Maybe I'm just trying to help you because it looks like you need something to 
read every morning, so you don't get bored at work. Some people just feel 
better when they have someone to talk to, I guess. Go figure. 
---In, <awoelflebater@...> wrote :

 Do you really have so much time on your hands that you don't know what the 
hell to do with that you can actually waste it posting this kind of thing? Why 
not consider doing something worthwhile? How about doing something for someone 
who is in need? Maybe volunteer your abundance of spare time to remove your ass 
from the seat you are currently inhabiting and turn off the effing computer? 
Perhaps you could conceive of using just a few hours of your squandered time to 
make a real and meaningful difference to your small world. Dole out a ladle of 
soup to someone who is hungry. Take an unwanted and abused ASPCA dog for a 
walk. Vacuum the effing house. How cavalier you are with the little time you 
have left on this planet to waste it trolling this site. What a waste of your 
life, your energy. 
---In, <> wrote :

 You told a great big fib when you claimed that yogis don't get down on their 
hands and knees to pray to the Sun God. In fact, millions of yogis do this 
twice or even five days every day. So, yes almost everyone is laughing with you.

 Let's hear it one more time!

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