Intuition plays a very important role though it is also useful to know the science of reading a horoscope. Some folks who barely know astrology but have good intuition can often do better predictions than those who have only mastered the rules. Many village astrologers in India can do good predictions just using the basics. Westerners are often impressed with complexity and western jyotishees often get hung up in the "icing" and miss the "cake."

But why does it work? Possibly because astrology may have more to do with cycles and the ones created by a particular planet that isn't in horoscopes: the earth. There is research now tracking the very low frequencies the earth generates and they are in the range of the brainwaves we're familiar with from theta through beta. Theory may be that when the earth generates beta it creates anxiety in the populace leading to wars. The value of meditation is that it can help you rise above this influence.

On 08/30/2016 02:35 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Actually, evidently people who are really good at it have a facility with it that is like a siddhi. With a lot of experience with it study of it becomes something intuitive. It is like a way [modality] of thinking, like some people are really good at mathematics or open to physics.

---In, <> wrote :

Yep, a good perspective to have, though I think modern life and technology has rendered any forecasting ability of jyotish or Western astrology, impractical. Using common sense and intuition, we get it right more often than not. And if not, better next time around. PS No problems discussing or communicating anything today...

---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

Putting skepticism aside it seems way more interesting to entertain these ideas of jyotish. While more strictly experienced as a conservative transcendental meditationist who is not as interested in all the ‘add-ons’ of Maharishi’s teachings I do feel open to the consideration that jyotish astrology could describe an astrophysics of vibrational influence of the heavenly bodies on subtle systems of the human being. From that viewpoint we be talking of spirituality and then the possible ability to influence and even cultivate well-being around the motions of the planets and such. There are stranger things in Heaven and Earth. Are there no tides? -JaiGuruYou

---In, <jamesalan735@...> wrote :

I was going to point out much of what olliesewuz has written below, but given what he has written, I can be brief:

Regardless of what one thinks of jyotish/MMY, or (God help us), ideas arising from a Fairfield coffee house discussion group, your message below is contrary to MMY's guidelines regarding the "right use" (MMY's words) of jyotish.

---In, <olliesedwuz@...> wrote :

Thanks, but your post just now, at close to the speed of light, spread globally and instantaneously, confirms, "Havoc in Communication"??By focusing on the objective, whatever it is, any environmental influences are minimized, so if there is an issue, isn't it with the doer? Maharishi declared 1978 as the year of invincibility, our unshakable nature. Though a sensitivity to all areas of life is a good thing, to predict difficulties as a result of the stars is a waste of time. Great coffeehouse chat, but nothing to take seriously.

---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

Today, Aug 30 Mercury retrograde in Virgo  =Havoc in Communication

So says the coffee house Fairfield jyotish satsang.
Would be a difficult day to substantially engage others
or begin things,
however; a good day to stay in meditation.

---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

In correlation of good things..

Fairfield, Iowa Meditators start very early everyday with their spiritual practice.

Also, the Dome doors open for the collective meditation at 7am.

---In, <olliesedwuz@...> wrote :

Haven't noticed anything different through this period, except that I have been a little more successful than usual in my day to day. A couple of friends have had unusually positive events occur during this time. Everyone seems perfectly friendly and happy. No undue stress or tension. Perhaps the astrologers got it wrong. :-)

---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

Today, Aug 26 Jupiter Venus Mercury in Virgo. It is said to be a particularly good day to meditate, a Saraswati Yoga..
Om Ayim Srim Hrim Saraswati Devyai Namah

---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

Fabulous drama unfolding in the sky..

Clear sky last night in Fairfield, Iowa. Before the moon rose one could see it

with naked eye and even clearer with binoculars.

Mars is approaching Antares in Scorpio ! One can see it !

Google’s free app, Sky Map on a smartphone can get you oriented for the show.

Aug 24 Saturn and Mars @ 15degrees of Scorpio, Transit characterized by ANGER. There is a star in Scorpio that is the war star in combination with Mars etc.. makes it all particularly difficult.

August 23-26 will be extremely violent with Mars transiting the fixed star Antares.

Aug 30 Mercury retrograde in Virgo  =Havoc in Communication

Sept 1st Solar Eclipse

Around September 13 (the 12th?) it will be treacherous and very violent againdue to transiting Saturn’s return to the degree of the fixed star Antares.

As Jr points out,

the good news is that..Sept 17 Mars Exits Scorpio, the most difficult period passes

---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

I agree. I am not worried so much about this jyotish line of thinking. But just as a transcendentalist knowing the transformational spiritual possibility and just looking at the level of spiritual commotion in the world it is breath taking at times That these planets are conjoined may be coincident to the turbulence of these postmodern times. I am enjoying watching the planetary play out on my smartphone free app from Google, Sky Map. What I was interested to learn was just what the jyotish people are all wonked out on and compelled by.

---In, <olliesedwuz@...> wrote :

Thank you, but I also have to wonder if similar planetary combinations have happened in the past? If they have, I haven't noticed any time in my life where events were actually insurmountable, or that I felt the need to spontaneously act in a certain way, to counteract a heavenly alignment I had no idea existed at the time.

I do find some remarkable trends in the general area of people's personalities, including mine, correlated to birth time, day, month, and year. As far as a predictive tool, though, who needs it? How does it avoid or prevent or modify or enhance, just making one's way through life? Isn't that rich and complex enough as it is? :-)

Intuition and flexibility can go a long way towards an easier way in life, without adding this extra layer of concern.

what's up wid' Jyotish?

---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

In sequence:
Aug 18th Lunar Eclipse

Aug 24 Saturn and Mars @ 15degrees of Scorpio, Transit characterized by ANGER. There is a star in Scorpio that is the war star in combination with Mars etc.. makes it all particularly difficult.

Aug 26 Jupiter Venus Mercury in Virgo ( Saraswati yoga, good to be meditating)

Aug 30 Mercury retrograde in Virgo  =Havoc in Communication
Sept 1st Solar Eclipse

Sept 17  Mars Exits Scorpio,  the most difficult period passes

---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

Yes, the Sept 1 Solar eclipse too. In combination with the coming Aug 30th Havoc in Communication difficulty of Merc being retrograde in Scorpio, we should think about shutting FFL down for those days to avert adding anymore to what might be the larger disturbing chaos in communication of that time frame? This morning downtown I shared this jyotish sequence with someone and it was directly suggested we close FFL.

..Of course some out there feel there is always a negative havoc in communication being perpetrated all the time on FFL that should be shut down. However, I am feeling the Yahoo-groups guidelines are sufficiently invincible enough to protect us all from Mercury in retrograde at that time. FFL, as it so often has seen the Meditating community through in difficult times might just be one of the few places to get reliable spiritual information on those days. -JaiGuruYou

---In, <sharelong60@...> wrote :

yoohoo, don't forget the solar eclipse on Sept 1...

*From:* "dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]" <>
*Sent:* Friday, August 12, 2016 7:00 AM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Shorthand, Jyotish Dates

I have never spent much time or money with jyotish as an ‘add-on’ to TM but Fairfield, Iowa has quite a lot of people trained up in jyotish and Western astrology. You can walk in most any eatery and ask patrons sitting there to get a quick answer to, what is up in jyotish? Some people are really into it. Yesterday I asked someone who was working on something else, just what is up with jyotish?
Here is the shorthand accounting:
Aug 18th Lunar Elcipse
Aug 24 Saturn and Mars @ 15degrees of Scorpio, Transit characterized by ANGER. There is a star in Scorpio that is the war star in combination with Mars etc.. makes it all particularly difficult.
Aug 26 Jupiter Venus Mercury in Virgo (something about Saraswati yoga, good to be meditating)
Aug 30 Mercury retrograde in Virgo  =Havoc in Communication
Sept 17  Mars Exits Scorpio,  the most difficult period passes


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