I had a natural break form a serious spiritual project so just for fun I 
invented a new prediction science.
 Dice are thrown on a board (surrounded by sides) and the board is shaken 
gently while thinking of a person - and the vibrations create an interpretable 
 The board has 81 squares in 9 rows and 9 columns with axes numbered 1 to 9. A 
high numbered dice (i.e.6) in a square of a low numbered column and row means 
superficially it’s a bad sign but the higher number indicates a hidden blessing 
brought out into the open. The opposite is true. There are other rules based on 
various tinted squares having themes attached to the tinge of colour, i.e. 
love, wealth, sickness, intuition, healing power, etc. but I’ll keep this 
 The dice is thrown for Donald Trump.
 A 5 landed in the 2nd column in the 3rd row. This would seem to refer to 
immediately before the election when Hillary Clinton was not found to have 
committed a criminal offence regarding emails. Initially this would seem bad 
for Trump but the propitious 5 coming through the centre means that enough 
doubt was cast amongst fringe voters for Trump to gain overall election victory.
 Also, a 3 landing in the 7th row and 7th column indicates an extremely 
auspicious happening. It demonstrates clearly that Trump would win the election 
but not without opposition due to the lower middle 3.
 Also, a 2 landed in column 6 in the 8th row. This shows, on the face of it, 
that Trump’s first executive orders would be passed successfully but the low 2 
indicates that he would encounter a formidable negative force from the centre 
of power for at least one, perhaps more, of these orders.
 If I can get this marketed, then out of the many thousands who make future 
predictions, the few who know how to work it properly will get their 
predictions verified – which will prove that it works in the right hands.
 As I said, this is a bit of constructive fun.

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