My 1998 Subaru Forester was made in Indiana and still going strong.

On 06/30/2016 08:30 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

---In, <mdixon.6569@...> wrote :

Do you ever wonder *why* industries move over seas? Cheaper labor, lower taxes, less regulation. Do you see the trend here? Fifteen an hour... minimum, even if your job is emptying garbage cans or flipping burgers.Next thing you know there will have to be a special french frying pension for a life time of service.Businesses need to pay their *fair share* of taxes so people can live on unemployment and can be sued at the drop of a hat and have to produce a lower *carbon foot print* for the *children*.
BTW, I drive a Jeep Wrangler. Made in Ohio. My third one.

My 2015 VW Golf was made in Mexico.

*From:* "awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife]" <>
*Sent:* Thursday, June 30, 2016 8:17 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Feel The Burn

---In, <mdixon.6569@...> wrote :

Yeah, we should be doing a whole lot better. However, we've been shipping our manufacturing jobs over seas, fewer higher paying jobs here. We allow people to come here to take the lower paying jobs that seem to be beyond some people's *dignity* level, although food stamps, unemployment and welfare aren't. Where are those smart phones, smart TV's etc. made? We've become a debtor nation, borrowing to meet our needs and service oriented in what jobs remain. When God spoke to the children of Israel, He told them that if they followed His laws(in tune with dharma), that He would make them the head and not the tail, the lender, not the borrower, the master not the servant. In other words, fall out of dharma and you become the tail, the servant and a slave to your lender because you'll depend on him to meet your need.
Any of this sound familiar?

I always shake my head at you hypocrites. I work in retail and I see it all the time. I'll have two items that are virtually the same, let's say a pair or gloves or a sweater. One of them is made off shore and costs (retail) $50. The other one is made in the USA or Canada and it costs $95. Then the customer will start nattering away about not wanting to buy any of the cheap crap made in China and they don't like China's human rights track record and on and on. Meanwhile they're trying on the gloves or the sweater and they eventually look at the price tag. 99 times out of a 100 they will buy the less expensive item EVEN THOUGH I TELL THEM THAT ONE IS MADE IN CHINA AND THE OTHER ONE IS MADE IN NORTH AMERICA.

So, guess what? When I talk to all of my wholesalers and company owners they tell me they simply have to take their products and have them made in less expensive countries because that is what the market wants and that they can't compete unless they do I! understand how that could be. Every year another one of my suppliers knuckles under and takes their products to China or India or Vietnam to be manufactured because that is what the North American population wants when you get right down to what happens at the check out. You do it, I do it, virtually all of us do it. Do you ever check the labels of where your stuff is made? What kind of car do you drive? I know where every last one of my over 6000 different products I carry in my store are made because I broker them all. American and Canadian companies have gone to other countries because the market has demanded it. Who is the market? You and I. Who are many of the workers who have lost jobs due to outsourcing? The North Americans. But you can't have it both ways - you can't have a manufacturing job and still have your Costco's and your Walmarts and your electronics stores full of foreign-made and cheaper goods.

*From:* "rajawilliamsmith@... [FairfieldLife]" <>
*Sent:* Thursday, June 30, 2016 12:11 AM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: Feel The Burn

The median home income should be way up, more women are making much more money at least until 2007, more two income families. More people in the world are much wealthier, China, South American countries. and there is a lot of neat things we have with tremendous value, smart phones for example, which we didn't have in 1973. A lot of what wealthy people own is really at service to society, stocks in companies, but we do have to look at excessive use of natural resources, like ozone.

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