It is then that the charitable desire to offer help springs forth. ..a quality 
of Omnipresence, a person may transfer his consciousness to that within 
suffering men;

 ..You should desire to drink God’s nectar of bliss so that you may share it 
with all. That is true charity. 

 Satsang this weekend bringing spiritual people to Fairfield.

 workshop with Spiritual Consultant Janet Sussman

 The Supernal Light of Sunpoint ™
Creating Transformational Change 

 Fairfield, IA
Date: Saturday, May 20th and Sunday, May 21st 2017

 This workshop will offer a deep look into how the realignment and 
strengthening of the light body can uphold our sense of true spiritual 
independence and power. We will look at the benefit of deepening the light of 
the heart and holding that radiance as we move through times of personal or 
societal challenge. Group initiation and renewal of the Sunpoint method will be 
 About the Facilitator: Janet has spent the past 35 years developing original 
methodologies that support the development of the spiritual heart, the 
strengthening of the human energy system, and a unique understanding of time, 
space and consciousness. She maintains an active private practice as well as a 
full schedule of seminars on such topics as Spiritual Psychology, The Power of 
Love, and Challenges on the Spiritual Path.

---In, <> wrote :

 Charity is born of sympathy. By sympathy, a quality of Omnipresence, a person 
may transfer his consciousness to that within suffering men; and experience, as 
his own, their griefs and limitations.  It is then that the charitable desire 
to offer help springs forth. 
 Selfishness cramps the omnipresent soul in a miserable prison of limiting 
material desires.  You should desire salvation so that you may give it to 
everyone else.  You should desire to drink God’s nectar of bliss so that you 
may share it with all. That is true charity.  
 -Paramahansa Yogananda


---In, <> wrote :

 Yep, it is awesome to be the recipient of the goodwill
 of the meditating community. It is like a spot light when
 it gets turned on to you. 
 Some people are shy or private
 but I always tell folks to let their friends here know what is up.
 There is a lot of spiritual capacity here in folks of the community.

yifuxero writes,
 'll send some mantric energy his way.


---In, <> wrote :

 Re: Tim Hunter. , I;'m familiar with kidney failure - almost died in 1925 but 
recovered by drinking lots of water and taking certain supplements.  
Unfortunately, as long as one is a. physically in a hospital or hospice 
setting, or b. under the "care" of a physician, one can forget about a 
recovery.  Simply but unfortunately put, there's no cure in mainstream medicine 
for kidney failure, and the longer he stays in the Hospital, the higher his 
chances for death..
 I recommend starting with Black Cumin seed oil, 4X per day (an Ayurvedic 
remedy).  Black cumin seeds were also found in King Tut's tomb and are 
mentioned in the Bible.
 I'll send some mantric energy his way.



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