Didn't say I "swallowed it". I put the article up for discussion and it is getting discussed! Psst! It isn't the 1950s anymore. :-D

On 08/23/2016 09:41 AM, authfri...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] wrote:

What utter balderash. Yes, it's good to know what the Russians are saying. But it's not at all smart to take their word for anything. The article you posted from Sputniknews is absurd on its face; anybody who knows anything about polls should be able to recognize that. But you swallowed it whole because it was pro-Trump and anti-Hillary. You're just the kind of sucker they're targeting.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <noozguru@...> wrote :

OMG! Russian news! The Russia that Bernie and Trump would rather talk to than have a war with like Hillary does. You love the US mainstream media because they pander to your beliefs. So you must believe if you suck up to the rich goons who own the US media outlets they'll pee some money down on you! :-D

These days you need to consider all media sources.

On 08/22/2016 10:38 PM, authfriend@... <mailto:authfriend@...> [FairfieldLife] wrote:

    Oh, and I just noticed, your silly article is from yet another
    Russian source, Sputniknews.com (run by the Russian government).

    ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
    <mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com>, <authfriend@...>
    <mailto:authfriend@...> wrote :

    Sure has fouled up your mind (not that there was much of it to be
    fouled up). Ollie and I just got done "reacting to" this poll. I
    guess you're not reading anything that doesn't confirm what you
    want to believe, huh?

    ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
    <mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com>, <noozguru@...>
    <mailto:noozguru@...> wrote :

    Polls, polls, polls. Let's see how the resident bobble heads react.

    Disclaimer: I'm not voting for either candidate. This election is a
    farce but it is a hoot to watch the dynamics of it and what it is
    to some people's minds.

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