How many other paths have your learned? Are you a TM teacher? I was. I learned from other paths both before and after TM. I did not come to TM stone cold. I wanted to see what kind of meditation TM was teaching. It was also a nice social outlet. Since I worked evenings as a musician I was able to help out around the center and even offer daytime courses.

But TM was a dead end compared to other paths where one could not only teach meditation (yoga) but also teach others to do same. Remember that many complain that Maharishi promised them enlightenment in just a few years. Well maybe most westerners are just too high strung (vata or pitta) to achieve that.

Yes, you can transcend on a TM mantra. But those are *very common* beej mantras and well known. Remember Maharishi wanted people to move on to the advanced techniques as soon as possible. Those are often what you might get with a "first" technique along with shaktipat to jumpstart the process (this is how I teach mediation these days).

Sorry, but it sounds like your are talking through your hat or are a "true believer". We've had these kinds of discussions for years on FFL.

On 09/02/2016 01:45 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Yes, moving on is the essence of transcending, and TM transcends all the way. It is not meant to be encyclopedic in its practice, just something to bring all of life to fruition; Totality. There are many other avenues of spiritual inquiry, but nothing more is necessary than the TM-Sidhis program.

---In, <noozguru@...> wrote :

That's because the TM-Sidhis are just a basic set of siddhis and by no means complete. There are all kinds of siddhis including ones not even listed by Patanjali. You can do a lot of things with samyama. TM is just "yoga lite" and probably all that some people can handle. Others wanted more and have moved on.

    On 09/02/2016 10:09 AM, feste37 wrote:

I'm puzzled by Ollie's post. If the TM-Sidhis "are the complete path, and one that leads to all the other knowledge that is being offered," why is it that "no one in the current leadership is living such a reality"? The latter statement would seem to cast some doubt on the notion that the TM-Sidhis are the "complete path," and might perhaps explain why so many people on longer practice these techniques.

---In <>, <olliesedwuz@...> <mailto:olliesedwuz@...> wrote :

I have to ask myself, why would someone who has found other avenues for their investigation of consciousness, be at all concerned about doing TM-Sidhis in the Dome? If they want to look elsewhere, OK, but continuing the plunge into the transcendent in the Dome will only lead them to greater confusion. Once this is clearly explained, it would settle much of the issue. The TM-Sidhis are the complete path, and one that leads to all the other knowledge that is being offered, in time. The thing is, no one in the current leadership is living such a reality, and therefore unable to explain this guideline in personal terms, without attachment, so it becomes a rule, which people really don't understand, and rebel against, creating a mess.

It is the old problem that MMY explains in the Gita, about the knowledge of the teacher being interpreted at the followers' level of consciousness. If it is waking state vs. waking state, nothing is accomplished.

---In <>, <dhamiltony2k5@...> <mailto:dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

Ollie, that becomes a consideration here. What is Fair to exclude on? Dispossessing the way they have administrated it is asserted to be fair and rational except that the ‘non-compete’ clauses for membership that relate to doing non-Maharishi Jyotish and doing non-Maharishi yoga, Non-Maharishi ayurveda, etc, came along as ‘add-ons’ in a sequence of time.

This nature of character of assessing fealty has been asserting itself excluding and sending away whole categories of interested practicing meditators for 35 years. For positive reasons of expansion this needs to change now.

That old business and fanatical believer mindset of separating practicing meditators from the group meditation as a primary means of retribution against categories of private life for members has been little other than corrosive to what was a larger communal mission and hope. -Jai

---In <>, <olliesedwuz@...> <mailto:olliesedwuz@...> wrote :

It seems like a fair enough demarcation to say that those who have set themselves up as teachers of another discipline would not be compatible with ongoing Dome TM-Sidhis programs. As Ken Kesey famously said, "you're either on the bus or off the bus...". Rather than make it an edict though, with spying and all of that, the interference of other programs should be clearly explained in a non-judgmental way, and then self-enforced. Instead of making it a value judgment, the science behind it could be clarified. The TMO made it a holier than thou issue and that f'ed everything up - Perhaps a higher consciousness at the helm will help.

---In <>, <dhamiltony2k5@...> <mailto:dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

The 'non-compete' clauses.

A sad irony in this thread which has been sore effect for the community here is that these recognized experts and a lot of jyotish experts who have come out of the old ™ community with their early training in Maharishi jyotish are technically disbarred, disenfranchised by guideline, from membership participation in our ™ community group meditations.

The Maharishi Foundation ™.org National standards for participation as they stand now specifically exclude people who ‘promote’ other systems of jyotish, excluding from the Dome meditations here and other sponsored ™ group meditations. 'Other systems' as in non-Maharishi jyotish.

This has been applied to old ™’ers for quite a number of years. For some number of years the patronizing ($) non-Maharishi jyotish/yagya was certain grounds for exclusion from the Dome meditations and used to exclude practicing meditators from membership in the group. Meditators are now free to ‘consult’ with non-maharishi jyotishi but the exclusion still stands over ‘promoting’ in practice jyotish using other systems deemed non-Maharishi jyotish astrology.

A conservative or fanatical business mind that is welded with strong emotional (fanatical) belief inside about the exclusivity of all ™ teachers are thinking that all old, de-certs, re-certs and new ™ teachers are sales representatives of all that is now ™ and hence are strictly liable to business non-compete constraints through the movement right to administratively denying membership using the validation of Dome badges for inclusion in the communal group practice of meditation as a preferred means of sales-force discipline.

In effect what could be adjudicated by a human resources department or a legal department more narrowly with employees they instead have used the group meditation as the retributive means (weapon) of disciplining others to their sense of fealty. Employing the use of the group practice of meditation as their primary tool of discipline over membership has been incredibly corrosive in their bold leading of a decades long decline in a metric of what was a larger group. It is still a fundamental problem within the group.


---In <>, <dhamiltony2k5@...> <mailto:dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :


To be fair, it can be more than coffeehouse ‘chat’, quite a number of people from Fairfield, Iowa have been trained in and are quite long experienced and accomplished in jyotish astrology and now a number of top jyotish astrologers in the West are of what is the old meditating community of Fairfield.

Pat Hayward, for instance, is regarded as an astrologer and has been consulted by many many people both here in Fairfield and of the world. He became established in this craft while living in Fairfield, Iowa as a recognized member of the meditating community here.

Two others who are recognized as being highly scholarly within astrology, David Hawthorne and Penny Farrow, also cut their teeth as recognized consultants are themselves of the old meditating community in Fairfield, Iowa.

David Hawthorne:

Penny Farrow:

These three stand out as examples as there are also others quietly living here having been students of Maharishi jyotish and as time has gone along also studying with these three and other top astrologers and systems in the field. Fairfield is an adept community this way.

I was recently visiting a substantial Indo-American cultural center [temple] out East and read on one of their bulletin boards of an upcoming series of scholarly classes being taught there on jyotish by Penny Farrow.

As time has gone along these people are being pulled on for both their academic and practical experience with astrology.

There is a lot of this resource available in the meditating community of Fairfield, Iowa. It is quite easy to find consultation on it, even in the coffee houses of the town. It becomes just like asking about the weather, “How much rain did you get last night and what have you heard is the forecast?” “What’s going on with the moon and planets this week?” Fairfield, -JaiGuruYou

---In <>, <olliesedwuz@...> <mailto:olliesedwuz@...> wrote :

I will have to take your word for it, as I have seen no such evidence personally.

---In <>, <dhamiltony2k5@...> <mailto:dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

Actually, evidently people who are really good at it have a facility with it that is like a siddhi. With a lot of experience with it study of it becomes something intuitive. It is like a way [modality] of thinking, like some people are really good at mathematics or open to physics.

---In <>, <olliesedwuz@...> <mailto:olliesedwuz@...> wrote :

Yep, a good perspective to have, though I think modern life and technology has rendered any forecasting ability of jyotish or Western astrology, impractical. Using common sense and intuition, we get it right more often than not. And if not, better next time around. PS No problems discussing or communicating anything today...

---In <>, <dhamiltony2k5@...> <mailto:dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

Putting skepticism aside it seems way more interesting to entertain these ideas of jyotish. While more strictly experienced as a conservative transcendental meditationist who is not as interested in all the ‘add-ons’ of Maharishi’s teachings I do feel open to the consideration that jyotish astrology could describe an astrophysics of vibrational influence of the heavenly bodies on subtle systems of the human being. From that viewpoint we be talking of spirituality and then the possible ability to influence and even cultivate well-being around the motions of the planets and such. There are stranger things in Heaven and Earth. Are there no tides? -JaiGuruYou

---In <>, <jamesalan735@...> <mailto:jamesalan735@...> wrote :

I was going to point out much of what olliesewuz has written below, but given what he has written, I can be brief:

Regardless of what one thinks of jyotish/MMY, or (God help us), ideas arising from a Fairfield coffee house discussion group, your message below is contrary to MMY's guidelines regarding the "right use" (MMY's words) of jyotish.

---In <>, <olliesedwuz@...> <mailto:olliesedwuz@...> wrote :

Thanks, but your post just now, at close to the speed of light, spread globally and instantaneously, confirms, "Havoc in Communication"??By focusing on the objective, whatever it is, any environmental influences are minimized, so if there is an issue, isn't it with the doer? Maharishi declared 1978 as the year of invincibility, our unshakable nature. Though a sensitivity to all areas of life is a good thing, to predict difficulties as a result of the stars is a waste of time. Great coffeehouse chat, but nothing to take seriously.

---In <>, <dhamiltony2k5@...> <mailto:dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

Today, Aug 30 Mercury retrograde in Virgo  =Havoc in Communication

So says the coffee house Fairfield jyotish satsang.
Would be a difficult day to substantially engage others
or begin things,
however; a good day to stay in meditation.

---In <>, <dhamiltony2k5@...> <mailto:dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

In correlation of good things..

Fairfield, Iowa Meditators start very early everyday with their spiritual practice.

Also, the Dome doors open for the collective meditation at 7am.

---In <>, <olliesedwuz@...> <mailto:olliesedwuz@...> wrote :

Haven't noticed anything different through this period, except that I have been a little more successful than usual in my day to day. A couple of friends have had unusually positive events occur during this time. Everyone seems perfectly friendly and happy. No undue stress or tension. Perhaps the astrologers got it wrong. :-)

---In <>, <dhamiltony2k5@...> <mailto:dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

Today, Aug 26 Jupiter Venus Mercury in Virgo. It is said to be a particularly good day to meditate, a Saraswati Yoga..
Om Ayim Srim Hrim Saraswati Devyai Namah

---In <>, <dhamiltony2k5@...> <mailto:dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

Fabulous drama unfolding in the sky..

Clear sky last night in Fairfield, Iowa. Before the moon rose one could see it

with naked eye and even clearer with binoculars.

Mars is approaching Antares in Scorpio ! One can see it !

Google’s free app, Sky Map on a smartphone can get you oriented for the show.

Aug 24 Saturn and Mars @ 15degrees of Scorpio, Transit characterized by ANGER. There is a star in Scorpio that is the war star in combination with Mars etc.. makes it all particularly difficult.

August 23-26 will be extremely violent with Mars transiting the fixed star Antares.

Aug 30 Mercury retrograde in Virgo  =Havoc in Communication

Sept 1st Solar Eclipse

Around September 13 (the 12th?) it will be treacherous and very violent againdue to transiting Saturn’s return to the degree of the fixed star Antares.

As Jr points out,

the good news is that..Sept 17 Mars Exits Scorpio, the most difficult period passes

---In <>, <dhamiltony2k5@...> <mailto:dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

I agree. I am not worried so much about this jyotish line of thinking. But just as a transcendentalist knowing the transformational spiritual possibility and just looking at the level of spiritual commotion in the world it is breath taking at times That these planets are conjoined may be coincident to the turbulence of these postmodern times. I am enjoying watching the planetary play out on my smartphone free app from Google, Sky Map. What I was interested to learn was just what the jyotish people are all wonked out on and compelled by.

---In <>, <olliesedwuz@...> <mailto:olliesedwuz@...> wrote :

Thank you, but I also have to wonder if similar planetary combinations have happened in the past? If they have, I haven't noticed any time in my life where events were actually insurmountable, or that I felt the need to spontaneously act in a certain way, to counteract a heavenly alignment I had no idea existed at the time.

I do find some remarkable trends in the general area of people's personalities, including mine, correlated to birth time, day, month, and year. As far as a predictive

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