The National Enquirer endorsed Drumpf - do you get your news from that tabloid 

---In, <> wrote :

 "It is almost as if the nation itself were standing beside the Scooby-Doo van 
of the history, helpless, waiting to be lifted by events to whatever awaited."

 Democrats Have No Choice But To Continue With Hillary
 Democrats Have No Choice But To Continue With Hillary When 'elites' 
replace rule of law, one sickly elitist can bring it all down.

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 


---In, <> wrote :

 I think it will more likely be the other way round. Why would a "moderate" 
Trump voter suddenly switch to Clinton in the voting booth? It seems far more 
likely that the Trump vote is being undercounted in polls because people don't 
want to say out loud they support  him, but when they are in the voting booth 
they will cast their vote for him. I think it extremely unlikely that Hillary 
will "destroy" Trump in the debates, as you put it. She may have the better of 
the argument in terms of facts and details and overall knowledge and 
reasonableness, but that won't matter. It doesn't seem to matter at all that 
Trump is a bully, an ignoramus, and an all-round scumbag. He is doing very well 
on it, thank you very much. He is a master manipulator and he is in his 
element. I doubt whether anything will stop him now. 

---In, <olliesedwuz@...> wrote :

 I think there will be a significant 'voter booth' phenomenon with this one. 
Sure, there is a lot of discontent, and some venting of ugly attitudes 
following Trump, that will prevail on election day. But for many moderate Trump 
supporters, once they get inside that booth privately, they will have an easy 
time pulling the lever for Clinton, especially following the oft-predicted 
disaster for Trump that the debates promise to be. Hillary will destroy Trump 
in the debates, hands down. His false bravado, con-artistry, and total lack of 
experience will be on full display, and we as a nation will be appalled, trust 
---In, <> wrote :

 More than a little overoptimistic, I'm thinking. Trump has consistently 
reached at least 40% since late August and I don't think Hillary has ever 
topped 54%. It will be very close. Were I to place a bet right now, I would put 
my money on Trump, although I hate to say it. Hillary has a chance in the 
debates to make an impact, but it is not going to be easy for her. 

---In, <olliesedwuz@...> wrote :

 Yep, my guesstimates for November are: Popular vote for Trump 35 to 38%, 
Hillary 58 to 60%, and the outliers, 2 to 7%. Electoral votes will be about 350 
Clinton, to 180 Trump. 
---In, <awoelflebater@...> wrote :


---In, <olliesedwuz@...> wrote :

 No worries. Go to RCP (link below) and look at the aggregate polls for the 
last yea,r plus. Trump has a slim margin over Hillary in a handful of them, but 
despite the smokescreen put up by the media, this has never been much of a 

Clinton has held the majority consistently, through all the fake "crises" and 
"issues", this one being the latest. Once you train yourself to ignore the fake 
"news" about Hillary, the race such as it is, becomes a slam dunk for Clinton. 
Don't be swayed by the noise and BS, Trump is making ZERO progress towards an 
election win.
RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton
 RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Tr...
 RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

 View on www.realclearpolitics...
 Preview by Yahoo 

Totally. The press lives on doubt, controversy, drama and innuendo. They need 
this race to appear close and they need to keep feeding into the idea that the 
two candidates are neck in neck. All this does is make those who support 
Hillary more determined to get out and vote while at the same time cementing 
those who are silly enough to support Trump to keep supporting him. Pretty much 
everyone knows who they are going to vote for by now but the press just keeps 
making it look like it is a see saw of close calls.
---In, <> wrote :

 It looks like I am being proved right (see my post below, from a few days 
ago). Trump is gaining on all fronts (see the latest polls), and I think it is 
likely he will win. He has the momentum now, and Hillary is going to have to 
struggle to get it back. She is not a good candidate and I wish we had someone 
else. Send for Biden! 

---In, <> wrote :

 I read that Trump has committed himself to the debate, so he would lose face 
by withdrawing, whatever the excuse. I wish I shared your optimism about a huge 
defeat. I think it is going to be too close for comfort, and it would not 
surprise me if Trump won. Hillary is in a very difficult position right now, 
with her health. People respond to images of strength, and right now Trump 
looks robust and strong, and Hillary looks weak. 

---In, <salsunshineiniowa@...> wrote :

 And speaking of kicking butt, here’s what I predict happens: 

 Trump refuses to come to the debates (or at least the first one) because 
of_______________ (fill in the blank).

 He then hilariously uses the fact that he didn’t get to debate as an excuse 
for why he lost eh election, hugely.  

 All the threats about rigged elections and suing go up in smoke as he slinks 
away, totally defeated, never to be heard from again (politically at least.)

 After  putting the GOP in the dumpster for the next generation (or hopefully 
longer) he decides to open his next hotel the one place in the world he feels 
comfortable...Elba.  (Ok, I don’t really think that’s going to happen, but 
nothing would surprise me at this point)

 That’s my story, as of now anyway.


On Sep 12, 2016, at 12:12 PM, olliesedwuz@... mailto:olliesedwuz@... 
[FairfieldLife] <> wrote:

Seriously? The man-child Donald? She could kick Trump's ass with both hands 
tied behind her back, lying down. That's how. He is a pathetic target - Any ten 
year old girl could have the guy in an intellectual headlock in under a minute. 
He is not a bright, capable, or useful person. Kind of slow and backwards 
actually. And physically, a walking heart attack, frighteningly obese
<mdixon.6569@...> wrote :

 I don't know how she's going to *kick* anybody's ass when she can't lift her 
own feet to get into a van.

 From: "olliesedwuz@... [FairfieldLife]" <>
Sent: Monday, September 12, 2016 11:56 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: More Brain Damage!

   Name your illness or disability, and she still kicks Trump's butt 
intellectually, emotionally, experientially, ethically, morally, and yes, 
probably financially. He is sooooo far beneath her in every respect, it doesn't 
really make any sense to compare the two.

Which is why the Republican leadership all pretend Trump doesn't exist, that 
they are somehow not responsible for the filth and ignorance he brings alive 
around him. Tacitly approving it, but then making excuses, "Oh its Hillary I 
don't like, not that I prefer Trump", they proclaim. Always excuses. Always 
silently approving the ugliness and separation, the us vs them, the stink of I 
don't give a shit what happens to America that accompanies Trump everywhere, 
his signature message. His outsider status also proclaiming that he has never 
done a day of public service in his life. The loser, the schemer, the idiot, 
the manipulator.

Screw him and everyone supporting him. He won't help those that naively believe 
he can "fix the system", whatever that even means. He is stupid, vain, horribly 
unhealthy - can you imagine that beast in a bathing suit?? A watermelon on 
toothpicks with orange fur on its head - hideous. He is as ugly outside as he 
is within - a waste.

<mdixon.6569@...> wrote :

 Hillary may have Parkinson's 

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        • Re: ... [FairfieldLife]
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        • Re: ... [FairfieldLife]
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        • Re: ... Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
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  • Re: [FairfieldLif... [FairfieldLife]
    • Re: [Fairfie... Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
      • Re: [Fai... [FairfieldLife]
        • Re: ... Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
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