Researchers!  There is a forum that has a tremendous wealth of insight in to 
meditating Fairfield, Iowa.  The TM community as a spiritual practice group was 
operated as a type of theocratic autocracy belief community where transparency 
in open two-way dialogue was not often entertained.  In the late 1990’s with 
the advent of internet forums open communication began to come in 
Fairfield,Iowa.  One site which has played important roles at times for open 
communication in the TM meditating community has been Fairfieldlife, a yahoo 
group, which was opened in y-2001. It ran for years as a bulletin board for the 
larger Transcendental Meditation (TM) community with forum members contributing 
from all over the world, often with eye-witness perspective of the history of 
TM. For some intervening years FairfieldLife as a forum became overwhelmed by 
internet trolls and more recently it has recovered as a place of consideration.

 However throughout the life of FairfieldLife the forum holds a tremendous 
archive of firsthand accounts from the Transcendental Meditationist community 
during this period of time that includes the passing of its founder, Maharishi 
Mahesh Yogi and subsequent transition into a post-founder era for a meditating 
community sect.

 January 1st.  For years as a means of access I have kept a larger running 
index of posts to FairfieldLife that were, to my eye, particularly substantial 
for insight into communal meditating Fairfield. For a number of years I have 
been using January 1st on FairfieldLife as a date to post links to the indexing 
as well as aggregating what were substantial recent threads then of the 
preceding year.  At least for my own use I find this helps to quickly locate 
the links.  

 This allows one to open the Yahoo-group home page of FairfieldLife, then 
scroll down to the ‘message history’ matrix and locate the start of each year 
where I have posted the larger index as it has evolved.

 As a tip for something interesting to look at, look at the earliest posts to 
FairfieldLife in y-2001.  Within the first hundred posts are themes which frame 
and recur even to the present in meditating Fairfield, Iowa.

 Y-2001, Beginning posts to FairfieldLife:

 For as long as Yahoo exists and and Yahoo will maintain this database 
FairfieldLife will be a tremendous research source for insight into communal 
meditating Fairfield, Iowa.


 FairfieldLife (FFL) is set to be open for viewing by the public. You do not 
need to join the group to scroll through the archive.

 I hope this is of helpful interest to scholarship,

 Doug Hamilton
 Fairfield, Iowa


 January 1st 2017 link:
 January 1st 2016 link:


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