The process described is like what is taught in "remote influencing" as researched by people like Ingo Swann and his students as well as researched by the military. And they warn against it because one could accidentally take on the bad traits of the target. A lot of this stuff is actually very simple but people would have never thought to try it. It's true use was to help someone, generally helping them feel better.

These methods were not part though of my tantric training which used siddhis. Influencing there was only to be used as a defense method.

On 03/11/2017 01:07 PM, 'Rick Archer' [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Who is this?: recently watched Rick Archer let one NPD'ed hang out to dry in his Batgap interviews

And this?: From the spiritual sexual tantra kind of encounter with him, this scandalous man, this ne'er-do-well, .. takes people around and puts them into other people’s bodies. Bad. This guy facilitates that, he is like a black magician.”

*From:* []
*Sent:* Saturday, March 11, 2017 2:33 PM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re:Disordered 'Spiritual' narcissism: 'He said he could do what he wanted': the scandal that rocked Bikram yoga

More from the FF Satsanga,

“..The obsession with #1 ‘spiritual’ experiences is opening people up to this. Consciousness meditation aside, people are looking for 'experiences’.”

“..Someone in the Dome was sharing, giving experience about this guy as a #1 experience. From the spiritual sexual tantra kind of encounter with him, this scandalous man, this ne'er-do-well, .. takes people around and puts them into other people’s bodies. Bad. This guy facilitates that, he is like a black magician.”

“On the Humboldt courses, one of Maharishi’s Brahmacharyam came trotting directly out into the lecture hall confronting someone.., “Don’t you ever do that!” for crossing over into other people’s minds and thoughts.”

---In <>, < <>> wrote :

As a melting pot or crucible, Fairfield,Iowa has long been a crossroad stop on the spiritual circuit that draws seekers, and want-to-be ‘teachers’, lecturers, and gurus.

*In Conversation more recently of the Fairfield Coffee Haus Satsanga:*

/“..He says, “I know what I am doing, I am the Guru, I am a master”, very bold, “I am the one, I will help you, I will do this for you, I do this out of love and to inform you. Let me do this for you.”/

/Apparently he spends so much time in this astral realm that he has real difficulty in living. /

/He has got these people that he engages in with this spiritual sex, it is extremely highly charged and errotically charged with these so called unity experiences and then he creates this kind of dependency that is predation. He is doing it to men and women, there is a part of it that is monstrous. You can see why they felt their only recourse was to shut down./

..When you hear language like that it is time to turn around and look.


---In <>, < <>> wrote :

The Spiritual Ego,

Unprepared for if and when it occurs,

it is very seductive someone saying, “I am a powerful one”, “I can do it for you”, and “I am a guru”.

---In <>, < <>> wrote :

Yep, interesting observation about the cultural gap. A cultural difference for Indian Gurus and such coming to the West might be that behavior is not just ‘karma’ but also judged by or held up to T/he Golden Rule/ and the first amendment (bill of rights) of the US Constitution, cultural sensibilities about ethics and morality that are not tempered in the same way as elsewhere.

*emichael108 adds:*

maharishi said once:

*you can do what you want,
but you have to bear all the
consequences of your doing.*

Eustace writes:

(of Bikram..) There is not question about the guy's narcissism, I think, however, that there is the issue of the culture gap here. He wouldn't have imagined that the jury would try to bankrupt him for issues that were not even criminal. But this is the United States...

I always thought that Maharishi was wise to establish his base in Europe. You never know what they might have found even on him.

My 2 cents.


/..words do inflict psychic, emotional and sometimes lead to other kinds of injuries./

---In <>, < <>> wrote :

It is okay that folks understand what happened, that process prevailed and people are in better place now to make better use of their talents.

Hopefully the US Constitution can withstand the gaslighting narcissisms of its President now.

Topically, NPR had this item on its web page the other day..

Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD).

People with this condition often show some of the following characteristics, according to *Psychology Today* <>:

·Grandiosity, a lack of empathy for other people and a need for admiration

·They believe they are superior or may deserve special treatment

·They seek excessive admiration and attention, and struggle with criticism or defeat


*srijau writes:*

You are really self-indulging here in a lot of misguided judgemental-ism and triumphalism. Show a little more grace and discretion and care for the unity of the community. You are the one being ugly and crass here.

---In <>, < <>> wrote :

Several years ago we had some narcissistic disordered ‘spiritual’ people visit FFL, we also had some people who had been in some of the infamous spiritual groups with NPD’ed leaders share perspective on their experience, and more recently watched Rick Archer let one NPD'ed hang out to dry in his Batgap interviews.

In the last couple of years I was glad for the insight which people here on FFL gave throughout in their critique and takedown of the ‘spiritual’ ND’edPersonality. Some of that insight was helpful in the process that brought the change of leadership to the University here.

In some of the discussion here on FFL it was pointed out that narcissists will fall down when their practical performance in life is actually looked at. ..That organizations or groups can protect themselves from the ND’edPerson by having clarity in missions, job descriptions and performance evaluation. ..the bigger the narcissist the harder the fall that can come.

Performance is basically what turned the president here out in that case. What were more formative values to the group guided and prevailed in the process by looking at all the metrics of performance. It became pretty clear that a change of leadership was needed for the essential survival of the group.

---In <>, < <>> wrote :

*Jeezus X-mas, so much unbridled narcissism.*

The (Bikram) cat should have a bell hung on it when it goes out into the garden..

This evidently is the age of narcissism,

/..words do inflict psychic, emotional and sometimes lead to other kinds of injuries./



*Entitlement and Hate Speech reined in, under the law explained.. *



GREAT article for insight.

*eustace10679 writes:*

---In <>, < <>> wrote : <>

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