Now, wait a second Ann, I agree with you up to you last sentence.  Are you 
saying Hillary was entitled to take her hurt out on those who accused Bill of 
rape and sexual harassment?  To head a task force to attempt to discredit them? 

 I hope that is not what you are saying.

 ---In, <awoelflebater@...> wrote :

 You don't think she gave her husband holy hell for what he did? I can 
guarantee that behind closed doors she punished him and probably to this day 
has never let him forget how much he hurt her, humiliated himself and her and 
generally made their personal, not to mention their political, life a living 
hell. Anyone who is being truthful will admit that when a spouse or a life 
partner betrays you with another man or woman all hell breaks loose. You seek 
to punish your partner and you seek to punish their sexual partner. Bill 
certainly paid for his transgressions and I will say that many of the women he 
had sexual contact with were more than willing. To blame Hillary for taking her 
hurt out on those who betrayed her is being too critical.


---In, <olliesedwuz@...> wrote :

 I am more than willing to address the candidates' issues, in a balanced way. 

On the one hand is an oaf who, for starters, refuses to release his tax 
returns. Refuses to, after every major candidate in the last 40 years has done 
it. Many just shrug and say, 'oh that's Trump, just being Trump'. Same with him 
suggesting Hillary could be shot, same with his dangerous flip flops on major 
policy issues, and utter lack of interest or experience in public service, 'oh 
he will surround himself with good people'. Same with his admissions of sexual 
assault, 'oh, its just locker room banter'. 

On the other hand, Clinton's entire *life* is somehow seen as a legal 
deposition, with every 'i' dotted and 't' crossed, held up to the strictest 
legal and moral scrutiny. 

What a bunch of bullshit, Steve. Not much more to add.
---In, <steve.sundur@...> wrote :

 Ollie, why is it that so many here lack the integrity to address uncomfortable 
issues, such as Hillary pillorying of BIll Clinton's accusers. 

 My question is clearly directed at this and her response of dealing with it 
when it got in the way of political expediency.  I am not sure how you can work 
to discredit the claims of these women at the same time declaring yourself to 
be a champion of women's rights.

 Can you?

 Now to repeat what Bharitu said, we are not electing a saint, so I get what 
she did.  Just acknowledge it, if you can, and then move on.


---In, <olliesedwuz@...> wrote :

 Hillary Clinton is not a rapist - Donald is. Hillary Clinton does not go 
around grabbing men's crotches, feeling that she is entitled to - Donald the 
Rapist does. Hillary Clinton has not had public affairs while she was married - 
Donald the rapist has. 

I am not sure why we are talking about Hillary's husband - he isn't running. 
Let's stay focused and compare candidate to candidate. Frankly I am amazed that 
any man or woman could ever excuse or qualify Trump's words, once again. Rather 
than feel completely repelled and revolted by this Orange Abomination, I see 
too many deciding that the ugliness Trump exposes is A-OK, because 'gee I feel 
a lot of the same things inside...'. Talk about the banality of evil...
---In, <steve.sundur@...> wrote :

 Lame?  So mention Monica Lewinsky but leave out the woman Bill Clinton 
actually raped, not to mention the accusations of groping by numerous others, 
and the veracity of these claims challenged by Hillary. And this is the 
candidate who claims to be a champion of women's rights?  This is political 
expediency and nothing more. Have the intestinal fortitude to call it for what 
it is. 

 Your comments, as is often the case are the ploys of a partisan, who claims to 
be purveyor of truth but in actuality is pretty much just a shrill.


 Hillary Clinton haunted by efforts to ‘destroy’ Bill Clinton accusers
 Hillary Clinton haunted by efforts to ‘destroy’ Bill Cli...
 Running to be the first woman president, Democratic presidential hopeful 
Hillary Clinton has taken a stern stand on combating sexual harassment and 

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---In, <authfriend@...> wrote :

 "Locker room banter," of course, isn't the point. That's just an exceptionally 
lame--and supremely hypocritical--attempt to defend the indefensible. 

 This, as I've already said, is about Trump boasting of his right as a 
celebrity to commit *criminal sexual assault* any time he wants and get away 
with it.

 Bill Clinton's affair with Monica was consensual. She didn't sue him for 
sexual harassment (let alone sexual assault) because she wouldn't have had a 
chance of winning.

 In most states in this country, kissing someone or grabbing their genitals for 
sexual gratification without their consent is a crime subject to jail time.

 And nobody's cutting Clinton any slack for his philandering. But Clinton's 
sins have nothing whatsoever to do with this. Trump's is a whole other order of 
misbehavior toward women.




 ---In, <> wrote :

 Since you brought up the subject of men's locker room banter, you and some 
Democrats cut Bill Clinton and lot of slack when he didn't get sued by Monica 
for sexual harassment in the work place. He should have been fired and put in 
jail for being a sexual predator and lying to the American people and Congress.

 Any normal person would acknowledge the crimes against women Bill has 
committed and be honest about what happened, but for some reason you just can't 
seem to be normal and honest. Politics as usual, I guess. Go figure.

 Your post has got to be one of the most hypocritical messages on this forum 
that I've ever read. Bill Clinton made the office of the U.S. Presidency the 
laughing stock of the entire planet!

---In, <authfriend@...> wrote :

 Now, boys, as you are very well aware, nobody is talking about saints or 
church ladies. 

 We're talking about the difference between normal if imperfect human beings, 
and an aggressive sexual predator who brags that his celebrity gives him the 
right to commit criminal sexual assault whenever he feels like it.

 Most normal human beings would be embarrassed to cut such a person any slack, 
let alone attempt to defend him.



 ---In, <noozguru@...> wrote :

 And we have had no saints as President. People loved JFK but he had secret 
affairs.  The public can be sooooo lame!
 On 10/07/2016 06:45 PM, anon_alias wrote:
   There are no saints running for public office - probably never have been 
 But if I were to guess what Bill said to Monica that day in the Oval Office, 
it would be: "Oh my gawd!" or "What are you doing tomorrow?" or "I think I just 
died and went to heaven!" Something like that. 
<noozguru@...> mailto:noozguru@... wrote :
 Now refresh my memory, what saints are running for public office these days?  
Would you want your local church lady to run for public office?
 On 10/07/2016 05:50 PM, anon_alias wrote:
   Since you brought up the subject, what exactly did Bill Clinton say to 
Monica Lewinsky inside the Oval Office at the White House?
<authfriend@...> mailto:authfriend@... wrote :
 Tape Reveals Donald Trump Bragging About Kissing and Groping Women
 Tape Reveals Donald Trump Bragging About Kissing an... A lewd discussion taped 
in 2005 on a soap opera set adds to evidence that Mr. Trump has a record of 
sexist behavior.

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