
 Today we are now at 35 days and tomorrow, this Tuesday, is one month before 
the general election for the United States of America President, and what then 
will become the complexion of governance of our USA.   

---In, <> wrote :

 We ask your help to be with us now in a meditation of coherence.  Come now.  
Come quickly and assemble. There is ample housing and stores of plenty here to 
keep you here.  Certainly it is up to you to assemble.  

 You might stay at home alone in a comfort of your house and room but never 
will you be able to do so great a thing as to assemble with this now.  Come 
quickly as you can, come now to Fairfield, Iowa for the enhancement of a 
collective peace in meditation. Arrange your affairs quickly and come directly. 

 In numbers gathered close it will be our great honor and privilege to be 
meditating together with you alongside. Come join in the collective practice of 
group meditation. We flatter ourselves, therefore, that, in this case, too, 
nothing will be wanting which the World has a right to expect of your valor. It 
is time to assemble in collective meditation.    
 Jai Guru You!  -Doug in Fairfield, Iowa   


---In, <> wrote :

 37 Days to the Presidential Election.. 

 Meditators, Brothers and Sisters in Eternity, Shake your souls! AWAKE! An hour 
so long waiting for has come. Over a dark firmament of suffering Humanity is 
rising the Morning Star, heralding the day when we will understand that 
people’s most sacred duty is to be Human - that is, to manifest LIFE, 
INTELLIGENCE, TRUTH and LOVE. There is no higher aim, no vaster problem, and 
you who realize this will break the fetters with which Ignorance & Fear have 
bound unconscious Humanity, will stand up free, and know yourselves to be the 
Eternal Manifestation of the Unmanifest, Witnesses of the Absolute, Sons and 
Daughters of that GREAT ALL, whom you call GOD the Unified Field. 



---In, <> wrote :

 43 Days to the Election.

 Maintain your core,


Be of Service to all and Rally Now,  

 to Meditation!


 By our reference of our own experience as transcendentalists and by what is 
modern science, it is quite time now to assemble ourselves collectively by 
coming together with other meditators. 
 -Jai Guru You

---In, <> wrote :

 Friends, Meditationists;  
 As you know, the research (really strong research) shows that meditators and 
Sidhas doing their TM-Sidhi® program in numbers and in proximity together in a 
group create coherence in the nationwide field of consciousness. It’s the most 
statistically valid research in all of the social sciences. Now is a moment in 
our lives when we need to take advantage of this special piece of information, 
which somehow has devolved upon us, to do something vital for our nation, our 
families, and ourselves.


 45 Days to the Election..

 Contact and report to staff locally in Fairfield for accommodations. 

 Fairfield Housing for Arriving Meditators: website at: 
 Home "It has been a real pleasure to welcome 
the bright and friendly course participants to the IdeaLife Assembly campus, 
from around the country and the world.

 View on www.idealifeassembly...
 Preview by Yahoo 


---In, <> wrote :

 48 Days to Election Day..

 ---In, <> wrote :

 Meditators everywhere, it is quite time to elect 

 coherence in group meditation.

  It is time to assemble in collective meditation.


 The hour is at hand.


We ask your help to be with us now in a meditation of coherence.  Come now.  
Come quickly and assemble. There is ample housing and stores of plenty here to 
keep you here.  Certainly it is up to you to assemble.  
You might stay at home alone in a comfort of your room but never will you be 
able to do so great a thing as to assemble with this now.  Come quickly as you 
can, come now to Fairfield, Iowa for the enhancement of a collective peace in 
meditation. Arrange your affairs quickly and come directly.

---In, <> wrote :


 Contact and report to staff locally in Fairfield, Iowa for accommodations. 

 Fairfield Housing for Arriving Meditators: website at: 

---In, <> wrote :


 Friends, Transcendental Meditationists of the World, given the Mayhem, Strife 
and Distress running endemic in the World, the USA elections cycle, those 
Planetary and Galactic Collisions Combusting the Skies..

 Spiritual Peoples Everywhere, 

 It is not unknown to you, meditators, what disasters have befallen here while 
in fact our embarrassments should be at the impossible pitch, had not the 
boundless trust in you and your qualities which have been so often manifested 
as brother and sister meditators of our Movement.. Hardly one among you but has 
distinguished themselves by some nobly memorable action: all these services to 
the movement and to us we know well and will never forget.

 The hour is at hand. 

 Let me apprise you, then: we intend, in spite of the rules of war, to attack 
this with meditation, this which appears nearly twice and a hundred times our 
strength, wherever we find it. The question is not of their numbers or the 
strength of their agitations or material position; all this by courage, by the 
skill of our methods, we will try to make good. This step we must ask, or 
everything is lost. We must beat back the chaos, the commotion of these times, 
or perish all of us before its batteries. 

 So we read the case; so we will act in it.  It is time to collectively rally 
to meditation for all that we hold dear. There is good in life. We must risk 
everything now.  

 We ask your help to be with us now in a meditation of coherence.  Come now.  
Come quickly and assemble. There is ample housing and stores of plenty here to 
keep you here.  Certainly it is up to you to assemble.  

 You might stay at home alone in a comfort of your room but never will you be 
able to do so great a thing as to assemble with this now.  Come quickly as you 
can, come now to Fairfield, Iowa for the enhancement of a collective peace in 
meditation. Arrange your affairs quickly and come directly. 

 In numbers gathered close it will be our great honor and privilege to be 
meditating together with you alongside. Come join in the collective practice of 
group meditation. We flatter ourselves, therefore, that, in this case, too, 
nothing will be wanting which the Community has a right to expect of your 
valor. It is time to assemble in collective meditation.    
Jai Guru You!  -Doug in Fairfield, Iowa  



 Contact and report to staff locally in Fairfield for accommodations. 

 Fairfield Housing for Arriving Meditators: website at: 
 Home "It has been a real pleasure to welcome 
the bright and friendly course participants to the IdeaLife Assembly campus, 
from around the country and the world.

 View on www.idealifeassembly...
 Preview by Yahoo 




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