This is another way of saying the world is based on information.  Hence, the 
world is a simulation like in a gigantic computer screen.   What is the proof?  
The dual nature of light as a particle and a wave.  This nature of light shows 
that the world is not deterministic since light is not a particle in the strict 
sense.  Since light is also a wave, it means that the world is based on 
probabilities.  Thus, consciousness is needed to determine these probabilities. 
 Here's a an explanation of the light experiment, as explained by Tom Campbell, 
a former TMer:

 Tom Campbell: The Key to Understanding Our Reality (from Spokane) 
 Tom Campbell: The Key to Understanding Our Reality (... "In the early 1900's, physicists 
understood the nature of Reality better then than they do now." In this excerpt 
from the May 2014 Spokane workshop, T...
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