 In a scathing editorial published Sunday 
evening, The Wall Street Journal declared that Republican presidential nominee 
Donald Trump’s “window for a turnaround 
is closing.”
 The paper’s editorial board declared the GOP nominee “has alienated his party 
and he isn’t running a competent campaign.”
 It points to Trump’s poor polling numbers
 in swing states, as well as his lack of organization and ground game. 
 “Those who sold Mr. Trump to GOP voters as the man who could defeat Hillary 
Clinton now face a moment of truth,” 
the editorial board wrote, name-checking top Trump allies Newt Gingrich, Chris 
Christie, Rudy Giuliani and campaign manager Paul 
 “If they can’t get Mr. Trump to change his act by Labor Day, the GOP will have 
no choice but to write off the nominee as hopeless and focus on salvaging the 
Senate and House and other down-ballot races,” the editorial board continued.


 --In, <olliesedwuz@...> wrote :

 All of these excuses don't mean much in the real world. If they did, you 
wouldn't be looking at another eight years of a Democratic presidency. It isn't 
some vast conspiracy by the press either. I've noticed that Fox News and the 
WSJ, both owned by Murdoch, have printed one damaging article after another 
about Donald Duck - they clearly don't like him. The guy is a loser, from the 
losing party. 

Better hope some of the downstream races prevent both houses of congress from 
going Democratic too. Its all about the track record, and the Republicans 
basically don't have one. The last twenty five years have signaled confusion 
and impotence for the GOP, nothing more. Given that the Republicans have close 
to ZERO support from the upcoming generation, they may go extinct in a few more 
election cycles.
---In, <mdixon.6569@...> wrote :

 No, actually I don't pay a lot of attention to male crotches.
 I'll agree with you that Bush wasn't responsible for the attack on 9/11. Al 
Qaeda was.
 Could it have been stopped? Doubtfully before a 9/11 attack happened. No TSA 
back then and having people wait in lines, while going through body and baggage 
searches would have been unheard of, especially based on a rumor.
 I'm not ready to say that the war in Iraq was meaningless yet. No, no WMD 
found, even though every intelligence agency in the world believed they were 
there. Actually, the New York Times reported a few years ago that the CIA 
quietly bought up a lot of WMD from Saddam's previous program, about 5,000  
mustard gas artillery shells.

 Lets say we left Saddam alone. The middle east would be in a nuclear weapons 
race as we speak. Iran is currently developing their own. This would have been 
Saddam's excuse to resume his nuclear program which had a big jump on Iran's. 
He would have claimed he needed it for self defense against his sworn enemy, 
Iran. Naturally, the Saudi's would have been threatened by both and would start 
their own. Who else, Syria, Jordan, Egypt and Turkey?
 History is going to sort this out in time. At least Bush left Iraq and the 
middle east *relatively* peaceful and in tact. Obama/Clinton screwed that up by 
withdrawing all US troops, leaving a vacuum that was filled by the *JV 
team*,that he did not take seriously, that has disrupted the entire middle-east 
and North Africa and caused a refugee problem, the world has never seen before. 
Bush left a fragile but orderly world. Obama/Clinton have set chaos lose.

 BTW, speaking domestically, both Bush and McCain both warned, around 2002, 
2003 and 2004 that there were problems with Fannie Mae and Freddy MAC, that 
needed to be addressed by congress. Barney Frank and Christopher Dodd wouldn't 
hear any of it and refused reforms saying, everything would be alright. The 
economic collapse of 2008 was a direct result of the collapse of the housing 
bubble that Frank and Dodd refused to address years earlier.

 From: "olliesedwuz@... [FairfieldLife]" <>
 Sent: Monday, August 15, 2016 8:42 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fwd: The Difference between Chicken...
   Did you SEE that picture on the aircraft carrier?! His scrotum was half the 
size of his head - it was bizarre. Using your same logic, Bush was not 
responsible for the greatest attack on American soil to date, made Pearl Harbor 
look like a dress rehearsal, followed by starting a meaningless war in Iraq. 
Damned right he should have visited those wounded soldiers. He put 'em there. 
The guy was a failure domestically and internationally. Gee, guess why Trump, 
who is about to get trounced, is the Republican nominee? GOP track record, 

---In, <mdixon.6569@...> wrote :

 Ollie, you sure seem to make a lot of sexual innuendos about people in your 
posts. Constantly talking about getting *dominated*or should be. Tennis balls 
in the crotch?
 Actually, Bush stopped playing golf after the criticism first arose in the 
press. He even made it a point to visit wounded soldiers in the hospitals on a 
regular basis or the troops in the field and they cheer him when he does.
 Obama is the one constantly playing golf while the average person struggles to 
keep their heads above water.

 Obama didn't find and kill Osama any more than Bush found and killed Saddam.
 The CIA found Osama and the troops found Saddam.
 The only credit you can  give Obama is that he didn't *call off* the hunt and 
allowed the operation to kill him to proceed. Had he not, he probably wouldn't 
have been re-elected.


 From: "olliesedwuz@... [FairfieldLife]" <>
 Sent: Monday, August 15, 2016 6:26 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fwd: The Difference between Chicken...

   You conveniently forget that Bush had EIGHT YEARS to find Osama, but decided 
to play golf instead. Shame on you for insulting President Obama when he did 
the job that his predecessor could not. If it had been Bush in office, Mister 
"Mission Accomplished", with tennis balls stuffed in the crotch of his flight 
suit, Osama Bin Laden would still be planning and carrying out attacks on the 
US. You show yourself to be very small minded on this issue. You must be one of 
those buying disposable undergarments at the thought of being governed by 
Hillary Clinton. Suck it up big boy and quit trying to run down the country.

---In, <WLeed3@...> wrote :

 -----Original Message-----
 From: Elaine Bowman <eb7243@...>
 To: Philip Kauffman <cpkauf@...>; maryjane <maryjane@...>; marta207 
<marta207@...>; Barb <rlwilson@...>; jcee <jcee@...>; jhamill <jhamill@...>; 
mastanavage <mastanavage@...>; stlauden <stlauden@...>; sweetsue915 
<sweetsue915@...>; bt.shirks <bt.shirks@...>; wleed3 <wleed3@...>; otherpaw 
<otherpaw@...>; bgbg4373 <bgbg4373@...>
 Sent: Sun, Aug 14, 2016 7:40 pm
 Subject: Fwd: The Difference between Chicken...
 Sent from my iPhone
 Begin forwarded message:






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