No Ollie, it's not OK. "We hold these truths to be self evident, that ALL men 
are are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain 
unalienable rights, among them are *LIFE*, Liberty and the pursuit of 
happiness." OK?
It's not her body. That can be proven with a simple DNA test.

      From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, May 21, 2016 1:58 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] This is what Amerika's gonna be...
    Yo, those two objects between your legs are referred to as "testicles", not 
"ovaries", so I hate to break it to you, but you will never be able to give 
birth, or have an abortion. Therefore your opinion on abortion is about as 
meaningless as if you had one on breast pumps. Nothing personal, but I think it 
is a good idea if we each stick to opinions on our own equipment, period. 
Otherwise, it just sounds mean-spirited, sexist, anti-social, arrogant, 
selfish, and dictatorial, OK?
The other side of that single parent coin: Yeah, there is a breakdown of the 
family, in line with stagnation of wages, union busting, jobs going overseas, 
the economic destruction of the middle class, etc. making the option for a 
stay-at-home parent very difficult, or impossible. Once both parents were 
required to work, it became much more difficult to raise families - day care is 
very expensive. 
---In, <mdixon.6569@...> wrote :

Chill Anne, nobody blamed Hillary for kids being screwed up. Of course dead 
beat dads share the blame. They are the ones producing the overwhelming 
majority of these punks that get in trouble and end up in prison.Chances are, 
they never had any significant part in raising the kid, monetarily or guidance 
As for the moms, many probably aren't much better than either of the girls in 
the video. Again, because they never had adequate guidance growing up from mom 
or dad.Of course, they have ample access to birth control these days, even the 
big *A*(abortion) that I'm 100% against. There's no excuse for 50% or better  
of children being born out of wedlock and then expecting society to raise them 
while mom keeps knocking out more of the same and continues to compound the 
But then, I guess we can always blame McDonalds and Burger King for not raising 
the minimum wage to $15.
  From: "awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife]" <>
 Sent: Saturday, May 21, 2016 8:33 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] This is what Amerika's gonna be...

---In, <mdixon.6569@...> wrote :

Well... it already is and she's not president  yet.I don't know what people 
expect when you have so many kids growing up in single parent households. It's 
kind of a jungle, survival of the fittest. Kids like this usually are never 
taught any kind of effective nonviolent conflict resolution. They grow up with 
a minimum of supervision, lacking authority figures close to them to teach them 
social skills. As they grow up, they produce the same, if not worse. It's a 
vicious downward cycle that's becoming more and more the norm. I guess TM 
taught in schools might offer some help to these kids but the trick is, that 
they need to want to do it. Most of these kids seem to lack any kind of self 
discipline. Sitting down for 15-20 minutes twice a day might be more than they 
can handle and for the most part, too fucking boring. Hell, they could be 
beating up some kid, taking their lunch money and buying a dime bag!

Good Lord, I think I've woken up to a FFL that has really lost its mind this 
time... Yes, let's blame Hillary for this and blame single-parent families for 
ignorant children or those who act out, become hellions. Of course, you seem to 
assume  that most single-parent families are headed by women (those good-for 
nothing deadbeat dads just love to run off and knock up someone else while high 
on some drug or other) - so let's add their lack of parenting ability to the 

  From: "hepa7@... [FairfieldLife]" <>
 Sent: Saturday, May 21, 2016 2:30 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] This is what Amerika's gonna be...

 ... under Hillary presidency?
Thug Bully Corners White Girl At School, Wants To Do More Than Hold Hands 
(VIDEO) ⋆ Freedom Daily

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|  |     |  |     Thug Bully Corners White Girl At School, Wants To Do Mor... 
This Video is going viral after a black bully decided to corner a white girl on 
a playground while in the company of her cohorts |  |
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    • Re: [FairfieldLife] ... Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
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                • ... Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
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                • ... Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
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