Were not slaves considered property?  Perhaps the "morality of slave ownership" 
wasn't even identified as an issue back then. Addressing "slavery as an 
institution," assuming it was likely endemic to the culture/society of the day, 
probably wasn't high on the priority list for the authors/translators of the 
story of Jesus and the promulgation of Christianity.   

 The Story Of The Storytellers - An Introduction To The Gospels | From Jesus To 
 The Story Of The Storytellers - An Introduction To The G... 
http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/religion/story/mmfour.html An 
Introduction to the Gospels Written over the course of almost a century after 
Jesus' death, the four gospels of the New Testament, though they tell the 
 View on www.pbs.org 
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---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <yifuxero@...> wrote :

 Ranked high on the list of best Colleges by Forbes.  Founded by Quakers in 
1864 but dropped its religious affiliation in 1906.
 Somebody in the Religion Dept is asking a dumb (but valid) question: "Is God a 
White Supremacist".
 The question is a dumb example of Political Correctness gone awry since 
Christianity was founded by Jews, and "White Supremacy" didn't exist on a large 
scale until slave traders from various parts of the world cashed in on the 
demand for labor in the New World, rounding up numerous Africans.  A White 
Supremacist culture became particularly strong in the US South; but the causes 
relate to profit: (cotton, & rum trading); not the culture of the Jews and 
early Christians..
   There is a Bible connection however: It appears that Southerners preceding 
the Civil War and during, made attempts to rationalize their slavery position 
by pointing to various passages where the God of the Jews sanctions and/or 
condones slavery: (e.g. Exodus 21)  In addition, Jesus did nothing to overtly 
condemn it, saying (through Paul) that slaves and their masters can be "saved". 
This begs the question of why Jesus didn't actually condemn the institution of 
slavery, especially when John the Baptist condemned King Herod for adultery.  
The Jewish God YHVH advocated stoning for adultery but sanctioned Slavery.
 It appears that from Biblical evidence, Jesus disapproved of money changing in 
the Temple but didn't say anything against slavery.   #Weird!
 Swarthmore College Course Asks: Is God a White Supremacist? 
 Swarthmore College Course Asks: Is God a White Sup... 
 'foundational to the process of ‘whiteness-making’
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