Good to see that in the end you have reconciled all this skepticism of the 
published science of meditation in meditation. 

---In, <> wrote :

 Comments below in text.

 From: " [FairfieldLife]" <>
 Sent: Wednesday, June 14, 2017 4:39 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: In Statistical Truth, The Call to Spiritual 
Order,Rally Now to Meditation!


 People ‘claim’ things like:
 One: “..the movement's confirmation-bias tainted research”.
 Confirmation-bias may be a fault of some of the earlier research but evidently 
not of the replicating studies done in more recent times. That there might have 
been some confirmation bias in some of the research does not invalidate all the 
science published on meditating. There is a lot of discussion and rebuttal 
about this for open minds to consider at is a die hard TM site by David Orme-Johnson. It is not in any 
way scientifically neutral. Anyone who strongly believes that what Maharishi 
says is true will have a hard time constructing research that is neutral.

 If you take the position that everything Maharishi said is false, that too 
would likely create a situation that would taint research, although if you 
really try to prove some hypothesis false and it survives all those tests, the 
hypothesis will be in a much better position to be accepted.

 Social research with large groups is notoriously hard to control properly.
 Two: “..Maharishi did not even really know if this coherence effect would 
really work, as it seemed to be based on a rather loose association of a 
statement by Patanjali with a coherence effect in physics.”
The process of science includes taking observation, making hypothesis about 
observations and then testing the hypothesis. Maharishi was at that the whole 
time in process from very early on when he left India to go out and teach 
meditation until his final days. Throughout his long career he would use the 
large facility of the ™ movement to advance science by this process of from 
observation making, to hypothesis and testing it. This was large thinking of an 
inquiring mind.  
 The disgruntled and disaffected may feel and gripe otherwise about him for 
their own reasons but what he did in persistence at advancing broadly the 
science on meditation in the last half of the 20th Century and into the 21St 
Century was monumental in its developmental way.

 But how you test the hypothesis is the key. That is the brain buster. You not 
only have to test ways that might show it is right, but also test in ways that 
would show it is wrong. 

 The ME effect has not been tested this way. 

 One of the problems is non-movement scientists are not horribly interested in 
this research, as they would likely be more likely to attack both the 
philosophical explanation and discover experimental flaws in the experimental 

 David Orme-Johnson has resisted all attempts by other scientists to get access 
his raw data for the ME. He is retired now, so of course, not actively pursuing 
any of this with new research.

 One thing that would need to be explained is why MUM seems to be doing so 
poorly while being the center of the alleged positive effects in question. As a 
university it is a decaying shell of its glory days.

 Hypothetically the movement explains the Maharishi Effect as a unified field 
effect, yet there is no accepted unified field theory in science yet.

 There are many candidates, but none have any experimental evidence to confirm 
or deny them except those theories that predict the decay of the proton. 

 Experiments have shown no proton decay, which makes Hagelin's flipped SU5 
theory unlikely to be true as it predicts proton decay. 

 The movement science overlooks other possible explanations that are not 
unified field based, such as a magnetic effect, an electromagnetic effect, a 
chemical effect, social-behavioral effects, and even, there is no effect. 

 Scientific explanations do not start with explanations based on what we have 
not yet figured out or discovered to be likely true, but on explanations that 
are currently accepted and then the discoveries grow out from that.

 Saying the Maharishi effect is unified field based means scientists have 
nothing to test so it provides no theoretical way to understand the theory.

 My own experience is there is something going on in those groups, but it could 
well be the explanation is not what we are being told. 

 It could even be just credulity or gullibility, but this could not be the 
entire explanation as there are group effects in any group. It is just figuring 
out what they are.

 There are many kinds of social phenomena where groups with a common belief get 
together and act more or less like an organic whole, not all positive. Riots 
for example. How does this behavior spread so quickly? One could easily 
hypothesize riots are the result of a unified field effect, the Maharishi 
Effect, but with a different focus in mind than world peace or enlightenment, 
the focus being destruction. But how would you prove it?

 Among things that need to be tested would be how far does the effect extend, 
and does it fall off with distance (all known physical effects diminish with 
distance) and what would be the rate of falloff? None of these things are laid 
out in the ME theory.

 Which known laws of physics would be involved in such an effect, and how would 
a human brain manage to activate those parameters? How much energy would it 
take and how would you measure that to get a scientific result?

 And your bringing up the concept of heresy (below), does saying that there is 
no Maharishi Effect, or saying it is not unified field based constitute some 
kind of heresy in the TM movement? When doing scientific research, other 
scientists are going to criticize the work.

 The movement has a rose-colored glasses view of its research. If you go to the 
NIH website, and read the general overview of meditation research, it looks a 
lot less positive, maybe a little hopeful that meditation might do some good in 
some cases. And nothing about group effects.

 Meditation: In Depth


 Meditation: In Depth This fact sheet provides information about meditation for 
conditions such as high blood pressure, anxiety, depre...

 On the other hand I will be participating in the National Group Meditation on 
the 25th, even though I do not think it is having any real consequence. It is a 
kind of social gathering. Meditations seem to be "better" in an environment 
that supports this kind of thing.

 Developmental like with Copernicus observing: Although Copernicus' model 
changed the layout of the universe, it still had its faults. For one thing, 
Copernicus held to the classical idea that the planets traveled in perfect 
circles. It wasn't until the 1600s that Johannes Kepler proposed the orbits were 
instead ellipses. As such, Copernicus' model featured the same epicycles that 
marred in Ptolemy's earlier work, although there were fewer. 
 Copernicus' ideas, published only two months before he died, took nearly a 
hundred years to seriously take hold. When Galileo Galilei claimed in 1632 that Earth 
orbited the sun, building upon the Polish astronomer's work, he found himself 
under house arrest for committing heresy against the Catholic church. 
 Now that meditation has been researched, it is known there are some effects, 
but they have not been scrutinized so carefully yet as the research tends to be 
done by groups that have an emotional and doctrinal stake in the outcome.

 When initial research is done and the critical eye of good science follows up, 
the effects reported tend to be less than initially imagined. This happens 
quite a lot in clinical medical research. 

 The beneficial effects reported in clinical trials are often double what is 
eventually reported when the medication is in common use, and sometimes many 
undesirable effects also show up at this stage.

 You know one of the properties of pure consciousness is it is non changing. If 
that is so, then it logically follows that it cannot do anything.

 You seem to be upset with the custodians of Maharishi's knowledge, and yet 
according to Maharishi, they should be the ones that benefit the most, as "the 
teacher learns more than the student," and so in decrying their behavior you 
are basically stating that Maharishi's knowledge does not work, and yet 
steadfastly uphold certain principles that do not seem to have worked.

 This is a commonly known psychological trait in groups with a common belief. 
When there are real challenges to those beliefs, the believers double down on 
the belief, holding ever more strongly those ideas when they appear to have 

 In spite of everything claimed for meditation that perhaps it cannot claim to 
do, it is still one of the time-tested techniques used to foster the 
opportunity for enlightenment, which is really what it is about.

 As for the siddhis, most of the ancient scriptures tend to proscribe them 
unless you are enlightened already, and they come to you naturally. If you 
pursue them, it is to your doom.


---In, <> wrote :

 At start of Summer 2017 now, within this circumstance of consequence with the 
collapse of the Dome numbers meditating it is terrible that the TM Trustees, 
Raja and their apparatchiks had let it get so bad with the Dome numbers.
It is like the very people in charge who, standing in the way holding sway, 
don’t themselves believe the best of science (even their own!) now published on 

 ..there are bodies of studies now authored, collaboratively with other 
reputable universities and institutions, and conducted independent of the .org, 
published studies that have extremely high statistical p values and then also 
aggregated high p values studies, replicated too that correlate the effects of 
meditating. Gold standard stuff.  

 So the premise is that at a point the plain truth of such a series of 
extremely extraordinarily high p value published studies in the aggregate 
simply becomes statistical truth. A type of fact. What they correlate becomes 
fair ‘rule of thumb’.  Unless of course as people may be anti-science or don’t 
understand science this way they may not grok what is completely current in the 
cutting edge of knowledge. This does not deny that there was bad or poorly 
designed or poorly performed science on meditation that went before. However, a 
sheer weight of the best of science is plainly correlating that it is a 
statistical truth now and quite fair rule of thumb that meditating has benefits 
that go with its practice.  QED.  


 Hagelin's Premise,


 A premise large in assertion and direction like a Monroe Doctrine, The 
Marshall Plan or the Meissner-like Maharishi Effect, now as matter of 
statistical fact: 

 It is time to rally to meditation by all that the best of modern science tells 
us is statistical truth and by what we know more objectively in our experience 
as quite fair rule of thumb. It is quite time now to come together in 
collective meditation for all that is good.



---In, <> wrote :

 In renewed social critique,
 with the dislocations in society from rapid technological changes like in the 
‘social question’ of the 19th Century renewed, is there alternative here to so 
much of what is in this postmodern time period’s spiritual agitation and 
conflict-making, like taking a fresh alternative towards looking to the science 
of radical peace-making?

 Is it come time for something radical, like a making of peace, going up in 
magnitude to a much larger scale?
 To go much higher than 1 percent, 5 in 100, much higher than the square root 
of one percent of a group meditating. 

 Is it come time now for new critique and something more.
 In experience Transcendentalism has always been the critique to materialism 
that has gone out of perspective.  Given the stakes, it would seem in the 
modern now it is time for revolutionary transforming transcendent meditationist 
action everywhere.  QED.


---In, <> wrote :

 We are grateful to all those who came answering the call and sat up in their 
meditations with us in Fairfield, Iowa. It has been our honor to have had those 
who traveled from distant places join alongside us here in collective 
meditation in these times.

 From time in memorium this is called the work of moral courage where people, 
deeper spiritual people [transcendentalists] do this, come in to groups 
meditating together for something larger. 


---In, <> wrote :


 It would be far better for you look at the webpage of towards engaging a 
much higher level of understanding of these things.  I only know my objective 
experience with it all which I find statistically certain in many replicable 
ways for myself.  -JaiGuruYou> wrote :

 Thx,....statements like this should be put into a proper perspective.  As to 
the Hagelin Premise where he basically says that peace follows from the ME 
which is "peer reviewed" and supported by "statistics"; which "peers" is he 
talking about, and who collected the stats.  If Dr. Hagelin is reading this, 
kindly provide the reference(s) on the peer reviewed journals, if any. 
 If you're reading this, Dr. Hagelin, feel free to jump in and rebut.


---In, <> wrote :

 Waging radical peace... 

 Hagelin's Premise..

  • ... Archer Angel [FairfieldLife]
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