Listen to the interview. Or watch as it should be up later today on YouTube. I'll post the link later. I didn't say for the whole country did I? Stop making things up.

Bev Harris is a serious investigator of election rigging especially using voting machines.

The first video explains what I've said was discussed in the interview.

HBO documentary on her organization.

On 10/31/2016 12:05 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Bhairitu, there is no "central computer" that tabulates all the votes across the country. There are only state systems (many different types). Common sense should tell you that. The popular vote doesn't decide the election, the electoral vote system, state by state, does. If this lady is telling you otherwise, she's full of it.

---In, <noozguru@...> wrote :

Listen to the interview.  It's not just one state.

On 10/31/2016 11:40 AM, authfriend@... <mailto:authfriend@...> [FairfieldLife] wrote:

    The central computer for which state?

    <>, <noozguru@...>
    <mailto:noozguru@...> wrote :

    Bev Harris of Black Box Voting (up in your area) was interviewed
    in the second hour this morning on  She had some
    interesting things to say including that a developer found the
    key for the central computer that tabulates the votes which
    allows it to cap votes and control the results.  Check it out.

        On 10/31/2016 11:16 AM, ultrarishi wrote:

    It's amazing how much the Internet has become part of this
    election cycle.  The biggest take away from this is how ill
    prepared and ignorant the key players in this cluster fuck have
    been.  Trump is obviously oblivious to the "cyber" world is
    knows jack shit.  Hillary on the one hand benefits from leaks
    while at the same time condemning Snowden in the past and
    Assange and Wikileaks presently. She, Podesta, Wasserman-Shultz
    and DNC all need to spend a weekend workshop in how to use
    Lastpass, VPN's and not use gmail, for God's Sake.

    I held my nose and voted for Hillary since she's pretending to
    be Bernie-Lite.  Of the 2 candidates she is the least offensive,
    but my hopes for real change are pretty darn low.  She doesn't

    Every day I fight with my family and friends about internet
    security while the marvel at all the new IoT devices and phone
    apps that are grooming them for a big rip off.  It must be
    doubly hard to do this politicians and their big egos and arrogance.

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