He should have gone more off-topic, in my opinion. He should have mentioned 
that he got the "birther" idea from Obama himself, after reading his book 
promotion bio where he says he was from Kenya.  

 He could have brought up the fact that Obama came into office as a confessed 
coke user. Now that would be funny since you mentioned "Sniffles." You sound 
kind of biased!

 He left out the part about Hillary being Bill's enabler. There are a lot of 
people that don't want Bill back living in the White House, at any cost. Trump 
should have brought up Flowers, Broaddrick, Jones and Lewinsky. 
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <olliesedwuz@...> wrote :

 No doubt Sniffles will blame it all on the meanie ads Hillary is running 
(which just contain quotes of his). Or go off topic, talking about...*Rosie 
O'Donnell*?!!? again. What a loon. Looking less presidential by the hour.

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <awoelflebater@...> wrote :

 Everybody who was going to vote for Hillary before the debate is still going 
to vote for her and most who were going to vote for Sniffles will mostly still 
vote for him but those who weren't sure who to vote for will plump up those 
poll numbers for Clinton in the next few days. She definitely swayed some 
undecideds to her side. 
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <olliesedwuz@...> wrote :

 Trump wasn't solid and forceful about anything - He is like a small child 
yelling constantly for attention, and once the adults give it to him, or he 
butts in with no manners, the only thing he can do is begin whining and 
criticizing again. He is empty. Anyone could do the job of GOP candidate better 
than he is doing. He exists inside his own echo chamber, and no matter how much 
the misguided and opportunistic try to prop him up, the more spineless and 
confused he becomes. 

He only likes attention and approval for himself, like an infant. There isn't 
anything else in his very small world, and that was vividly on display last 
night. Sputtering, interrupting constantly, and absolutely devoid of anything 
to say. We've heard his shopworn attacks so many times. He is like a one hit 
wonder who came out with a top single 40 years ago, and every time he shows up, 
out comes the same old tune. The fans love it, and everyone else finds him 
boring, weird, and irrelevant. Maybe his new nickname oughta be "Sniffles".

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <no_re...@yahoogroups.com> wrote :

 Trump was solid and forceful when he talked about the economy and trade. He 
panned policies that have led to unemployment in the U.S. and he was aggressive 
for her past support of the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement. 

  In over thirty years of public service, Clinton is still repeating the same 
old playbook. Time for a change. 

 "The centerpiece of Trump's case against Clinton was that the former senator 
and secretary of state is little more than a career politician who has 
squandered opportunities to address the domestic and international she's now 
pledging to tackle as president."

 Clinton, Trump battle fiercely over taxes, race, terror 
 Clinton, Trump battle fiercely over taxes, race, terror 
 HEMPSTEAD, N.Y. (AP) — In a combative opening debate, Hillary Clinton 
emphatically denounced Donald Trump Monday night for keeping his personal tax 
returns and busi...

 View on bigstory.ap.org 
 Preview by Yahoo 



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <awoelflebater@...> wrote :

 I did it!!! I watched it in real time. It took a strong Mojito and a glass of 
wine but I watched it to the end. I think the only reason I could keep watching 
was because it was evident that Hillary was under complete control. As I 
watched her I saw her being able to think ahead to the next debate as she 
watched her opponent stumble bumble his way and she was already figuring out 
how to deal with him and his terrible lack of preparation going forward. He was 
a pushover - confused, blathering on off-topic and I wouldn't be surprised if 
his incessant sniffling is indicative of heavy cocaine use before the debate or 
impending cancer of his nasal cavity. I personally think he has a deadly 
disease for sure. LOL 
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <olliesedwuz@...> wrote :

 If this had been a football game, the score would've been 50 Hillary, to 0 
Trump . Trump had an incredibly bad night, couldn't keep his thoughts or agenda 
straight - ended up agreeing with Clinton several times out of desperation. 
Mixed up every stat he tried to quote. Donnie was a real dummy tonight. Clinton 
on the other hand came across as straight forward, factual, well prepared, and 
the only adult at either podium. The second and third debates oughta be a 
cakewalk for Hillary. This one sure was. 


 Any attacks Donnie attempted melted away quickly under his relentless laziness 
and narcissism - tired slogans and falsehoods from a hundred campaign stops, 
never reality tested, and transparently empty and deceptive. Trump even got 
caught in some big lies, and couldn't muster anything except weak denials. His 
response to his being the only major candidate in 40 years not to release his 
tax returns gave Clinton a field day, and more incoherent denials from 
Spray-Tan. That was the main impression, that Trump was outgunned, outfoxed, 
and outplayed. He will probably be tweeting up a storm over it all, reinforcing 
tonight's impression that this man is in no way qualified to lead the nation. 
Trump got stumped - twice more, and he gets dumped. :-)







---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <olliesedwuz@...> wrote :

 No doubt Sniffles will blame it all on the meanie ads Hillary is running 
(which just contain quotes of his). Or go off topic, talking about...*Rosie 
O'Donnell*?!!? again. What a loon. Looking less presidential by the hour.

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <awoelflebater@...> wrote :

 Everybody who was going to vote for Hillary before the debate is still going 
to vote for her and most who were going to vote for Sniffles will mostly still 
vote for him but those who weren't sure who to vote for will plump up those 
poll numbers for Clinton in the next few days. She definitely swayed some 
undecideds to her side. 
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <olliesedwuz@...> wrote :

 Trump wasn't solid and forceful about anything - He is like a small child 
yelling constantly for attention, and once the adults give it to him, or he 
butts in with no manners, the only thing he can do is begin whining and 
criticizing again. He is empty. Anyone could do the job of GOP candidate better 
than he is doing. He exists inside his own echo chamber, and no matter how much 
the misguided and opportunistic try to prop him up, the more spineless and 
confused he becomes. 

He only likes attention and approval for himself, like an infant. There isn't 
anything else in his very small world, and that was vividly on display last 
night. Sputtering, interrupting constantly, and absolutely devoid of anything 
to say. We've heard his shopworn attacks so many times. He is like a one hit 
wonder who came out with a top single 40 years ago, and every time he shows up, 
out comes the same old tune. The fans love it, and everyone else finds him 
boring, weird, and irrelevant. Maybe his new nickname oughta be "Sniffles".

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <no_re...@yahoogroups.com> wrote :

 Trump was solid and forceful when he talked about the economy and trade. He 
panned policies that have led to unemployment in the U.S. and he was aggressive 
for her past support of the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement. 

  In over thirty years of public service, Clinton is still repeating the same 
old playbook. Time for a change. 

 "The centerpiece of Trump's case against Clinton was that the former senator 
and secretary of state is little more than a career politician who has 
squandered opportunities to address the domestic and international she's now 
pledging to tackle as president."

 Clinton, Trump battle fiercely over taxes, race, terror 
 Clinton, Trump battle fiercely over taxes, race, terror 
 HEMPSTEAD, N.Y. (AP) — In a combative opening debate, Hillary Clinton 
emphatically denounced Donald Trump Monday night for keeping his personal tax 
returns and busi...

 View on bigstory.ap.org 
 Preview by Yahoo 



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <awoelflebater@...> wrote :

 I did it!!! I watched it in real time. It took a strong Mojito and a glass of 
wine but I watched it to the end. I think the only reason I could keep watching 
was because it was evident that Hillary was under complete control. As I 
watched her I saw her being able to think ahead to the next debate as she 
watched her opponent stumble bumble his way and she was already figuring out 
how to deal with him and his terrible lack of preparation going forward. He was 
a pushover - confused, blathering on off-topic and I wouldn't be surprised if 
his incessant sniffling is indicative of heavy cocaine use before the debate or 
impending cancer of his nasal cavity. I personally think he has a deadly 
disease for sure. LOL 
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <olliesedwuz@...> wrote :

 If this had been a football game, the score would've been 50 Hillary, to 0 
Trump . Trump had an incredibly bad night, couldn't keep his thoughts or agenda 
straight - ended up agreeing with Clinton several times out of desperation. 
Mixed up every stat he tried to quote. Donnie was a real dummy tonight. Clinton 
on the other hand came across as straight forward, factual, well prepared, and 
the only adult at either podium. The second and third debates oughta be a 
cakewalk for Hillary. This one sure was. 


 Any attacks Donnie attempted melted away quickly under his relentless laziness 
and narcissism - tired slogans and falsehoods from a hundred campaign stops, 
never reality tested, and transparently empty and deceptive. Trump even got 
caught in some big lies, and couldn't muster anything except weak denials. His 
response to his being the only major candidate in 40 years not to release his 
tax returns gave Clinton a field day, and more incoherent denials from 
Spray-Tan. That was the main impression, that Trump was outgunned, outfoxed, 
and outplayed. He will probably be tweeting up a storm over it all, reinforcing 
tonight's impression that this man is in no way qualified to lead the nation. 
Trump got stumped - twice more, and he gets dumped. :-)





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