And then we have alt.judy.doofus :-D

On 08/28/2016 04:06 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Let me try to explain this so you can understand (but your brains are so scrambled at this point I'm not sure you'll be able to).

Alt-right and alternative media have nothing to do with each other. That's the first thing you need to have drilled into your noggin. I don't know where you got the idea that "alt-right" was short for "alternative media," but it isn't.

Alternative media refers to non-mainstream media, media that are an alternative to the mainstream media. Some alternative media are right-wing, some are left-wing, some in between. They promote a wide variety of causes. Some are even alt-right!

Alt-right refers to an alternative to establishment conservatism (hence the older long form, "alternative right"). It's an ideology centered on white supremacy and nationalism, not a type of media, mainstream or alternative. It has never referred to alternative media.

I suspect the term "alt-right" wasn't inspired by keyboard combos but rather by the alt.* Usenet newsgroup hierarchy way back when, before the Web:

alt.* hierarchy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia <*_hierarchy>

alt.* hierarchy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia <*_hierarchy> The alt.* hierarchy is a major class of newsgroups in Usenet, containing all newsgroups whose name begins with "alt.", organized hierarchically. The alt.* hierarchy is not confined to newsgroups of any specific subject or type, although in practice more formally organize...
View on <*_hierarchy>
Preview by Yahoo

Oh, and of course there is no such thing as the "Clinton Crime Family."

---In, <noozguru@...> wrote :

Haha yourself Ms Pretentious Loony Toons Butthead. This looks like it was just posted on Wikipedia because the Clinton campaign was accused of making it up. "Alternative Right"? Sure that has probably been around for awhile but once again for your dimbo head the term used is "alternative media" and it has been used for quite awhile. Of course Hillacious wouldn't want to use "alternative media" because it is also used by some liberal groups and probably neo-liberal or neo-conservative sites both embrace by the Clinton Crime Family.

The joke is Alt-Right sounds like a computer keyboard command. You and the Wikipedia posting is making a bit of a stretch.

On 08/28/2016 02:06 PM, authfriend@... <mailto:authfriend@...> [FairfieldLife] wrote:

    HAHAHAHAHAHA! Talk about a river in Egypt!

    No, of course "alt-right" wasn't a term made up by the Clinton
    campaign. The term has been around since at least 2008:

    In November 2008, Paul Gottfried
    <> addressed the H.
    L. Mencken Club about what he called "the alternative
    <> ^[21]
    <>  In 2009,
    two more posts at /Taki's Magazine
    <>/, by Patrick J.
    Ford and Jack Hunter, further discussed the alternative
    <> ^[23]
    <>  The
    term's modern usage, however, is most commonly attributed to
    white nationalist
    <> and
    self-described "identitarian
    <>" Richard B.
    Spencer <>,
    president of the National Policy Institute
    <> and
    founder of /Alternative Right

    ^Alt-right - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Alt-right - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    The alt-right is a segment of right-wing ideologies presented as
    an alternative to mainstream conservatism in the United
    States.[1][2] It has been described as a mo...
    View on
    Preview by Yahoo

    And contrary to your earlier assertion, it centers, as I said,
    around white supremacy:

    "[Jared Taylor] founded the alt-right American Renaissance
    website 25 years ago, which started as a print monthly to
    emphasize race as society’s most 'prominent and divisive' fault
    line, and that mainstream politics and media tries to 'gloss
    over' the issue...

    "Asked to define what the diffuse alt-right stands for, Taylor
    said there were 'areas of disagreement', but that 'the central
    element of the alt-right is the position it takes on race.'”

    (Scroll down)

    And then we have (from 2009):

    Economism in the Alt Right

    image <>
    Economism in the Alt Right
    One major problem that exists on the right, and especially in the
    Ron Paul movement, is what Pat Buchanan termed in “The Death of
    the West” a...
    View on
    Preview by Yahoo

    Nor is "alt-right" a short form of "alternative media." Alt-right
    refers to an ideology. Alternative media are a different animal
    altogether (and many are aligned with the left rather than the

    Like I said, Bhairitu, you need to go away and take a nice long
    rest, unscramble your brains from the trauma of Bernie's loss.

    <>, <noozguru@...>
    <mailto:noozguru@...> wrote :

    There is no "Alt-Left.  "Alt-Right" was a term made up by the
    Clinton campaign. Even Alex Jones staff had never heard of it
    before.  The term used frequently is "alternative media" in
    contra distinction to corporate run "mainstream media" and
    includes a wide variety of political option from right to left.

    On 08/28/2016 09:31 AM, olliesedwuz@... <mailto:olliesedwuz@...>
    [FairfieldLife] wrote:

        Trying to drag Clinton into the dark and ignorant depths of
        Trump's expressed ideas, does not equate to the two of them
        somehow being equal, and therefore making Trump a qualified
        candidate, by default. The guy remains a noisy zero, who has
        a couple of months left on the national stage, before being
        shown the door for good.

        <> <>
        wrote :

        Even more ironic, the Alt-Left supports Clinton. Go figure.

        "This goes back to Sister Souljah. She was the activist who,
        in 1992, was asked by Los Angeles Times about violence
        against whites by blacks in the riots that year in the City
        of Angels. Was such violence a “wise reasoned action,” she
        was asked. “Yeah, it was wise,” she answered. “I mean, if
        black people kill black people every day, why not have a
        week and kill white people?"

        <>, <olliesedwuz@...>
        <mailto:olliesedwuz@...> wrote :

        Even more ironically, The New York Sun ceased to exist as a
        newspaper around 2008, and now serves as a platform for
        opinion pieces and editorials.

        <> <>
        wrote :

        "Ironically, Mrs. Clinton was the first to make the ad
        hominem attack the central feature of her strategy against
        her general election opponent."

        What About the Alt-Left? - The New York Sun


        What About the Alt-Left? - The New York Sun

        Secretary of State Clinton’s decision to play the racism
        card against Donald Trump strikes us as lacking in
        credibility — given the source. There is no doubt that t...
        View on
        Preview by Yahoo

        <>, <noozguru@...>
        <mailto:noozguru@...> wrote :

        I'm waiting for her to attack the Alt-Left. :-D

                        On 08/26/2016 10:01 AM, jr_esq@...
                        <mailto:jr_esq@...> [FairfieldLife] wrote:

        It appears that you can call anyone you dislike as a member
        of the alt-right.

        <>, <noozguru@...>
        <mailto:noozguru@...> wrote :

        Hillary followers don't even know what she was talking about:

        And neither does HuffPro because Clinton didn't mention
        White Supremacist sites.

            On 08/26/2016 09:26 AM, jr_esq@... <mailto:jr_esq@...>
            [FairfieldLife] wrote:

        Trump pleads ignorance as to what it means.


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