Many Muslims grow beards - it's a sign of devotion and submission, and one of 
the only ways to get into Mecca in order to worship the black stone at the 
Kaaba. It is incumbent on every pilgrim on the Haj to get down on their hands 
and knees and pray. 

 Some will even kiss the stone, just for good measure.

---In, <authfriend@...> wrote :

 This comment is growing whiskers, Mike. 



 ---In, <mdixon.6569@...> wrote :

 Allahu akbar!


 From: vox_9 <>
 Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2016 1:57 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi's Yoga Asanas
 Mahesh Yogi formulated a six month course on yoga asanas followed by a second 
course with more advanced postures for use in a one year course. According to 
Maharishi, yoga asanas are "...a reliable practice from the ancient tradition 
of yogis." 


 He recommended yoga asanas as a way to keep the body flexible. According to 
Yogi the advantage of asanas over other types of exercise is that yoga asanas 
do not consume energy. This course was adopted by the International Academy of 
Meditation at Shankaracharya Nagar, Himalayas.

 According to White, "It was especially within two tantric sects, the Western 
Transmission and the Yogin Kaula (transmitted by Matsyendra) that a practical 
concomitant to this speculative - and in some cases gnoseological or 
soteriological - metaphysics" came to be practiced by the Nath Siddhas who 
claim their origins in the person and teachings of Matsyendranath.


 Works Cited:

 "A Six Month Course in Yoga Asanas"
 by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
 Rishikesh: International SRM Publications, 1962

 "The Alchemical Body"
 Siddha Traditions in Medieval India
 by David Gordon White
 Chicago: University Press, 1996
 Paper. 596 pages. Illustrated. Bibliography. Index.



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