From Raja John Hagelin and the Ideal Community Group 


 Dear Meditators, Sidhas and Governors of Fairfield & Maharishi Vedic City,

As almost everyone is well aware, Election Day is tomorrow and tensions are 
running high across the country.  On both sides of the political divide people 
are feeling anxious and concerned about the possible outcomes, and many are 
worried as to whether or not tensions will continue to rise afterwards.  Many 
people are left feeling powerless by all of this — they are feeling that all 
they can do is lodge their vote and then hope for the best. 

As Meditators, Sidhas and Governors we are very fortunate in that we can do so 
much more than this. We have the wonderful gifts of the Transcendental 
Meditation and TM-Sidhi programs that we have received from Maharishi, and also 
the understanding that when we practice them together in a group we can spread 
a powerful, calming effect of peace and coherence in to the atmosphere, and 
enliven Natural Law to support the best outcome.

Those of you that have been going to the Domes recently will be aware that many 
of our friends from across the country have joined us here in Fairfield over 
the last week or so, and they have helped boost the overall attendance in 
evening program to over 750 people.

As really wonderful as this is, it falls significantly short of what we need to 
create truly indomitable coherence for the nation. We therefore urge you to 
come to as many group programs as you possibly can over the next few days to 
maximize the coherence creating effect, and help us get as close to the ideal 
super-radiance number as we possibly can. May we particularly urge you to 
attend both group programs tomorrow — election day! Let’s see if we can double 
the numbers we are getting at the moment, and shoot for even higher!

If you aren'’t able to attend any of the official flying halls, please try to 
do group program together with friends in 2s, 3s, 4s, etc., whatever is 
convenient, and aim to start your yogic flying practice at the official times 
of 8:15 am and 5:45 pm.

Also, please do join us in an atmosphere of celebration on Election Day evening 
in the lobby of the Argiro Student Center to eat, drink and watch the votes 
come in.

Jai Guru Dev

Raja John Hagelin and the
Ideal Community Group




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