the 
sustainable living students an interview survey was hired and conducted of the 
university SL students about their experience at the university. The results 
were presented to the administration and then defended against by the 
President. That survey and more recent surveying has been useful more recently 
in guiding some policy changes around the university and MSAE student life 
 While the progressive side of the TM movement has been methodically tracking 
metrics and hiring marketing surveying related to the teaching of meditation, 
there have not been broad surveying of the meditating community of the scale of 
the 1994 survey. That could proly be too frightening for some of the key 
patriarchs of old administration on watch of the movement to see. 
 The closest thing to that kind of surveying would be a larger ongoing survey 
of collected first-person cases by a sub-committee of the Fairfield Mental 
Health Alliance compiling cases where people have felt their well-being was 
effected by their experience with the culture of the movement. There is a range 
and distribution to those collected cases which have clearly indicated areas 
for policy changes that could improve elements of culture and consequences in 
aspects of the movement. Elements of the movement are moving on some of this 
while some ideologues try to hold a dogmatic line against it. Having 
'data-points' has been extremely helpful towards seeing policy. There is a lot 
in process going on and things are also fluid.  -JaiGuruYou                   

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <awoelfleba...@yahoo.com> wrote :

 This is interesting but 20 years old. Is there anything more recent to compare 
this to? 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 The Community Forum
 Community-wide Survey Results 
 (also saved as documents in the FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups files section.)
 Dear Meditator,
 In late spring (1994), the Community Forum sponsored a community-wide survey 
to sample opinion on a wide range of issues that affect our lives. Based on a 
compiled list of Fairfield-area meditators, we sent out approximately 2,000 
surveys. We received 659 completed surveys, for a response rate of about 33%. 
(The response rate may even be higher; since we used bulk mail, we do not know 
the exact number of surveys delivered.) In the field of written surveys, a 
response rate of 33% is considered outstanding. 
 Survey respondents come from a cross-section of our community: 84% have been 
meditating for 16 years or longer; 68% have lived in Fairfield for seven years 
or more; and 68% are registered for Super Radiance. Although not every 
meditator filled out a survey, we believe the results provide significant 
insights into how meditators feel about important issues and about our lives in 
 Survey Data
 This document provides the raw data for all questions except for the essays. 
For the essays, this document lists the more common suggestions and comments.
 Looking at the data, one can identify responses of general consensus and also 
responses reflecting widely diverse opinions. Where there is a clear need and 
desire in a particular area of concern, the Community Forum will hold open 
meetings so that interested people can come together, discuss options, and 
explore possible solutions. 
 The survey data can also be evaluated from a variety of different perspectives 
(e.g., age, gender, income, Movement status, etc.). We encourage anyone with 
statistical analytical skills to help us analyze the survey results more 
 Thank You!
 We would like to thank everyone who participated in the survey! We would also 
like to thank those who wrote to us with comments and suggestions about the 

 THE COMMUNITY FORUM, P.O. Box 1633, Fairfield, IA 52556 • 515-472-8132 (0ld)

 Summary of responses to..

 Of the 659 people who completed a survey, 548 wrote answers to the essay 
questions. Many people wrote multiple pages of comments and suggestions; one 
individual sent in 12 typed pages. We are committed to making available an 
unedited compilation of all essay responses, and we need volunteers to help us 
complete this project. Please call 472-7033 if you can help.
 Because we do not yet have an unedited compilation of the essay questions, 
volunteers read the surveys and categorized all answers. From these categories, 
they identified comments more commonly given. (Therefore, not every comment is 
listed here.) We have provided these comments in this section. 
 The summary to the essay questions necessarily involved a subjective 
evaluation. While the comments in this summary were commonly mentioned, it is 
difficult to determine whether they reflect a majority opinion or even a 
significant minority. They simply reflect the more common essay responses as 
interpreted by the volunteers who read them.

 25. My comments and recommendations regarding economic issues in Fairfield are:
 • Concern about limited job opportunities.
 • Need for affordable housing.
 • Products and programs too expensive.
 • Fairfield residents should get discounts on all products and programs.
 • Monies generated in this community should stay here.
 • Concern about prevalence of poverty consciousness.

 37. My comments and recommendations regarding social and family concerns are:
 • Need for more ethical conduct (most often mentioned were adultery and 
 • Strengthening family life (most often mentioned were neglect of children, 
weak parenting skills, and lack of recognition of the value of counseling).
 • Resentment of classism, elitism.
 • Need for less arrogance toward local residents.
 • Complaints about fatigue; no time for social activities, feeling of lack of 
balanced life, etc.

 47. To make Fairfield a more attractive place to raise a family, I would like:
 • More parental involvement in after-school activities, dances, teenage clubs, 
 • Fairfield is a wonderful place to raise children. Desire for more 
interaction between MSAE, MIU, and public schools. Desire for ice-skating rink, 
bike paths, etc.
 • MSAE: less emphasis on Sanskrit; more on Western traditional academics. Need 
for more openness and creativity; need to deal with drugs, alcohol, and sex 
 • Better pay for teachers.
 • Movement should subsidize poorer parents so all kids can attend MSAE.

 59&75. My comments and recommendations regarding TM or TM-Sidhi programs and 
to improve 
 superradiance are:
 • Treat participants with trust and respect.
 • Need experience meetings regularly.
 • It’s perfect just the way it is. Just keep on the program.
 • Movement recommending programs for evolution, such as Jyotish, Ayurveda 
products, yagyas, etc., then pricing them out of reach of the average 
 • More flexibility to come in and out of Domes, especially for parents.
 • Freedom from blacklisting for participating in personal growth programs.
 • Ease the dress codes, especially in the Domes.
 • Do away with reserved spaces in the Dome.
 • Too many sales pitches and hype on courses.
 • Bathroom access, especially in men’s Dome.


 107. My comments and recommendations to improve TM Movement relations are:
 • Need for more openness:
 • Foster non-judgmental attitudes.
 • Administration should exemplify in its actions what the Movement preaches.
 • Eliminate elitism and exclusivity.
 • People in authority alienate and sometimes offend with arrogance and lack of 
 • Eliminate secrecy and fear.
 • Administrative 
 • Hire administrators with real-world experience.
 • Need for fiscal accountability.
 • Hold administrators accountable (some suggested elections)
 • Dissatisfaction with Bevan Morris.
 • Run the Movement with contemporary American business standards and practices.
 • Fairfield community deserves to be rewarded with discounts across the board 
on all Movement courses, products, and services.
 • Reduce Movement hyperbole.
 • Get out of the hotel business and make Fairfield the focal point.
 • More and direct contact between Maharishi and the Fairfield meditating 
 • A concern that the Movement is dying.

 108. My major concerns, in order of priority, are:
 • Money: price of Movement products and services, economic opportunities, and 
affordable housing.
 • Attitude: need for tolerance, love, openness, fairness, harmony, respect, 
togetherness, and freedom from fear.
 • Movement Administration
 • Dissatisfaction with quality of contact with the Movement. Get back to 
basics as when the Movement had more heart and everyone was welcome; stop 
blacklisting. Too much emphasis on money. 
 • Improve physical plant: Domes and campus.
 • A sense that the techniques, services, and products are promoted for our 
evolution and then priced exploitively.
 • MIU needs to offer stronger academic programs and rely less on dogma and 
Indian culture and mores.
 • Questions about the current direction of the Movement and fears for its 
viability: Is it living up to its promises? Is it a cult? Is TM a belief system 
or a technique?
 • Positive thinking is the glue to hold the community together.
 • Community should be more self-sufficient, less dependent on the Movement.
 • Need for accountability of funds; resentment of money going to North 
Carolina, India, MAPI moving to Colorado Springs, etc.

 112. My comments regarding this survey are:
 • "Thanks." Lots and lots of thanks.
 • Felt good that “someone listened to us.”
 • Deep appreciation; well done.
 • Wish us luck.
 • Maharishi should see this - at any cost.
 • Finally! Someone cares.
 • Some questions were slanted but generally objective.
 • A few typical quotes that were exemplary of many answers:
 • “I feel pessimistic about my input making a difference and what a lot of 
work for someone to read this, but I appreciate the caring that prompts it.”
 • “Why didn’t we think of this before?”

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 As a [20 year] baseline, these communal survey files are docs to be found in 
the FFL 'files' section including a report of summary of written responses in 
the survey..  you have to become a member of FFL to open the files section of 
FFL at yahoo-groups. -JaiGuruYou  


 Section 1: General Information



 1. Age:
 < 25 13 2%
 25-35 65 10%
 36-45 391 60%
 46-55 138 21%
 > 55 47 7%
 2. Gender:
 Male 320 50%
 Female 322 50%
 3. I have lived in Fairfield:
 < 1 year 19 3%
 1-3 years 82 13% 
 4-6 years 106 16%
 7-10 years 172 26%
 >10 years 271 42%



 4. I plan to live in
 Fairfield for the foreseeable future:
 Yes 476 75% 
 No 33 5% 
 Unsure 128 20%




 5. Household
 Income (with spouse if any):
 Under $5,000 68 11%
 $5,000-10,000 65 10%
 $10,001-20,000 114 18%
 $20,001-30,000 98 16%
 $30,001-40,000 78 12%
 $40,001-50,000 59 9%
 $50,001-75,000 58 9%
 $75,001-100,000 42 7%
 $100,001-150,000 23 4%
 Over $150,000 24 4%

 6. Employed:
 Full-time 370 58%
 Part-time 131 21%
 Unemployed 67 11%
 Retired 32 5%
 Self-sufficient 34 5%


 7. Employment:
 Hourly Worker 87 14%
 Salaried Worker 104 17%
 Self-employed 250 40%
 Home Maker 75 12%
 MIU Student 25 4%
 Other Student 4 1%
 MIU/MSAE Faculty 35 6%
 MIU/Capital Staff 22 3%
 Other: 28 4%

 8. Education:
 High School 56 8%
 College 292 41%
 Graduate School 246 34%
 MSAE Graduate 5 1%
 MIU Graduate 120 17%

 9. Marital Status:
 Single 231 35%
 Couple, no children 161 25%
 Couple with children 207 32%
 Single parent 52 8%


 10. Status:
 Meditator 29 4%
 Initiator 3 0%
 Sidha 279 43%
 Governor 337 52%
 11. Years Meditating
 <1 year 1 0%
 1-5 yrs 18 3%
 6-10 yrs 36 6%
 11-15 yrs 49 8%
 16-20 yrs 135 21%
 >20 yrs 412 63%




 Strongly Agree…SA Agree…A Neutral or Undecided…N Disagree…D Strongly 

 Section 2: Economic Opportunity
 12. My economic situation is currently satisfactory. 
 102 187 64 157 137
 16% 29% 10% 24% 21%
 13. I am optimistic about my financial future in Fairfield. 
 117 217 137 101 73
 18% 34% 21% 16% 11%
 14. My work fits my training and skill level. 
 156 215 74 95 69
 26% 35% 12% 16% 11%
 15. I would like to enhance my employment skills. 
 117 232 162 61 33
 19% 38% 27% 10% 5%
 16. I am satisfied in my current job. 
 136 218 117 97 29
 23% 37% 20% 16% 5%

 17. My employer treats me fairly and respectfully. 
 137 154 130 34 20
 29% 32% 27% 7% 4%
 18. I would be willing to volunteer my time or resources to help others 
improve their economic position.
 49 185 248 108 30
 8% 30% 40% 17% 5%
 19. Information regarding jobs and other economic opportunities in Fairfield 
is readily available. 
 26 152 256 146 38
 4% 25% 41% 24% 6%
 20. My work schedule allows me to do my full TM program. 
 177 234 54 116 50
 28% 37% 9% 18% 8%
 21. I am comfortable with my housing. 
 187 246 74 85 43
 29% 39% 12% 13% 7%
 22. I own a home or rent in the following price range: 


 Value of Home (IF OWNED)
 under $50,000 134 31%
 $50,001-74,999 115 27%
 $75,000-99,999 86 20%
 $100,000-149,999 51 12%
 $150,000-200,000 21 5%
 over $200,000 21 5%


 under $300 67 30%
 $300-$500 105 47%
 $501-$750 37 16%
 over $750 16 7%



 23. I have an adequate saving program for retirement. 
 39 86 70 139 311
 6% 13% 11% 22% 48%
 24. I have access to affordable health care. 
 75 220 68 113 166
 12% 34% 11% 18% 26%


 Section 3: Social and Family Concerns
 26. I would like to get to know more meditators. 
 74 225 294 39 13
 11% 35% 46% 6% 2%
 27. I would like to get to know more non-meditators. 
 60 218 288 66 14
 9% 34% 45% 10% 2%
 28. I would be willing to volunteer my time and/or resources to help those in 
 56 279 224 72 12
 9% 43% 35% 11% 2%
 29. I would be willing to volunteer time and/or resources to help meditators 
move to or stay in Fairfield. 
 50 231 247 89 20
 8% 36% 39% 14% 3%
 30. I am satisfied with recreational opportunities in and around Fairfield. 
 48 261 108 166 68
 7% 40% 17% 25% 10%
 31. The needs of the meditating community are adequately represented in local 
 15 111 241 189 87
 2% 17% 37% 29% 14%
 32. My family commitments do not interfere with my ability to do my full TM 
 140 230 76 108 71
 22% 37% 12% 17% 11%
 33. The relationship between the meditating community and the non-meditating 
Fairfield community is good. 
 18 155 167 233 75
 3% 24% 26% 36% 12%
 34. The relationships among members of the meditating community are good. 
 22 198 158 210 61
 3% 31% 24% 32% 9%
 35. The meditating community demonstrates a satisfactory level of ethical and 
moral behavior.
 19 131 129 263 101
 3% 20% 20% 41% 16%
 36. I am interested in developing a natural eco-community. 
 174 243 168 37 13
 27% 38% 26% 6% 2%



 38. My children are being educated as follows:
 MSAE 157 58%
 Fairfield Public Schools 54 20% 
 Home Schooling 42 16% 
 Other: 16 6%




 39. It is important for my children to receive SCI as part of their education. 
 98 92 38 26 11
 37% 35% 14% 10% 4%
 40. My children have adequate access to SCI as part of their education. 
 88 96 36 29 8
 34% 37% 14% 11% 3%
 41. I am satisfied with the education my children are receiving. 
 61 112 42 29 12
 24% 44% 16% 11% 5%
 42. I would like my children to attend MIU for college. 
 37 38 115 33 38
 14% 15% 44% 13% 15%
 43. I have access to adequate and affordable child care. 
 25 65 83 40 22
 11% 28% 35% 17% 9%
 44. I am satisfied with recreational opportunities for my children. 
 41 110 35 52 21
 16% 42% 14% 20% 8%
 45. My children receive adequate education regarding drug and alcohol abuse. 
 23 67 89 34 28
 10% 28% 37% 14% 12%
 46. My children receive adequate sex education. 
 25 58 84 41 34
 10% 24% 35% 17% 14%

 Section 4: TM and TM-Sidhi Program
 48. My practice of the TM or TM-Sidhi program is a high priority in my life. 
 388 166 48 34 13
 60% 26% 7% 5% 2%
 49. I meditate regularly (twice a day). 
 394 150 21 63 21
 61% 23% 3% 10% 3%
 50. I will levitate during my lifetime. 
 138 99 286 62 49
 22% 16% 45% 10% 8%
 51. I go to at least one rounding course each year. 
 125 119 89 198 113
 19% 18% 14% 31% 18%
 52. I am satisfied with the quality of tapes and presentations at rounding 
 71 118 201 152 75
 12% 19% 33% 25% 12%
 53. Rest, asanas, and pranayam are an important part of my program. 
 172 219 106 120 31
 27% 34% 16% 19% 5%
 54. I regularly rest and do my asanas and pranayam. 
 80 135 117 209 103
 12% 21% 18% 32% 16%
 55. I feel the TM Movement’s programs are complete and do not need to be 
supplemented with other self-development techniques. 
 134 125 88 140 158
 21% 19% 14% 22% 24%
 56. Some self-development techniques are incompatible with TM Movement 
 184 175 150 56 74
 29% 27% 23% 9% 12%
 57. For me, TM is part of a devotional, master-disciple relationship. 
 97 133 126 159 130
 15% 21% 20% 25% 20%
 58. For me, TM is a non-devotional self-development technique. 
 160 231 112 84 56
 25% 36% 17% 13% 9%


 SECTION 5: Superradiance (FOR SIDHAS ONLY)
 60. Superradiance is an effective way to solve world problems. 
 225 199 137 36 22
 36% 32% 22% 6% 4%
 61. My experiences are better in group programs. 
 211 209 104 76 24
 34% 33% 17% 12% 4%
 62. Are you currently registered to participate in superradiance?
 Yes 415 68%
 No 195 32%

 63. If not registered, indicate reason(s) why:

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