Fundamentalist/Evangelist Kirk Cameron had a theater get-together make possible 
by some new technology.
 He and others like him are providing an alternative model of reality that 
differs markedly from the MUM model.
 The division goes back a long time to the 2nd Century CE, with the Gnostics 
(the Quietists of that day, or Transcendentalists if you will); vs those 
oriented toward "external" revelation.
 Obviously in the popularity contest, we know who won out.
 In fact, Transcendentalism and the method to experience "it" (Gnosis or 
Self-experience) was considered anathema in the 2nd century (according to the 
Church "Fathers" like Jerome) and such practices are still considered heretical 
to people like Cameron.  
 Why?  Because if you're getting "Gnosis" or an experience of the Transcendent 
through a practice of interior revelation, then you're NOT getting it from an 
exterior source like the Bible or the Pope.
 Mainstream Christianity is still based on exterior evelation, not personal 
 Cameron was probably able to amass far more people "together" in theaters than 
anybody in FF could round up in a whole year.
 The onus is on those who think they know what's "Real" to make a better case.  
Sorry, but you've lost the popularity contest, by far.

 Thousands Join Kirk Cameron's 'Revive Us' to Call America Back to Jesus
 Thousands Join Kirk Cameron's 'Revive Us' to...
 Movie theaters around the country hosted a time of worship and prayer, calling 
America's attention back to Christ as part of the live event, "Revive Us 201...
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