Revolting (historically) against the Rajas..
 "Shah Mal and 26 leaders who were hanged on a banyan tree close to the village 
will be remembered.

 it was a mutiny of sepoys which spread to former rulers of northern India.

 ..of the many forgotten accounts of peasants and commoners, who were an 
essential part of the rebellion, the widespread extent of peasant participation,
 .. the rebels were hanged, and their lands were confiscated, auctioned off and 
redistributed among those who were loyal. 

 The villages that the British declared as baagi were the ones that had fought 
for independence, and which later faced heavy reprisals when the British 
regained control of the territories.
 ..records of 1858 sheds light on how the British attacked villages in Meerut. 
"The principal villages were successfully surrounded, a little after daybreak, 
by different parties told of. A considerable number of the men were killed; 40 
taken prisoners, 40 of whom were consequently hung…."

 "But, the role of the peasantry in the uprising has been glossed over by 
bourgeois historians,"

 ..known as sepoys, set off a rebellion against the British rule in 1857, often 
referred to as the first war of independence. Ordinary farmers took up arms to 
support them in the fight against the British, but their contribution has been 
largely forgotten."

 # Jai Guru You. 


---In, <> wrote :

 An important component of the 1857 uprising were the "thousands of spontaneous 
peasants' jacqueries [revolt] all over northern India," writes cultural 
historian Sumanta Banerjee, in his book

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