To help increase acceptance of the meditating community in Fairfield to the 
Dome meditation, could we open an emergency edit of the National Guidelines for 
group meditations and the Domes and strike those 'non-compete' clauses around 
people practicing or promoting other systems of non-Maharishi 

 An edit was done previously around the exclusion of people teaching 
non-Maharishi Yoga.  This month now let us strike the non-compete language and 
stop holding the ‘Dome Badge’ over a meditating community as a primary means to 
discipling a workforce (the re-certs) otherwise.  Put the disciplining of 
movement employees otherwise over to human resource people or the legal 
department.  The blanket ‘non-compete' clauses using the Dome badge as a 
preferred weapon to interface with the community are needlessly antagonizing to 
the larger mission of our having a substantial communal group meditation in 

 Right now let us move at least on letting/inviting our avid jyotish 
practicing/promoting alumni of the movement back in the Dome with the rest of 
us who would practice ™ and the ™-Sidhis there. 

 This would be a major telegraph to the community that something has changed.


---In, <> wrote :

 Coffee haus satsanga notes: 

 The meditating community here needs acknowledgment, appreciation, gratitude, 
and sympathy.  Don’t just feed the mind with ‘knowledge’ meetings.  Meditators 
here also go to saints there because they feel better there. The ‘feel good’ 
was lost in the TM community because of the virulent TM culture of demeaning,  
patronizing, shady dealings. 



---In, <> wrote :


 For those on fixed incomes.. offer MVVTechnologies and Punchakarma at an 
affordable price.. when most are on social security at $900 or so month, if 
that… there is no discretionary income left over..  It certainly is bad Karma 
to let our brothers and sister die early.. or get sick.



---In, <> wrote :

 Notes from the meditating FF Cafe Satsanga:

 "You need a lot more smaller working meetings with conscious people of the 
community. Not more big top-down podium table meetings.

 People who are active in life here are not going to come to a top-down podium 
meeting where the microphone is open in the way that happens in Fairfield 
meditating public meetings that reinforce a top-down patriarchy.  That is tired 
and boring and people who are about life are not going to go there." 


 "They are terrified about losing control of some vedic idea."  
 "Meditators effectively making life in Fairfield are about their business and 
lives and less likely to show up at a meeting with people who do not have 
personal filters.  They (leadership) should meet with people here who are about 
it doing community life."  

 "The movement has long shut the door on being included in the broader sense 
into a dynamic inclusive community that is meditating Fairfield.  The people 
who are making community happen were out of town that week visiting Ammachi.  
The admin will make their conclusions about what is not in their own minds from 

"..It is not about ™, we all grew up here and made lives.  The campus is 
tangential to life in Fairfield." 

---In, <> wrote :

 FW:  Wake things up, open a starbucks outside the dome in the am.. 

---In, <> wrote :

 Increasing Means of support: 

 FW:  Buy on Amazon, Ebay = Donate to the Meditation Assembly


 An average of 5% of any purchase on Amazon, Ebay, and 250 other online stores 
will go the Invincible America meditation Assembly if you go to the following 
website ( and click the green bar in order to go to the 
store you want: hops?a=cipek


 Just click on the above link,  ​then ​
click on the green bar to shop, and choose among 250 shops, including Amazon, 
Ebay, and hundreds of other online stores.

 About half of the amount donated by the store will go directly to the IAA 
general fund, and about half will go directly to individuals and help 
meditators stay on the IAA and continue to uphold the United States to be more 
peaceful, just, free, and unified. 

 If meditators would like to receive support in half of the  ​donated amount 
(average 5% of purchase)​
 from every purchase ​ by others that​
 they inspire, they can sign up to become an affiliate member by clicking on 
the following link: embers?a=cipek


 If you  ​sign up to become a member via that link​
, you can send your own link to others, and will receive about half of the 
approximate 5% of every purchase your friends generate with their purchases. 
The other half of that approximately 5% will go to the IAA general fund. 

 Thank you very very much for helping move the Invincible America Assembly 
forward to create a bright future for us all. 




---In, <> wrote :

 FW: Start a Fairfield outreach program to get people here meditating again. 
Through course offerings and incentives to stay here like free or almost free 
continuing ed courses and university courses.. My old college still offers that 
to Alums..besides getting free box seats at the Cleveland orchestra.. yesss.... 

---In, <> wrote :

 from e-mail:
 BTW Dr. Nader told me that he would consider a course in fairfield at a cheap 
 ..suggest a big course , with Dr. Nader giving out to us all, over period of 2 
or 3 weeks daily in the dome his course or part of it before or after we do 
tm..etc.. Along with that.. or after a big course of us tsr invite others of 
our celebs promoting superradience.  Is it still impt. .??

---In, <> wrote :

 Invite tsr and alumni retirees to help on projects.. this brings people 
together for a common cause..


 feste37 wrote:
 am so glad there is hope!  
 Actually, the meeting in Phoenix Hall was quite good. I assume you did not go. 
 Salsunshineiniowa: No, I didn’t even know about it.  Supposedly there were 
flyers up all over, but I guess not where I shop.
 There was scarcely a necktie in sight, and only a few Jai Guru Devs (which I 
suspect drive you crazy) were uttered.
 Hagelin even admitted that when he took over leadership of the movement, it 
was a "mess" regarding TM instruction. The fee was too high and no one was 
learning. Since then the fee has been lowered and initiations have gone up.
 What’s it lowered to?  Let me guess…it’s still way too high.
 It must be the first time in history that a TM movement leader has admitted 
that anything at all in the movement was "a mess.” 


---In, <> wrote :

 Mail:   To bring our community together again one of the challenges of getting 
an extended huge group meditation together is sustainability.  We do have 1500 
or more sidhas in town to accomplish that. The trick is getting them back. We 
had some success in getting some friends interested in coming back but need 
more of them to come, and we need help from the University.  

---In, <> wrote :

 e-mail: We are supposed to be a family.. Pops talks to the whole family not 
just the favorite sons or favored daughter... The admin needs to do this. Meet 
with people of the community. Not just one evening but several.. 

  ..we also need continued access to admin to change things. For helping out, 
to gripe. etc. on a weekly or ongoing basis.. Sometimes it takes a lot of 
venting then people come around.. 

---In, <> wrote :

 From e-mail:   More meetings to solve issues should include tsr 
(town-super-radiance) members. or have meetings exclusively of tsr, Rich, 
working and poor who make their lives here, mixing with capable Trustees. 



---In, <> wrote :

 Some people are still here for altruistic reasons and are yet interested in 
the process of making something happen. People who are contentious and by 
nature uneasy or impatient with process likely may go crazy having to listen in 
on the process.  The folks who feel their big contribution is to tell why it 
won’t work? They get sidelined by effective people who volunteer working on 
things. Civics seems a skill set.   

---In, <> wrote :

 They do need people and are starting the process to collaborate.  


 How many times. have we heard this now? They’ve been having meetings like this 
for decades now, nearly every time something awful happens and they need to put 
on a false show of reassurance.  You do know what the definition of insanity 
is, right, Doug?

 All they need is someone else in white up there and they’re all set for a 
scene straight out of the Leftovers.


On Jun 24, 2017, at 5:14 AM, [FairfieldLife] <> wrote:

We’re a bunch of communal transcendental meditationists with a range of 
affiliation and some of them came down into town to show their hand of their 
own concern.  They do need people and are starting the process to collaborate.  
It begins with a lot of listening and consideration. Yes of course we know the 
past. This was a remarkable meeting in corporation.  

<> wrote :

 Brilliant feste.  So instead of insults, do you actually have anything of 
substance to contribute? I'm misinformed?  So by all means, tell us what the 
reality is.  All you have to do is look at the Women's Dome to know it has, or 
had, a big problem with mold. I was simply conceding that since I hadn't been 
inside in quite a while, I didn't have all the answers. Unlike you, apparently.

 On Jun 23, 2017, at 9:24 PM, feste37 <> wrote:

 The most relevant part of this poster's response is contained in the very 
first sentence: "from the little I know." 

How true. 

<salsunshineiniowa@...> wrote :

 lol…The Dooms are mold-filled too, from the little I know, and the roofs leak 
there as well.  Mold and poor construction seem to follow the TMO like a bad 
case of the flu since they rarely take good care of things.  Would love to know 
the condition of Barhydt pre-1973, was it a mess then?  If not, it’s just one 
more building that they let go to ruin undoubtedly because they wanted a good 
excuse to get rid of it, maybe because it was positioned slightly awkwardly.  
Who knows.   Beautiful old place, I would have paid the half mill.  You know 
how the TMO pisses away $$??  Gold this and gold that, expensive leaflets and 
catalogues that nobody reads. But a beautiful old building, not to mention the 
ponds as well as potholes galore?  The nicest parts of campus were the ones 
they got rid of first.  Meanwhile the ghastly frats? As well as most of the 
so-called pods?  Still there.  It’s like they want the campus to be as ugly as 
possible, and they are succeeding. 

 And Doug, you have got to be kidding.  You know as well as I do it was all for 
show, people in white sitting looking down on everyone else while they pretend 
to care for about 10 minutes.  But let others in that have been banned?  Oh no, 
we won’t go that far!  Elitism at its finest.  Remember how “modern mental 
health” was going to be coming?  How many young adult suicides have there been 
since that?  And absolutely *nothing* has changed.


On Jun 23, 2017, at 5:44 PM, j_alexander_stanley@... 
mailto:j_alexander_stanley@... [FairfieldLife] <> wrote:

 Oh gawd, not the friggin' chapel drama again. When I was at MIU, I had to 
meditate on the rock-hard pews in that mold-filled shithole. It was full of 
mold because the roof leaked; they threw a bunch of money at the roof, and it 
didn't stay fixed because the foundation was crumbling. It was gonna cost 
around half a million dollars to fix the foundation, and it didn't make sense 
to spend that kind of money on a building that wasn't all that useful to the 

Plus, it was also Sthapatya Vedicly wonky.

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