Doug, you;'re in a state of denial.  Let's review some hypotheses and 

 1. In regard to "modern" scientific inquiry, we may be in agreement  that such 
methodologies are quite limited in scope, since there are vast bodies of 
phenomena beginning with simple psychic experiences that most people "believe" 
are true based on subjective experiences and the testimonials of others. This 
body of "unproved" phenomena extends into such areas as crop circles, alien 
appearances and abductions, cattle mutilations, Big Foot sightings, etc, and 
ultimately, the ME.
 2. Most profoundly and of great importance, is the nature of Gnosis 
(Self-knowledge of the Atman leading to complete Brahman realization). We can 
go back to the early Gnostics to see how this as a Movement gradually gave way 
to Dualistic dogmatic religion.  In the 20-th century prior to WWII, there were 
minor revivals such as the "I AM Movement".  After WWII, we have Yogananda, 
Kirpal Sing, Eckankar,, etc; but most important, MMY.
 Ultimately, we come across (through subjective experience,) the Self - Purusha 
and find a true Paradox:
 The Self (Purusha) is indeed "experiential" but purely so, and as such, is not 
by It's very nature objectively provable or demonstrable to others.
 Thus, in terms of the ongoing evolutionary development of mankind (Cf. MMY, 
Eckart Tolle, and others); the hypothesis has been promulgated that the long 
term "Salvation" of individuals and of mankind is innately connected to Gnosis, 
rather than the dogma of belief systems and dualistic religions.
 Thus, the only way to "prove" Purusha is to experience It for yourself; and a 
tipping point in evolution will occur when vast numbers of people simply 
"overpower": those endowed with dualistic perception alone. This is the 
hypothesis of Tolle's "Heaven on Earth" concept.  When large numbers of people 
are Self-aware, such Gnosis will simply take it for granted as being an 
intrinsic part of life, having no need for "modern science" to prove It's 
existence as the basis of reality.

 3. OTOH, the ME is a SHAKTI-basic phenomena.  Among those practicing TM for 
any significant length of time, a type of perception awakens in which Shakti as 
a subtle type of energy creeps into overall awareness, with a "Shakti-meter", 
allowing people to discriminate between various people and places radiating 
that Energy.  In a sense, Shakti can be considered a subtle type of "field". 
Thus, the TMO's use of the term would be appropriate.

 4. Unfortunately, at this state of modern scientific inquiry, there's no 
empirical evidence for the existence of 
 . higher dimensions beyond our materialistic, naturalistic world.  The fact 
that may people have experienced contact with Angels, the dead, and 
interdimensional phenomena is a moot point. Such personal testimonies maketh 
not what's acceptable as "science". If this were the case, nut cases claiming 
Alien abductions and others such as Scientologists AND the TMO would (and 
have!) attempted to make a spurious and dishonest claim for their own versions 
of what "should" be the true post-modern science.

 5. Factually, we are dealing with MODERN scientific methods, not such 
futuristic model of what science "should" be like. If that were not the case, 
the TMO would (and does), have their own make-believe version of science, the 
Scientologists theirs, and the UFO-ologists theirs..  Do I "believe" in the 
existence of Angels, interdimensional entities, and Aliens, as well as very 
common psychic experiences.  Yes!  But all such beliefs are moot.  There must 
be agreed-upon ground rules for exchanging information that conforms to 
accepted "rules" of science.  Do I "believe" that the ME exists?  Yes, but .....

 6. There's no objective way in modern science to measure the magnitude and 
range of  the ME; and indeed, there's no SCIENTIFIC evidence for the existence 
of Shakti.  This fact alone invalidates all of the MUM research involving the 
ME, since the ME is a Shakti-effect, NOT an actual Meissner-effect.  The 
Meissner effect involves a real, observable form of material Shakti.  The ME is 
based on an ONOBSERVABLE (but feelable) form of Shakti not even recognized to 
exist by modern science.  Beyond this fact alone, all other considerations such 
as data analysis become secondary. Since the TMO can't prove the existence of 
the subtle Shakti, the whole hypothesis of ME becomes completely unsupportable

 7. The MUM work fails to have adequate controls.  The results are not a binary 
choice between such effects and "random" possibilities, but rather the 
influence of the SHAKTI vs other possible influences.  Anybody can with equally 
(and nonsensical) validity - claim that such effects were due to Benjamin 
Creme's "Maitreya" or perhaps the Scientology God.  Due to the unfathomable 
nature of karma, it's not possible to isolate individual effects from the 
complete Totality of existence.  The causes likewise likewise can't be 
isolated.  Whose to say that the prayers coming from Christians are not 
responsible.  Why not the countless Pundits in India in thousands of sects, 
doing their Pujas and Yagyas?   The idea that the TMO can isolate both the 
causes and effects with precision, from the Totality of existence, and then 
claiming that their statistical data proves such a relationship is totally 

 8. If the existence of subtle Shakti has been corroborated by scientific 
methods, please give the citation. If no such evidence an be provided, the 
proponents of such "field" effects have no foundation for their claims.
  Robert L. Park, research 
professor and former chair of the Physics Department at the University of 
Maryland, called the study a "clinic in data distortion".[14] In 1994 
a science satire magazine, Annals of Improbable Research, "awarded" Hagelin 
the Ig Nobel Prize for Peace, "for 
his experimental conclusion that 4,000 trained meditators caused an 18 percent 
decrease in violent crime in Washington, D.C."[34][35]

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