Repair and repeat....."You have something to give back to the country and 
people and for the opportunities that allowed you to retire comfortably.  What 
is it?"   

---In, <emily.mae50@...> wrote :

 This woman, now a police detective (Kim Bogucki) was a mom down the street and 
I went to her house as a kid after school for awhile when my Ma was working.  

 If the situation of single-parent households upsets you, perhaps you should 
volunteer yourself to do some good, instead of sitting on your rear end, 
judging and blaming.  Most kids who grew up in households without discipline 
craved discipline and wished they had a family that required them to come home 
for dinner at 6—they wish they had someone in their lives growing up who cared 

 You continue to err in assigning blame to "single parent households" as a 
categorical reason for what you describe below.  A simplistic justification 
that allows you to sit back in your Christian/Hindu armchair, and demonize, 
dehumanize and blame the category.  You could stop pussyfooting around and 
actually get involved somewhere; you'd be surprised how a desire to do good 
(instead of just mentally masturbating on it) and how hands on, real  life 
experience might broaden your perspective.  You have something to give back to 
the country and people and opportunities that allowed you to retire comfortably 
in your retirement.  What is it?    

 Purdy’s female inmates peel back layers of raw emotion | Real Change
 Purdy’s female inmates peel back layers of raw emotion | Real Change
 Filomena Washington was looking for a place where she belonged, for people she 
fit in with.

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 

 No matter what background the Purdy inmates came from -- some from poverty and 
others from wealthy Microsoft families, Bogucki says -- the common thread in 
the women's essays is "the lack of a positive role model in their life, the 
lack of a person that who would actually just listen."


---In, <mdixon.6569@...> wrote :

 Well... it already is and she's not president  yet.
 I don't know what people expect when you have so many kids growing up in 
single parent households. It's kind of a jungle, survival of the fittest. Kids 
like this usually are never taught any kind of effective nonviolent conflict 
resolution. They grow up with a minimum of supervision, lacking authority 
figures close to them to teach them social skills. As they grow up, they 
produce the same, if not worse. It's a vicious downward cycle that's becoming 
more and more the norm. I guess TM taught in schools might offer some help to 
these kids but the trick is, that they need to want to do it. Most of these 
kids seem to lack any kind of self discipline. Sitting down for 15-20 minutes 
twice a day might be more than they can handle and for the most part, too 
fucking boring. Hell, they could be beating up some kid, taking their lunch 
money and buying a dime bag!


 From: "hepa7@... [FairfieldLife]" <>
 Sent: Saturday, May 21, 2016 2:30 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] This is what Amerika's gonna be...
 ... under Hillary presidency?

 Thug Bully Corners White Girl At School, Wants To Do More Than Hold Hands 
(VIDEO) ⋆ Freedom Daily
 Thug Bully Corners White Girl At School, Wants To Do Mor...
 This Video is going viral after a black bully decided to corner a white girl 
on a playground while in the company of her cohorts

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 Preview by Yahoo 







---In, <mdixon.6569@...> wrote :

 Well... it already is and she's not president  yet.
 I don't know what people expect when you have so many kids growing up in 
single parent households. It's kind of a jungle, survival of the fittest. Kids 
like this usually are never taught any kind of effective nonviolent conflict 
resolution. They grow up with a minimum of supervision, lacking authority 
figures close to them to teach them social skills. As they grow up, they 
produce the same, if not worse. It's a vicious downward cycle that's becoming 
more and more the norm. I guess TM taught in schools might offer some help to 
these kids but the trick is, that they need to want to do it. Most of these 
kids seem to lack any kind of self discipline. Sitting down for 15-20 minutes 
twice a day might be more than they can handle and for the most part, too 
fucking boring. Hell, they could be beating up some kid, taking their lunch 
money and buying a dime bag!


 From: "hepa7@... [FairfieldLife]" <>
 Sent: Saturday, May 21, 2016 2:30 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] This is what Amerika's gonna be...
 ... under Hillary presidency?

 Thug Bully Corners White Girl At School, Wants To Do More Than Hold Hands 
(VIDEO) ⋆ Freedom Daily
 Thug Bully Corners White Girl At School, Wants To Do Mor...
 This Video is going viral after a black bully decided to corner a white girl 
on a playground while in the company of her cohorts

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 





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            • Re:... Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
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