Someone studying on campus comments about the student petition separately by 
 I know most of the students posting and they are really wonderful people- the 
university's better offsprings. So, I am encouraged that this petition seems to 
be rooted in positivity and good will. 

 This reform work within the meditating community and at the University is 
consequentially different than what space some anti-TM blogs and forum may 
occupy otherwise out on the internet. 
 Ollie observes:
 There seems to have evolved a permanent class of those whose time is spent 
uselessly complaining about all things TM, Maharishi, and MUM. Judging by the 
noted absence of such signatures on the petition, I'd say efforts like this to 
move towards improvement are probably the last thing the malcontents want to 
see. PS signed it yet? :-)


---In, <> wrote :

 Amen - "Doctor" Bevan Morris and his supporters exert a strong tamasic 
influence on the University, and should be shown the door. Not my fight, and 
nothing personal, but that's your problem, right there. I appreciate what Craig 
may be up against, but he comes across as more appeaser than revolutionary. 
Sometimes we just have to speak truth to power. The problem with being unclear 
about one's objectives is that any issue can then be seen as having two 
legitimate sides, whether it does or not.  
---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 What you may not be seeing from remote is that MUM is an academic institution 
with institutional academic processes. Processes of faculty, staff and 
administration in form a lot like other university institutions and with 
similar problems.  That does not excuse the cultural problems that are peculiar 
to TM and the meditating at MUM.   

 However, actually Craig is a more good guy in the middle of things.  I have 
been in committees with Craig the last couple of years and Craig is in a very 
difficult place between personalities that he has to report too.  He actually 
is one of the people hoping to have it all work out in a good way.  As the 
chief administrator, an academic, and old TM teacher, and a parent himself he 
is quite incredible at the high wire balance needed.  It would be a shame to 
see him fall from this.  

 What he really needs is the authority from the Trustees to facilitate what is 
needed to rectify real problems. The place needs a 24/7 university president 
who is present to listening to the problems and working with people instead of 
against them.  The Trustees need to fix that.  

 Ollie writes:
 On the other hand, there is quite a disingenuous response by a MUM Trustee, 
Craig Pearson, in the comments section, and a following comment that 
beautifully calls him out.

---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 A hundred year old college closes in Iowa. 

 She spoke about how the walls would recount the sense of community, the 
academic achievement and the unique instances that have occured over the years.

 "What we will take away is much greater, the support for one another much 
stronger, the friendships will last much longer, graduates you shared with us 
your years here,"


  "What's really special is that you're part of a nearly century-old 
tradition," McAuliffe told graduates in her commencement speech.

  The institution, formerly known as Mount St. Clare College, opened in 1918; 
its owner, Bridgepoint Education announced last July that the campus would 
close at the end of this school year due to declining enrollment.

---In, <awoelflebater@...> wrote :


---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 It seems the consciousness-based education pedagogy (CBE) had become too mind 
 but the patient has awakened. The students should press the trustees
 to honestly review performance and press the trustees further to produce a new 
leadership to 
 better lead MUM in a new era. The record of the current presidency has not 
been good.
 Actually the university is not the TM movement. MUM is its own
 corporation separate from the Maharishi Foundation. Some of the board of 
 may inter-lock but MUM with its 33 trustees is a separate corporation from the 
TM movement.
 Tony Nader, for instance, is not on the MUM board of trustees. 

 Board of Trustees
 Board of Trustees 
The Board of Trustees comprises thirty-one members. This page features a short 
biography for each Board member.

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 Thanks for posting that petition. Being an alumna of MIU it is interesting to 
note the issues the current student body has with what is going on at MUM these 
days. Not even knowing what some of the acronyms in the petition refer to it is 
hard to understand fully what it is their education is comprised of but it is 
great to see some using their voice to get the attention of those who might be 
able to make a difference for them.

 I would say, however, that my attraction to MIU back in the mid '80's was its 
different take on knowledge and also it's one-pointed and mature student body 
whose demographic was made up of green 18 year olds all the way up to married 
40 year old students. Coming from a freshman year at Colgate University in 
upstate NY, where fraternities and drinking games were considered the height of 
cultural standards, I couldn't wait to get to MIU. The incorporation of the TM 
practice, rounding and traditional subject matter taught within the structures 
of SCI was revolutionary and fascinating during that time for me. So, I would 
have to agree with some of the comments posted concerning the petition at the 
bottom of the page. There are plenty of other colleges and universities out 
there that have nothing to do with meditation so there are alternate choices 
for those who find the curriculum and addition of the practice cumbersome. But 
it sounds like it is much more than that that the petitioners are having issues 
with. What is MVS? How strong is the pressure to adopt all sorts of other 
things and, what exactly, are those other things? How invasive are these things 
within the curriculum and in what ways does MUM enforce rigidity to one certain 
culture? Which culture? So many questions...



---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 On a blog, 

 MUM Student Petition
 MUM Student Petition We, the 
student body of Maharishi University of Management are presenting a petition to 
the school administration.  This petition is in good faith and the r...

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