• Every Thursday evening • 7:30-9:00pm • no charge

 • Held at the home of John Louros, 1107 Liberty Dr., Fairfield IA 52556

 • Open to anyone sincerely interested in exploring Truth and your relationship 
to it - no matter 
    what your level of experience.



 Satsang means "to sit with the Truth".  

 This satsang is based on the ancient method called Atma Vichara (Inquiry into 
the Self).  This is not a process of intellectual analysis or mere 
understanding, but an opportunity for DIRECT INTIMATE REALIZATION of who you 
really are - behind the body, behind the mind, behind the intellect and 
feelings, behind even the sense of individual identity (ego).  In reality you 
are That - awareness itself, consciousness itself, infinite eternal presence, 
the "peace that passeth all understanding", the silent witness of all that was, 
is, and will be, absolute-consciousness-bliss.  

 We've found that many people in this community - having been doing spiritual 
practice for decades - are there, are at the 'goal', are awake.  BUT their 
understanding has not kept pace with their experience.  This satsang offers an 
opportunity for understanding to catch up with experience, and for one to 
awaken to what already IS, what already has been accomplished.  That awakening 
can be rapid, profound, and life-transforming.  It brings true peace - an end 
to the search.  It is finally "coming back home".

      It is not speech which we should want to know: we should know the speaker.
      It is not things seen which we should want to know: we should know the 
      It is not sounds which we should want to know: we should know the hearer.
      It is not mind which we should want to know; we should know the thinker.
      - Kaushitaki Upanishad 3.8 


 Bring your experiences, bring your spiritual practices, bring your questions 
and beliefs and stories, bring your intellectual interpretations, bring 
everything you've heard or read or think you've been taught - bring all your 
baggage - and lay them at the feet of Truth.  For just a moment STOP - be 
simple, be "naked", be still, let go of everything and see what really IS.  
Approach your experience (or anyone else's) in complete simplicity and 
innocence and see what is really there.

 Explore these questions:
      Who am I?
      What is enlightenment - really?
      Am I "there" yet?
      If not, what still stands in my way?
      What unconscious beliefs about enlightenment are causing me to doubt my 
      What spiritual experience do I believe must happen to me for awakening to 
become permanent?
      How do I stop falling for "the top 10 reasons I'm not enlightened".

 This satsang has been happening - on and off - for 20 years, and has been 
attended by hundreds of people over that time.  Please come join us.


 We'll mix a little spiritual talking and story-telling with lots of 
opportunities for anyone to interact with other members of the satsang, to 
examine one's here-and-now experiences, and to perhaps have a direct, personal 
"aha!"  This method is extremely powerful and can be very blissful - it reveals 
the deepest, simplest Truth of who/what one really is.  You are welcome to 
actively interact, or simply watch and listen.

 Nothing will be said at this satsang which contradicts your present vedic path 
or practices.
 No new spiritual path or meditative practice will be promoted or taught.
 This satsang is simply to take a look at your progress on your path.


 This satsang is offered in the spirit of, and with deepest gratitude to, 
Gangaji, Papaji, Ramana Maharshi, Nisargadata Maharaj, Ramesh Balzekar, Andy 
Rymer, Sai Baba, and especially His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and the Holy 
Tradition.  Jai Guru Dev.


 1. Get to the corner of South 7th St. and Fillmore in Fairfield
 2. Head south on Liberty Dr. (South 7th St. becomes Liberty Dr.)
 3. After a few blocks, Liberty Dr. makes a bend to the left
 4. At that bend, watch for the big blue house on the right - 1107 Liberty Dr.
 5. Pull into the driveway and park either to the left of the driveway, or to 
the right on the lawn


 John: 641-472-8705
 Michael: 561-350-3930

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