
 The Pope did say the first sentence in my post.  However, the rest of the 
sentences are my own opinion and embellishment of what he said.  MMY would say 
that most human beings are asleep and not aware of their actions here on earth. 
 That's why most people are not enlightened and remain in darkness, such as 
committing acts of mayhem in the form of suicide bombings.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <olliesedwuz@...> wrote :

 Very big of him - next question to the Pope - When was the last time the 
Vatican was attacked, bombed and strafed with gunfire, resulting in families 
and children killed? No one is justifying violence to meet violence, but the 
Pope sounds very detached, and more interested in furthering his marketing 
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <jr_esq@...> wrote :

 As the Pope stated, these so-called jihadists are not doing their heinous acts 
in the name of Allah.  They're actually committing acts of destruction in the 
name of their own earthly power here on earth.  If they can't have their way, 
the ultimate end is through destruction of themselves and others who oppose 
their will.

 In a worldly view, this is insanity.  In  spiritual terms, this is an act of 
self-conceit and last farewell of a failed god.  IMO, we can see this act of 
defiance in the story of Man's loss of Paradise in the Garden of Eden, as 
narrated in the Book of Genesis in the Old Testament.  This trait was inherited 
from the first humans in the Garden of Eden-- Adam and Eve.


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