125 Mandalas inscribed by Nichiren Shonin between 1271 and 1282, Japan. The 
Gohonzon is a visual representation of the "Treasure Tower" mentioned in the 
Lotus Sutra  The accompanying chant is Nam (or Namu) Myoho Renge Kyo.   
Nichiren's Buddhism differs from most other Buddhist sects in that it's 
basically a "get what you want" type of religion in which chanting is used as a 
tool to facilitate desire fulfillment....ANY desires.
 However, if somebody chants for something a-dharmic, those desires will (in 
theory) become gradually re-aligned with Dharmic principles such that the 
desire(s) will either vanish, or be modified in some way beneficial to the 
practitioner in the context of progress toward Enlightenment.

 125 Mandala Gohonzon By Nichiren Shonin 

 125 Mandala Gohonzon By Nichiren Shonin 
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CB3fTV74yco Nichiren Shonin, founder of 
Nichiren Shu Buddhism. Nichiren wrote many copies of the Great Mandala, of 
which 125 copies are preserved undamaged. None of the...
 View on www.youtube.com https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CB3fTV74yco 
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