Atma is Universal Self.   ‘There is no miracle. There is nothing from outside 
that comes to make the mind open to its own reality, which is the Atman, which 
is his Self, Unified Field of Natural Law—by nature, by nature, by nature. 
There is no miracle; it’s by nature. Transcendental Meditation is a natural 
procedure which takes the mind to this transcendental Self, and that’s all that 
transcendental experience is.’   -- Maharishi

---In, <> wrote :

 The all-pervading Soul

 15. As oil in sesame seeds, as butter in cream,
 As water in River-beds, and as fire in the friction-sticks
 So is the Soul (Atman) apprehended in one's own soul,
 If one looks for Him with true austerity (tapas).

 -Svetasvatarea Upanishad

 First Adhyaya

 The Thirteen Principal Upanishads
 The Thirteen Principal Upanishads 
Internet Archive BookReader - The Thirteen Principal Upanishads The BookReader 
requires JavaScript to be enabled.

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---In, <> wrote :

 16. The Soul (Atman) which pervades all things
 As butter is contained in cream,
 Which is rooted in self-knowledge and austerity-
 This is Brahma, the highest mystic teaching (upanishad)
 This is Brahma, the highest mystic teaching.

 -Svetasvatarea Upanishad
 First Adhyaya

---In, <> wrote :

 What does mysticism really mean? 
  It means the way to attain knowledge.
 It's close to philosophy,
 except in philosophy you go horizontally
 while in mysticism you go vertically.
 -Elie Wiesel   

 “If therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light” 
(Matthew 6:22).

---In, <> wrote :

 If you do not make an effort to know truth, to perceive it beneath the veils 
that hide it, you will not discover your own real nature and will therefore 
remain at the mercy of outside forces of “circumstances.” In Meditation behold 
the start of divine wisdom, that its rays disclose the truth ever within 
yourself. -Paramahansa Yogananda

 ---In, <> wrote :

 Cultivating Spirituality in Collective Meditation..

 Long before the TM movement ever came to Iowa there came a preceding movement 
of transcendentalism.

 This was a recognized and practiced group by its own long line in history, 
practiced in the cultivation of transcendent spirituality through group 

 During the time of the Iowa 1830's and 1840's pioneer settlement there came 
old Quakers as a peculiar spiritual people who were then disciplined in 
cultivating spiritual experience by the practice of silent meditation in 
facilitated groups or collective meditation as the Quaker “Meeting for 

 Some thousands of Quakers came to Iowa in the early settlement period. Across 
the Iowa landscape 'group meditation' arrived in the Quaker settlement of 
frontier Iowa then with the laying out and building of their Quaker Meeting 
Houses to facilitate their silent group meditation that was the common Quaker 
silent practice of a cultivated Quietism. 

  As a larger spiritual regeneration movement coming to Iowa in that settlement 
period this was in a time just prior to when an older Society of Friends as a 
spiritual practice group was overtaken and overthrown by evangelical 'believer' 
ideology that came along in America during the 19th Century. That takedown in 
form is its own recurring story as 'the loss of spiritual Knowledge' in time. 
In sequence of time the spiritual Quakers subsequently tended to move further 
on to the West on to other places supporting their group cultivation of 
transcendent spirituality.  ..Birds of a feather flock together in diaspora. 

 However, there is a map of where the Quaker group meditations were planted in 
Iowa during the frontier period of time. This map does not represent the whole 
of Quaker Meeting Houses as the group who had overtaken the Society of Friends 
Iowa Yearly Meeting later in the 19th Century was not recognizing on their 
drawn map of the 1870's some of the older meetings in the State who had 
continued on separately with the original silent meditating practice of the old 
Quaker spiritual practice as heritage going way back. 

 The map is noteworthy because it indicates the extent of what was the old 
Society of Friends at an earlier time. Evidently what we see presently in 
present day Iowa as the group practice of Quietism as a cultivating 
transcendental meditation is not just a recent phenomena of spiritual practice 
in Iowa.


 The note about the map made on


---In, <> wrote :

 Long before Swami Vivkananda, Yogananda and Maharishi Mahesh Yogi came along 
to the West came others as teaching transcendentalists, preceding them in a 
sequence. In Europe there was a long lineage of the equivalent in European 
transcendentalist spiritual satsanga and ashram-like spiritual practice 
communities coming out of what was then called Quietism in spiritual practice.

 An earlier post on FairfieldLife copied in the European lineage. In the 
historical stories a lot of those groups came in settlement to America fleeing 
persecution of the formal beliefs of religious ideologies. Transcendentalism as 
a spiritual teaching and practice is a common story in the settlement of 
America. It could seem that transcendentalism as it has come along is very 
American. See FFL post# 385441

 385441RE: In Quiet, European ancestral genealogy of transcendentalism


---In, <> wrote :

 On December 31, 1957, celebrating the Conference of Spiritual Luminaries of 
India, Maharishi inaugurated the Spiritual Regeneration Movement in Madras, 
India, to spiritually regenerate the world.

---In, <> wrote :

 Yep, in a line of transcendentalists Elias Hicks carried the banner in satsang 
a generation before Emerson.   In their day actually they were widely heard and 
followed in penetrating the contemporary thought.  Considering the size and 
population of America then they were in about as far as Maharishi penetrated 
culture with transcendentalism in the 20th Century.   Elias Hicks and Emerson 
along with Henry Thoreau and others traveled widely as speakers,  they wrote 
extensively, they published and were widely read at the time. At the time 
America was quite literate and people followed the religious convolutions of 
those times.


 Transcendentalism as a spirituality seems to provide critique to the 
ideologies of materialism and formality of religions generation by generation, 
by experience. 

 In the transcendentalist line running through time here is an interesting 
inter-generational monograph by Walt Whitman about Elias Hicks..  


 Anecdotes about Elias Hicks - Wikisource, the free online library 
 Anecdotes about Elias Hicks - Wikisource, the free online library AS MYSELF A LITTLE 
BOY hearing so much of Elias Hicks, at that time—and more than once personally 
seeing the old man—and my dear, dear father and mother faithful listeners to 
him at the meetings—

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---In, <> wrote :

 Thanks - I like this broader context of the transcendental wave running 
through time and consciousness, with some of us picking it up (again and again) 
as it comes by. Perhaps the efficiency of the TM technique (diving deeply, 
precisely, and quickly, 2 x 20) speaks to this age, where we don't have a lot 
of time to learn about transcending. Nature's balance for fast-paced modern 
life, and with any luck, some progress in the meantime.  
---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 Well, in a line Maharishi's transcendentalism message a hundred years before 
was carried forward as American Transcendentalism by Emerson and the American 
transcendentalist satsanga at the time. Same message of populist 
transcendentalism was carried then as seems always has been carried in somewhat 
of a line through time. 
  Transcendentalism evidently has long lineage. Evidently Transcending as 
experience and then transcendentalism as satsanga are a story-line to read that 
runs through out time. For instance, Quaker Meeting here in Fairfield starts in 
a little while. George Fox, founder of the historic Society of Friends 
satsanga, he like Maharishi was another mystic in the line of 
transcendentalism.  And, you and we are in that line too, transcendentalists in 

---In, <olliesedwuz@...> wrote :

 I wonder if little Mahesh ever got the inkling as he was sitting in school, 
for example, that he would one day grow up to become a famous spiritual 
teacher? The times have definitely favored his message, and so many of us have 
been influenced by this one man. It could have been anybody (though probably 
Indian) that popularized  TM, and yet it just happened to be Maharishi. Even a 
hundred years ago, his mission would have been impossible. 
---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 From the MVS Thesaurus: 


 Description In 1957, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi said that:   'Spiritual development 
is the birthright of everyone, for it is the unfoldment of the essential nature 
of the soul, or inner consciousness…. Soul is the individual property of 
everybody. It is the natural and inseparable possession, nay, the very 
existence, of every man. Everybody has the right to enjoy his own possession. 
Everybody has the right to enjoy the sat [truth] chit [Being] ananda [bliss] 
nature of his own soul. In the most natural manner, everybody has every right 
to enjoy permanent peace, bliss eternal, which is the nature of his own soul.'  
 -- Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Thirty Years Around the World—Dawn of the Age of 
Enlightenment, Volume One 1957-1964 (Netherlands: MVU Press, 1986), p. 195.   
Some people feel that the outer or material joys of life are opposed to, or 
diminish, the spiritual value, and that one has to give up, or become detached, 
from material values in order to achieve inner fulfillment.   Below is a short 
video of Maharishi reflecting on the topic of spirituality. Here Maharishi 
points out that inner spirituality does not conflict with the outer material 
value of life: See video 
on   Maharishi always said 
we should enjoy 200% of life—100% of the inner spiritual value along with 100% 
of the outer material value. He offered Transcendental Meditation as a simple 
way to integrate abstract absolute being with the concrete details of the 



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