In a message dated 12/14/05 8:53:47 A.M. Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Can you say Ayatolla  Maharishi?

Kickin' wimpy waking state ass and taken no
prisoners!! That's my Maha! Callin' in an airstrike on
his own position. Balls the size of France, man! He
will do anything, ANYTHING, to crack your ignorance.

I said Ayatolla Maharishi , not Ghengis Maharishi! LOL! my point being that he sounds more like any other fundamentalist from any other religion. Maybe a little more Islamic like with his throw out the Christians by force sentiment. But you are right , it's like he is calling in air strikes on his own position. Only thing is with such speak he only damages his own image, which I suppose could be a false image in some peoples eyes.

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