> Begin forwarded message:
> From: John Hagelin <nationalya...@tm.org>
> Subject: Rain Yagya for Fairfield
> Date: July 31, 2017 at 4:05:53 AM CDT
> To: dickm...@lisco.com
> Reply-To: John Hagelin 
> <campaigns.819023.28247609.f94ad43...@campaigns.netsuite.com>
> Yagya for Rain in Fairfield,
> Maharishi Vedic City, and Jefferson County
> Dear Friends,
> As you can see, Fairfield and the surrounding areas are in a drought. June 
> and July are normally two of our rainiest months, yet this year, we have only 
> had a few brief showers. If this continues, our beautiful trees and shrubs 
> will suffer permanent damage.
> This is somewhat of an anomaly. Many other parts of Iowa, and the nation as a 
> whole, are having plenty of rain—in many cases, too much rain.
> To address this local need for rain, we will be having a Yagya to break the 
> drought in our local area.
> Recall that during the major drought of 2012, a National YagyaSM performance 
> was done to bring rain where needed. It ended the drought throughout the 
> Central U.S. and other parts of the country. 
> It’s a tall order to repeat that success, and there is no guarantee that a 
> single Yagya will alleviate these extreme conditions. But if we don’t step 
> up, who will?
> We ask that everyone in our meditator community join in. While large 
> donations are certainly needed, even those of modest means can support this 
> Yagya with your intention and a donation of any amount.
> Please share this email with your friends in the area who may not have 
> received it.
> This 11-day Yagya for nourishing rain will start on the evening of August 10.
> The Sankalpa (intention) of the Yagya will be:
> Bringing abundant rain to Fairfield,
> Maharishi Vedic City, and Jefferson County, Iowa.
> Ending the drought.
> Sunday, August 6, is the final day to sign up.
> Please click now 
> <http://campaigns.tm.org/app/crm/marketing/campaignlistener.nl?__lstr=__cl&c=819023&__h=618578ca90de0f8076bd&__r=28247609&eou=aHR0cHM6Ly9kb25hdGUudmVkaWNwYW5kaXRzLm9yZy9uYXRpb25hbHlhZ3lhL3JhaW4teWFneWEucGhw&_od=aHR0cHM6Ly9mb3Jtcy5uZXRzdWl0ZS5jb20*>
>  to offer your support.
> If you make a gift of $1,250 or more, you, someone you designate, or your 
> company will be named on each day of the Vedic performance.
> May abundant good fortune smile on America, and may Maharishi’s great legacy 
> of peace and enlightenment permanently bless the human race.
> Jai Guru Dev
> John Hagelin
> National Director
> Transcendental Meditation® Program
> P.S. We also encourage everyone to play the Gandharva Veda Rain Raga, 
> continuously, if possible. We have seen wonderful results wherever this has 
> been done on a sufficient scale.
> Here are three good sources:
> 1. MUM radio station, KHOE 95.4 FM, will be broadcasting the Rain Raga 
> continuously from midnight until 6 am, and four times a day during their 
> regular broadcasting times.
> 2. On the web: ListenOnRepeat.com 
> <http://campaigns.tm.org/app/crm/marketing/campaignlistener.nl?__lstr=__cl&c=819023&__h=618578ca90de0f8076bd&__r=28247609&eou=aHR0cDovL2xpc3Rlbm9ucmVwZWF0LmNvbS8_dj1yVnIwLUc1el96dyNSYWdhX01lZ2hfKFJhaW4tTWVsb2R5KV9NYWhhcmlzaGlfR2FuZGhhcnZhLVZlZGE*&_od=aHR0cHM6Ly9mb3Jtcy5uZXRzdWl0ZS5jb20*>.
> 3. The Maharishi Veda App: MaharishiVedaApp.com 
> <http://campaigns.tm.org/app/crm/marketing/campaignlistener.nl?__lstr=__cl&c=819023&__h=618578ca90de0f8076bd&__r=28247609&eou=aHR0cDovL3d3dy5tYWhhcmlzaGl2ZWRhYXBwLmNvbS8*&_od=aHR0cHM6Ly9mb3Jtcy5uZXRzdWl0ZS5jb20*>.
> Feel free to contact Stan Crowe, the Director of our U.S. National Yagya 
> Program: stancr...@nationalyagya.org <mailto:stancr...@nationalyagya.org>
> © 2017 Maharishi Foundation USA, a non-profit educational organization. All 
> rights reserved.
> Transcendental Meditation®, TM®, and National Yagya are protected trademarks
> and are used in the U.S. under license or with permission.
>       You are subscribed as <dickm...@lisco.com <mailto:dickm...@lisco.com>>. 
> Click here 
> <http://campaigns.tm.org/app/crm/marketing/campaignlistener.nl?__lstr=__cl&c=819023&__h=618578ca90de0f8076bd&__r=28247609&eou=aHR0cHM6Ly9mb3Jtcy5uZXRzdWl0ZS5jb20vYXBwL2NybS9tYXJrZXRpbmcvY2FtcGFpZ25saXN0ZW5lci5ubD9fX2xzdHI9X19zdSZjPTgxOTAyMyZfX2g9ODVlZGVlMWI1MmE3YTY5YzcxN2EmX19yPTI4MjQ3NjA5Jl9fb2k9bQ**&_od=aHR0cHM6Ly9mb3Jtcy5uZXRzdWl0ZS5jb20*>
>  to manage your email subscription preferences. 
> Click here 
> <http://campaigns.tm.org/app/crm/marketing/campaignlistener.nl?__lstr=__cl&c=819023&__h=618578ca90de0f8076bd&__r=28247609&eou=aHR0cHM6Ly9mb3Jtcy5uZXRzdWl0ZS5jb20vYXBwL2NybS9tYXJrZXRpbmcvY2FtcGFpZ25saXN0ZW5lci5ubD9fX2xzdHI9X19zdSZjPTgxOTAyMyZfX2g9ODVlZGVlMWI1MmE3YTY5YzcxN2EmX19yPTI4MjQ3NjA5Jl9fb2k9dQ**&_od=aHR0cHM6Ly9mb3Jtcy5uZXRzdWl0ZS5jb20*>
>  or reply to this email with 'unsubscribe' in the subject to unsubscribe from 
> this list or if you feel you have received this message in error.
> This message was sent from Maharishi Foundation USA, Inc. P.O. Box 670 
> Fairfield IA 52556 United States. Click here 
> <http://campaigns.tm.org/app/crm/marketing/campaignlistener.nl?__lstr=__cl&c=819023&__h=618578ca90de0f8076bd&__r=28247609&eou=aHR0cHM6Ly9mb3Jtcy5uZXRzdWl0ZS5jb20vYXBwL3NpdGUvY3JtL2V4dGVybmFsY2FzZXBhZ2Uubmw_Y29tcGlkPU5MQ09SUCZmb3JtaWQ9MTUmaD1BQUNmZmh0X3BUQS1FZ0REVXM2YVlNRjk1bEh2dTBGUjVhMCUzRCZ0aXRsZT1DYW1wYWlnbitFbWFpbCtBYnVzZSZjdXN0ZW50aXR5NzM9ODE5MDIz&_od=aHR0cHM6Ly9mb3Jtcy5uZXRzdWl0ZS5jb20*>
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