What is Christ Consciousness? - Golden Age of Gaia 
 What is Christ Consciousness? - Golden... 
 “Christ consciousness” is a term which means different things to different 
people. Some use it to mean the same as an ascended being, such as an ascende...
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---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :



 "During this () Christmas season, open a new portal of sublime devotion so 
that the Christ Omnipresence will be able to come anew within your 
consciousness. Every day, every hour, every golden second, Christ has been 
knocking... Now, in this august sacred dawn, Christ is especially coming in 
answer to your inner call, to awaken his Christ Consciousness Omnipresence 
within you.
 This Christ of Everywhere is sleeping in the breast of Eternity; He loves to 
take new birth at any time, anywhere, especially in the warmth of your true 
affection. Though the Infinite Christ is present in every speck of space as the 
splendor of ever new wisdom and creative expression, you can never see Him 
unless He chooses to be seen in the cradle of your unceasing devotion. The cozy 
crib of your heart has for a very long time been small, holding self-love 
alone; now you must make it enormous, so that social, national, international, 
creatural, and Cosmic Christ-love may be born there and become One Love.
 The Infinite Christ is everywhere; worship His nativity in Hindu, Buddhist, 
Christian, Moslem, Jewish, and other true religious temples. Every expression 
of Truth flows from the All-pervading Christ perception, so learn to worship 
that sacred Universal Intelligence in every pure religion, belief, and 
teaching. Since the Cosmic Christ dreamed into existence the divine being that 
is man, you should celebrate the birth of Christ in your newly awakened equal 
love for every nationality and race."
 From Paramahansa Yogananda "A Cradle for the Christ of Everywhere" in _The 
Second Coming of Christ_



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 Transcendentalists could agree with the Pope on this point.

 Pope Francis has said that the true meaning of Christmas is being drowned out 
by materialism.


 He said people now live in a time "when the lights of commerce cast the light 
of God into the shadows, when we are concerned for gifts, but cold toward those 
who are marginalised".



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