The communal question being asked in the meditating community right back which 
I hear in asking for people's reaction to Bevan being relieved of command is, 
whether Hagelin can be trusted(?).

I've recently returned from a couple of weeks in FF and none of my friends said 
that they had heard anything through the MUM/FF grapevine as to why he chose to 

What is your evidence that he was relieved of command? 

---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :


---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 Foul up, fess up, fix up. Yep, it is 'foul'. 

 That was a funny misprint in the article text. But can we trust the new 
ordering of TM leadership now? Is it enough to just change a horse and keep 
going without acknowledging how it has gone and clearly remediating towards a 

 Some earnest people talk now about some 'Peace and Reconciliation' with the 
meditating community now as if it can just happen with a new old person in 
place. Acknowledgment likely will have to include action in remediation, 
Acknowledgement and remediation both at the same time to demonstrate trust. 

 It will be extremely important to see and hear what Dr. Hagelin first has to 
say about all of this as he returns to Fairfield and speaks to the community.  

 This is going to take some extraordinary leadership in TM. Decades have been 
spent separating meditators from the TM movement. The communal question being 
asked in the meditating community right back which I hear in asking for 
people's reaction to Bevan's being relieved of command is, whether Hagelin can 
be trusted(?).

 As this NPRadio article points out by this other scandal in example, in the 
meditating community a lot is 'known'.  As the article points out it will 
likely take direct acknowledgment and active remediation at the same time to 
more directly prove trust so as to get beyond and move past all the scandal in 
this community. This will take some doing and more than just some apology. As 
the article says and the corporate examples further below do show in this 
thread: in a corporate foul up ..fess up, fix up. That becomes the job of 

 Examples do show that it may take an activated third-generation to really do 
the correction necessary to set things right within TM and then be able to 
invite and to have meditators come back. Some of our third-generation 
meditators have recently been extremely helpful inside to having moved this 
recent change in TM leadership this far.

 In FFL,


---In, <awoelflebater@...> wrote :


---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :


  ‘Issues Management’ 


 A fair example for TM:

 “..But in this kind of a situation, there's a saying in our business. The 
three F's are involved - fowl up, 

 What?! There were birds involved?? ;-)

 'fess up, fix up. And I think that the fowl up stage is pretty clear. And now 
it's time to 'fess up and now fix up.


---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :


  ‘Issues Management’ 


 A fair example for TM:

 “..But in this kind of a situation, there's a saying in our business. The 
three F's are involved - fowl up, 'fess up, fix up. And I think that the fowl 
up stage is pretty clear. And now it's time to 'fess up and now fix up.

 KELLY: So it sounds like if you were on this account, part of your strategy 
would be looking forward. Look at what's past as past.

 GRABOWSKI: Absolutely.
 KELLY: We're headed to the future.
 GRABOWSKI: There's always an apology involved. We're sorry we did this. It was 
a mistake. But then you move forward. You don't dwell on the mistake.
 KELLY: OK. So flush this out a little bit for me - how a good publicist goes 
about spinning this, particularly in a case like this, where, as we've said, 
Russia isn't denying that its athletes doped. The facts are out there. Where do 
you go next?
 GRABOWSKI: Well, see I - and I would take issue with the term spinning in this 
particular case because I think there's an acknowledgment that some mischief - 
some malfeasance occurred. They're explaining what they have been doing and 
what they're doing to correct it. And I think that that's where, you know, 
credibility's going to be tested.
 And then they have to look forward. You can trust us. We have learned our 
lesson. We're moving forward. It's classic. "

 For example,

 Russia Hires PR Firm Burson-Marsteller To Help Spin Doping Scandal
 Russia Hires PR Firm Burson-Marsteller To Help Spin Dopi...
 Russia's track and field program is banned from international competition 
because of a doping scandal. Mary Louise Kelly talks to Gene Grabowski, ...

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo


---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :



 Untermyer: "Is not commercial credit based primarily upon money or property?"
Morgan: "No, sir, the first thing is character."
Untermyer: "Before money or property?"
Morgan: "Before money or anything else. Money cannot buy it."


 -December 1912, financier John Pierpont "J.P." Morgan testified in Washington 
before the Bank and Currency Committee of the House of Representatives 



---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :


---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 Ethical behavior..
 Corporate 'VW' is another good example of how ethical behavior has now become 
a 'leading economic indicator'. Some poor 'moral reasoning' by some few and 
then billions of dollars in the balance in the market.

 Given the high-speed of news in the internet era a culture of ethical 
standards and the consequent of both personal and corporate behavior it seems 
can not be ignored. Given a legacy evidently ethical standards and behavior is 
likely an important lesson for leadership study and re-set within TM, going 
forward. Have they really changed? It seems still quite opaque to see through.


 “..did senior executives deliberately turn a blind eye?
 Mr Horn said that his own company in Germany deceived him, after failing to 
admit that the "cheat" was the reason there was such a discrepancy between 
laboratory tests and on-the-road performance.

 "It is wrong to put corporate profits before people," Mr Horn said, saying the 
software change was down to a "couple of engineers".
 ..And this raises serious questions about an internal culture at VW that 
appears to have allowed an engineering department in Germany to operate in 
secret and outside the control of the business.

 The second big lesson from yesterday came when Mr Horn laid the blame for VW's 
actions on "pressure in the system to get resolutions and also cost pressure"

 What's more, it's emerging that VW executives may have been warned about the 
scam at least two years ago.
 In the US, lawyers are still seeking action against employees of General 
Motors some two years after the carmaker began recalling cars with dangerous 
ignition faults.
 If VW can't identify who knew what, aggressive lawyers may do so.”


 VW execs testify in US Congress:


---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 "Ethics as A Leading Economic Indicator? What Went Wrong? ..” Would make a 
great title to a scholarly research paper around TM and the life-cycle of the 
TM movement.



 Yesterday we had a big knowledge meeting and all the old-guard leaders were 
honored. Evidently a meeting of the minds going on in town now: Neil Patterson, 
the Wilsons, the Konhaus, Burks, several old Rajas brought on stage too. We 
sang happy birthday to Dr. Hagelin, heard from Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam, was 
an impressive list of old movement trustee people listening via skype. Bevan 
led an old movement song and in fact he has a really nice singing voice. No 
third-generation meditators to be seen up front, heard from, or in the audience 
really. No evident change in leadership. People including the old meditating 
movement look on.


 RJW writes:
 Maybe I'm just not making the connection - is TM a flawed product? And, who 
exactly at GM was cast out?

 The press reports tell of 15 being fired from GM related to poor ethical 
behavior in the case of the bad ignition switches.  Evidently the firings 
followed in a line of responsibility from the ground up through management.  
The case is relevant to a foul ethical corporate culture within GM that the new 
generation CEO is working to cleanse. -Buck


 Either flawed product or organization seems to be what the TM neganauts like 
MJ here are driving at in public while within TM it seems no one much was 
thrown out for poor ethical standards or criminal activities.


 “His teaching was profoundly influential throughout

 India, particularly at the midpoint of the century. A compelling array of 
facts and
 arguments makes the case that Brahmananda Saraswati's influence extended far
 beyond India and persists to this day. Most obvious among these is the fact 
 he was the spiritual master of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.

 Controversial almost from the beginning, Maharishi has been described
 both as a fraud and as the greatest saint to walk the earth in ten thousand 
 and everything in between. By nearly every measure he was the most prominent,
 and in that sense, most important guru to bring Eastern wisdom to the West. He
 has been universally acknowledged as a popularizer, but is less commonly
 appreciated for the extent to which he has disseminated the traditional Vedic
 knowledge of India.”
 -excerpts from the Introduction to The Sweet Teachings of the Blessed 
Shankaracharya Swami Brahmananda Saraswati

 Risking all? Seems like there are two stories. What he [Maharishi] did, and 
what he did. Did he throw it [his own legacy] all away on his risking for women 
and money?

 This last week the CEO of GM was before the public apologizing for gross 
unethical past behavior of people within GM. She acknowledged that there was an 
ethical failure of some individuals within GM and ethical shortcoming within 
the GM culture which failed in morality and decency owed others by not coming 
forward when some knew about unethical behavior going on. Standing before the 
public she declared this forthrightly, apologized, and then established that 
this was unacceptable going forward within GM and is to be corrected with a 
clear corporate published ethical code. Particular people at every level 
responsible for this particular breach of ethical behavior were cast out.

 It was a breath-taking week for change of culture within GM this last month or 
so. Wow! Om yes, a third generation GM employee, this CEO also in her business 
and law background has an education in ethics. Commentators are saying she is 
doing the textbook thing right now with turning the corporate culture of GM and 
dealing with the bad public fallout over the unethical behavior of some past GM 

  Thus far we have not seen anyone come forward and try this kind of overt 
cleansing with TM and its past by saying and leading with, “that we are not 
that past but we are this.. going forward”.  Like with GM, it will probably 
take a "Third Generation" TM meditator to do this for TM.  -Buck


 #mjackson74 writes:

 How bout this? A great man is one who doesn't lie, cheat and steal. A great 
man is one who doesn't claim to be celibate and then screw as many women as he 
can while admonishing his followers to be celibate so the women will be horny 
and more open to his sexual advances.


 A great man is one who does not take money under false pretenses. A great man 
is one who doesn't make up fanciful promises to his followers, promises which 
are never kept. A great man is one who helps others and doesn't rip others off 
with esoteric nonsense that not only doesn't work, but is actually harmful to 
many. That's a great man in my estimation.


 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Graphing the Illumined Batgap interviewees by 

   “..and in doing good to others.”
 “A great man is he who lives the awareness of Being in his daily life and has 
gained a state in which he naturally maintains his high status of eternal Being 
even when engaged in activity and in doing good to others.” -Maharishi
 -Unity, Maharishi International University, A Hero's Journey 1991-1992 Yearbook


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