This is interesting. Neuroscience basically has found that the sense of agency 
in human beings is illusory, that everything is "controlled" by the laws of 
Decision making takes places in the brain 1/2 to 7 seconds prior to the 
decision becoming a conscious event. That means there cannot be a conscious
The sense of individual self, the psyche, the ego, which coordinates the events 
in experience under the title of "me" is not an entity or an object but a 
mental category that packages the events of perception, the organs of action, 
the mind, emotions, and intellect as if they were somehow originated as a unit.
Self realization shows this supposed entity is not real even though it is 
nonetheless a factor in experience.
This supports neuroscience research various kinds of statements found in 
spiritual literature such as "acting in accord with natural law," or "Let Thy 
will be done," which represent the state of enlightenment where the ego is 
subordinated to the whole rather than attempting to subjugate the whole.
This happens effortlessly when the full nature of the whole is realized. It is 
the basic principle of activity during the practice of TM, which is a good 
introduction to how the mind can function without the involvement of the ego, 
which can be said to be a pretend self.
It takes many years of mediation for this quality of action to permeate 
experience, but also intellectual understanding of how the mind creates the 
illusion of a "me" is required to be able to recognize when those features of 
the mind grouped under the title of "ego" are functioning so the mind when in 
activity can reset itself of effortless functioning.
As the sense of individuality and uniqueness is deeply impacted in most people, 
it is not as simple a task as it might seem to have this distortion in 
experience dissipate, for ultimately "you" have no control over the process.

      From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, April 15, 2017 10:40 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] 'Agency'
    Freely willfully making conscious choice..The Greeks had previously 
believed humans had little agency, and that their fates were at the mercy of 
their many gods, who often acted according to whim and fancy. After their 
acquaintance with Iranian religion and philosophy, however, they began to feel 
more as if they were the masters of their destinies, and that their decisions 
were in their own hands.
The Dome Doors open daily at 6:40am for group meditation.

---In, <> wrote :

Of course when one skims through something like this broadside below what pops 
out often is what is familiar or coincides with one’s own perspective.  In a 
quick read this was a ‘long and short of it’.. 

"You cannot sorrow for yourself when you have stemmed the sorrow of another. 
The great law of service works on faithfully for everyone.  ..The (spiritual) 
workers are blessed and in the measure that they have striven so Divine 
protection is around them.  ..; so that when the River of Life is crossed, you 
shall find marked upon you the sign of honour that shows that you were 
shepherds, and that the sheep hearkened to your voice." 
As the science is now more and more apparent it seems that those who would come 
to group meditations are doing good work for others in service to others, so 
like the Prince of Peace did in in Meissner-like darshan in his time. Happy 
Easter,  JaiGuruYou.

---In, <> wrote :

 For anyone who might be interested, I put this excerpt inthe Personal column 
of our local paper for Good Friday. It seems to me thatTraditionalism creates 
obstacles and obscures the more optimistic view from those who should 
receiveit… Extract from “WHAT DOESRESURRECTION MEAN FOR THE SOUL”, spoken by 
the spirit of the Scribe in theBible (Mark 12:28-34) through the deep trance 
mediumship of Miss Winifred Moyesat the Greater World Christian Spiritualist 
Circle on Easter Sunday, April 13th1941. "Thisis the time of resurrection; in 
the degree that you can sacrifice - then indeedit shall be Easter for you…  
"Youcannot sorrow for yourself when you have stemmed the sorrow of another. 
Thegreat law of service works on faithfully for everyone. Those even in 
theirdeepest sufferings can link up with Jesus the Christ and face the fiercest 
testunafraid, knowing that they shall never see death, but glorious life and a 
lovethat shall close every wound in heart and mind and body. "Thereare those 
who criticise, but when their body is no more, the consciousness ofopportunity 
utilised or of opportunity thrown away will come to them. But inthat next 
stage, God, in His great mercy, will send to them the teachers andthe leaders, 
and they will be seekers and will seek until they find - and theyshall find, 
after the transition, their resurrection in very truth. "Theworkers are blessed 
and in the measure that they have striven so Divineprotection is around them. 
The message to everyone is that if only they willtake Christ at His word, if 
only they will trust Him, they shall find that whathas been uttered by the 
Sacred One is true: 'He that believeth on Me shallnever see death': but 
immortal life shall be opened to them for evermore. "Atthis Easter-tide pray 
that in very truth the Garden of Gethsemane and Calvaryshall be forgotten and 
that you will look forward with hope, with anever-growing faith; so that when 
the River of Life is crossed, you shall findmarked upon you the sign of honour 
that shows that you were shepherds, and thatthe sheep hearkened to your voice." 
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