Thx, I will assume that one moral or Dharmic Dilemma in the Ramayana is the 
Sati: (where the wife immolates herself after the death of her husband...still 
practiced in India).

 If the presenter is arguing for a justification for this horrific and evil 
practice, I would dispute that there is no possible justification for it; and 
it's totally A-Dharmic, and sinful to the highest degree short of crimes by 
 It's simply a characteristic of backward tribal cultures not evolved enough to 
know the difference between right and wrong. 
 Therefore, the presenter is wrong in saying this is a Dharmic Dilemma.  It's 
simply insane and A-Dharmic, and therefore not a dilemma.
 Similarly, the case made by Christian Apologist Craig in trying to justify the 
Genocide of the Caananites and other tribes in the outright theft of the 
Promised Land. His arguments have so many non-sequiturs, that I can't even list 
 There's no dilemma in such actions, (simply stupid and evil).  One might as 
easily try to justify the virtual wiping out of the American Indians and 
sending them into Reservations as one might try to justify Sati in the Ramayana.
 Did God Command Genocide In the Bible? 
 Did God Command Genocide In the Bible? For more resources visit: On October 25, 2011 at the Sheldonian Theatre, 
Oxford, Richard Dawkins was invited by the Ox...
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